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Entering The Herd


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About myself.: I like weight lifting, boxing, role palying, writting and drawing along with animations. I am also englsih and love tea, no joke.

How did you hear about Canterlot.com?: Well, I heard it being said on tru capitalist radio when I was drawing and lsitening to ghost rage and started to wonder if it was a joke or seriuos advertisement after hearding of it for about three times. When I found this page after making a search my intial reaction was this:[flash=]

height=128 For I knew that with this site the last pockets of resistence of my escape from my fandom was doomed to crumble.

How did you became a fan of FiM?: Well, A freind at college wacthed it and I noticed there was a lot of fans around some clips on youtube. I naturalyl connected as soon as I saw this that the show must be doing something very well to get so many fans. Well, you can imagine the rest.

My one favourite main cast pony?: Pinkamina Diane Pie

Well, hmm. First of all I guess I should mention that I am a artist and a writer with various other hobbies ranging from weight lifting to boxing at this moment in time, I work out four days a week when I am not too focused on a project to forget about my schedule which is a rare occurrence but it happens, I was a traditional pencil and paper artist for a very long time, since I was able to hold a pencil in fact and as such drawing is my life long passion and dominants most of my decision, my desires and my dreams. I like to think that art has the power to bring people together, formulate communities and give refuge to people who are having a dreadful time in life and as such It has been my life long ambition to hopefully bring to people a piece of living art that they themselves can find comfort and inspiration from.

This is the reason I like my little pony, when I was going into animation and following my dream I forgot along the way exactly the impact art can have, it showed me a massive fanbase of music, pictures, videos and writings along with a flurry of memes to remind exactly what effort and artistic expression can bring to people and pushed me forward once more to start being more artistic where before I was planning to go into law like my father did. At the moment I am an student who just entered animation although I am very new and have a lot to learn. My style or method is traditional frame by frame drawings rather than relying on vector or tweens. I plan to however work on my vector/ tweening skills too. While I was an pencil/ paper artist not long ago I became a digital artist and have stuck to that style, also my works have included color now which is something new to me and as such my skills in coloring are not that great although I tried to add texture and keep it stimulating to look at with the skills I have already.

-Why have you joined?-

I joined for one major reason and that is that I feel it is only right that I try to contribute something to this fanbase that gave me the slap across the head to remind me why I do what I do.

-How do you plan to do this?-

Why I am no master artist or skilled writer and clearly a rough, new animator I still have some capabilities. Right now I want to revamp my deviant art profile and I am taking request. I am not very good at making fan art myself but I have handled time based fanart request before. Once even having to do a fan piece in two weeks in the middle of college which took a total of 52 hours or so. I was never good at copying characters exactly and I had to do six and I felt it came out to a good degree although its obvious it was in my style.

-Why have you joined this site and not..Ponychan or something?-Because this site seemed relatively safe, it has a role palying section and as such I know that if one day I try to contribute a story or writting here theres is definately a section that will appreciate it or at least look at it.

-If I make a request what would the time line be for it to be finished roughly-

well, I will attend request as soon I finish my current assignment which is at the end of next week. There I will have a brief period between projects to attend my deviant art page which I want to dust off. I will not be able to do multi character/ full world scape portraits since those take up to about 30-50 hours for me and sometimes longer but if you want a icon, a design, a seethe, a full character portrait or simply have an idea you want to put forward. Go ahead.

-Wheres the link to your DA?- Right here my good fellow: http://treeonthehill.deviantart.com/

-You said you write and draw, what have you done that pony related so far-

At the moment because I am still pretty new to the fanbase and pretty new to animating as well, I haven't had time to really make fan art ideas that wouldn't take too long. I am however practicing pony based drawings off the web on paper, messing with designs and conjuring, talking and switching ideas with certain members for possible pony related projects in the future. So the answer right now is..none.

But all that means its a better time to start than ever.

