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Feelings.. Music... Feelings of good and love


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So. Hi everypony!!

love.... feelings of astonishment... feelings of greatness!!

What gets you to the next day?

Is it ponies??

Is it music???

Is it friendship that relates like no others relativism???

or WHAT?!

What brings you to the next day to feel the way of carrying on like no other?

Im sooo curious what makes you tick clockwise (to make you work, play, have fun, enjoy the day, carry on...

Im curious what makes you GO GO GO!

Why do you live today the way you