-How do you write, do you have example, even if its not pony related- I have an example right here of my style. Now I am an artist not a writer but some have said I am a fair writer. Heres an excerpt from a past role play:

The sounds of fighting, the screams of ear shattering noises emitted from the immediate quarrel made the new being only flinch his ears slightly as he rested in the same spot, seemingly un-willing to move from his location as he stared forth at the figures upon the grassy patches of land before him. A moment of breathing past as the first shurikan came flying towards, it spiraled towards him force with enough intensity to tear through both armor and flesh of any man no matter how strong and the prospect that its was now only a few feet away only forced the angel to silently but noticeably move the two head light like eyes he had upwards towards the general direction that who attempted to cause him harm with such a weapon although the angelic presence barely did much action besides give the angel Ishkur a glance before returning his eyes back to the direction of the forests that was a good distance away from him. With a straight neck and a un-recognizable stare at the world around him it was hard to tell if he carried curiosity or amazement or maybe even possibly hatred for what he has seen, he merely stared forth with little emotion or reaction although the fact his face was hidden and obscured by the inky substances all over his frame could of easily been the reason for this in-ability to interpret his intentions. The newly birthed form seemed stubborn to take a single step, his legs straight as they had been as if he had suddenly forgot how to walk or had heavily weighted his feet to the floor, making him stay reflectionless of the deeds around him as the Shurikan shattered from the sonic scream that had occurred just before reaching a foot from his forehead, the blade trembled and vibrated just for split second before making the now destroyed blade let out a heavy gasp when the materials emitted a noise similar to breaking glass when being separated into different parts, each still hailing forth through the air and falling over and around the beings body and thus failing to hit him every time. The best that shattered blade could reply to its failure was a tiny grunt as is pieces hit the floor, making little tings as they each fell upon the naked Earth before every ones feet. Those pillars of light very weakly tilted to the side as if the blackened being was vaguely moving his irises to peek at the side of his orbs as the sounds of foot steps increased when the boots of a royal blood came into ear shoot. It was a mere second but somehow that second manage to stretch itself out to an eternity, that ones mysterious but heavenly gazes of light soon re-directed themselves entirely, even so much as to let the neck this stranger twirl slightly to face the young prince before him, completely engulfing him a vision of light, it was almost as everything slowed down just for a second as this one person become the source of the newborns attention.

The sounds of fighting seemed to become murmurs, the attempts at causing harm melted away for that one moment, that one moment it was almost as the world was actually shutting down just for the two to stare at each other. A tiny change in expression emerged before the obscured face of the divine presence which was a tiny, almost un-seeable widen of his eyes occurred to the sides of his lids as if he had taken some sort of acknowledgement of his existents. Those lights intensified yet somehow they let those within there gaze still look forth at the barer of them, a strange feeling none the less as it was like looking into two miniature suns yet remaining no damage or harmful effects on ones observers infact they sent a slight tingling sensation just at the bottom of the onlookers orbs, almost like the same feeling one would get when one was to cry out for joy, the warmth extended as all got closer and the distinct feeling of fathers brushing against ones skin and stroking their spine came into play the more they shortened the distance from the new creature. All this happened in nothing but a second, maybe even less but it was so much it was as if the world had to slow itself down for such a sensation to be given to someone all at one time. Those wide set of gold like orbs slowly lifted just an inch as the figure moved its neck in a higher stance, revealing a small and vague outline of a bone in its neck as it did so, casting his/her/ its chin just a tad higher so its orbs will peer downwards at the one before it, the way a king or a judge would inspect someone from a higher point. A twitch formulated with the angels finger for a mili second before with the breath of an air his wrists started to lift and as with that it dragged its arm up too, his on perfect handed gleaming like the most purest of white steel in the cast of a tropical sun or the most lushful and soft dyed pure silk that somehow managed to never encounter a wrinkle, bruise or scratch upon its perfectly smooth body. Those ample sets of points went to rearrange once more, it was hard to guess as he only managed to let the very bottom of his joints start to twirl themselves inwards before the speed of the world suddenly returned and at full pace. With the re-entrance of the sounds of talking, the beats of thudding hearts and the relinquishment of blood the being had only one tiny moment to gather its wits before suddenly being impacted by something.


A powerful crack soon entered the air as a massive shadow pounded into the figure, making the very earth beneath his feet jump and spit pebbles along with full blown rocks across the landscape, hoping around a few feet upon the first impact which continued it noisy charge upon the newly hatched being that was standing there. The sight of dust and blown about dirt enveloped around the chest of the heavenly existences, making only the frame of that deadly shurikan able to be seen as it spun around, violently twisting its torso over and over with the heavy hums of solid material trying to penetrate something. The blade only let out a aggravated series of grunts and moans as it still twirled onwards, sounds of sizzling entered the scenery as small hints of lights flickered forth from the dusty cloud which now surrounded the two, every second the sounds of electricity increased to the point of being considered thunder , lumbering forth like the whips of demons down the body work of that great device and towards the victim it was now ramming into with all its possible force. The time was small for this to happen but the spectical itself even when shrouded by dust to stop those seeing its actual damage was still enormous and indeed the orchestra of sound that clashed from such an attack was close to the noises one would hear when a natural disaster would happen. As the seconds went on the dust soon departed, rushing away like scared children from the intent of the threatening object, each piece of it falling back to earth or simply vanishing away as the wind hawked in and carried them away. When the visual obscuring mist had been chased away, one could only detect feet, the feet of the black being standing where it was still, not a single inch given or taken by the force of the device that had plummeted towards the beings chest. Each second a piece of that mist would disappear, showing a long, blackened arm and hip, revealing more of its body with each passing second before finally opening up like a curtain at the creations head which had those same eyes open wide and aware as it stared upwards from whence such an attack came from it should be mention that it was hardly surprised but it was indeed actually looking at the hovering angel now rather than glancing at him for a brief period of time.

The massive device slowly started to slow down as it spun, weakening without any more momentum to keep it going or any physical master to drive it to keep going towards it target and thus as a result when the giant blade had started to get exhausted of trying to swim through all of its targets so did the arms of the demons that wiped forth the level of lightening from within its body. It continue to become slower and slower as it simply sat in that one position and that place was directly in front of the beings body. It simply hovered in place, having impact nothing as it came to an achingly sluggish speed, its tip just a a few inches from slamming into its body. It was as if the very air had willed the device to stop in its path but a small hint gave one the impression it was not the world, no. A miniature almost invisible glint entered where the blade had clashed, running along the empty walls of whatever had denied the attack in a smiling diagonal light that was roughly two metre or so tall before vanishing after a few feet. A small opportunity entered the stage, an opportunity to breath and brace oneself before the sight of a very thin, almost invisible line appeared around the figure, being barely the thread of a mouses hair, it grew stronger to the point of being a big outline of something before suddenly stopping, forming the vision of two long shapes that resembled a mobius strip on each side of his body although the ends and beginning had appeared to be completely gone and no amount of waiting or the straining of ones eyes made it appear. Another event came just after the lines had appeared, a color. A long golden ray of light started to rapidly become faded into the gaps between those two puppet string like outlines, filling the middle to be with a semi-transparent shine of sun ray light, almost bright enough to be that of the beings eyes although it was mixed with a new color, a cloud like white that made it shine in a caramel of tints close to that of the clouds up within the deepest most happy grounds in heaven or the most sweetest locks of hair on the head of a little girl that was being caressed by the rising sun at a beach. Those two beams of light extended through out in a wall like structure before suddenly hooking at the top of each sides, dropping downwards and then having four exact copies below one another, all of them being that of the shape of fins or perhaps feathers although they lacked any detail and came off more as hybrid of none existent metal in a way although the transparency of them dismissed such an idea.

Beams of light, transparent but shinning bright hugged the front of that creature, they engulfed and soon revealed that it was they when not in sight are the wall that took place of beings flesh to be penetrated and as the large blade which had now come to a complete halt, only managing a final last of breath of depression as a small but heavy tock carried out from its ceasement of movement, like that of a clocks hand suddenly stopping. That massive weapon begun to let out a final few whines of weak electricity, each skipping over its metal frame for a last second before slowly fading into the darkness of none existence,s it body flowing away into nothing as it stood impaled upon the transparent form of those un-connected limbs that seemed to narrow down towards his towards his back despite not being connected in any way. The beings eyes only blankly stared forth at the angel, ignoring all else around it before making those two large sections of light move about, each of them lazily shuffled an inch as if to brush off the discomfort the blade gave it for a moment before starting to move them outwards, each twisting the mid joints they had or rather where they would of been if it was physical in anyway. Those wings had a weird sense of movement, it was slow as if they were lumbering yet had a strange way of somewhat fighting the wind as if moved as well like that of quilts trying to move against the breeze. The two waves of divine light started to each twist, fighting the wind as they moved to the shoulders of the being, each curved before stretching out to each side in a slow and daunting fashion, reaching for like a pair of jet wings and being equally big as they reached up to ten metres each they sprang out and gently flapped just a little to ensure that they were fully flexed and released from their curved protection from the centre of there master.

More started to show, shines broke through the barriers of the void and within moments a collection of different intense lights started to spiral around the beings head, dressing it in a halo like crown of light that lifted a series of small spikes that come either sides, both reaching up and holding a smaller beam of light upon them like that of a series of support beams holding onto a tip of a tower. That halo shined as brightly as any jewel before shimmering down just enough for ones eyes not to burn when gazing at it. The item left a glow that dressed the area around his scalp in a arua of absolute purity. As these two subjects came onto the stage of this play the sounds of small drips could be heard as the oil like substances on its body begun to slowly and weakly drip off shred by shred. Sliding off despite being sticky and fat like the most deadly of tar as if his very body was so pure it actively rejected any filth that tried to ruin or stain its perfect image. The pale, white and wonderful skin followed all along, dressing his frame upon its arms and legs. The body soon had exspelled all the goo into a puddle beneath it shadow after a good minute to do so while its wings were being revealed. Its eyes and features now on display for both the righteous and the fallen to peer at with there hearts content. The creature stood in a parade of wonderful divine lights that made its skin amplify the sheer level of flawless complexion it had, going beyond even the smooth and wonderful shines of the moon or the visual marvel of the most expensive pearls. That angels hair reached around to its knees in a series of colors, each thread sparkling a bright and vibrant possible tint. One was red, other were blue, some were purple but no matter what color they all had a un-explainable lack of stress or split thread, everything was in line and thus order while also being as soft as any fur on any animal. Those long tails of locks got brushed slightly by a passing breeze, forcing them to travel up its legs a tad and sway to the right, splitting al the strings of hair apart and thus making a massive dance of shades and different paints occur as they spun around like ribbons on a pole before falling back to there original position with a gentle swing from side to side and constantly rearranging the threads position so the colors would cycle. The lack of black revealed a naked body, a body that neither the organs of a man or a women, the chest reached out just enough to be in between both yet utterly smooth and the beings face lacked any detail. All that stood was a symmetrical head with a pair of eyes, a small and petite nose along with a pair of firmly closed but flawless lips that failed to be too big or too small. Its expression was nothing but inspection as if the very atmosphere around it was to be judged.

-Animation, any chance we can request animations from you?-

sadly. No, the time lines are far too small and I want to devote time to reviving my dead deviant art into a My little pony based project and perhaps join a few groups too, maybe change skins.

-When you produce animations will you set a page here for them to be viewed-

All my animations, both small and big will be uploaded into my youtube channel. While though they will not all be pony based, I hold onto my pervious statement about the creaks of possible gears turning about pony related themes in the future. But I don't want to get ahead of myself. When my youtube channel has something I will add it in my signature and properly make a post about it in the art section.

-You won't write any grimdark fanfics will you?- nope.avi

Anyway. I properly won't be really socially into this board that much, I may be because I am a digital artist and a animation students soo..I'm here a lot but I also have things I have to focus on alot as well to get my plans going. I do hope though that I bring at least something worthwhile to the community

Phew..next time I think I'll just draw a pony with Hello at the bottom *collapses*.

Edited by Sulvuss
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I'm MyLittlePonyTales, but I just go by Tales around here. I'm one of the many great staff here at Canterlot. Please feel free to message any of us with any questions or concerns you have, or you can just leave another comment here!

If you didn't already, please take a moment to check out the rules section, just so that you're up to speed! :RDash:

You'll also need to make at least 3 comments anywhere in the Introductions section before you can post on other parts of the board.

A good place to go if you're looking to meet a lot of new Bronies is the Chat Room & live roleplay.

Welcome to Canterlot!

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uv1Il.png Dat intro

anyway Welcome to canterlot, i'm sure you'll have a wonderful time I'm sure you'll find everypony to be very nice here and don't hesitate to ask for help with anything!

Thanks. I was actually pretty doubtful about it.

Normally when I enter a forum I let off a story worth intro about my life, experience and motivations but this time I decided to try and keep it informative but organised and much less like a auto bio. Didn't want to send everyone off to sleep just trying to read my first post.

Sure, it lost a bit more of the personal touch because of that but at leasts its in managable chunks for none reading fans.

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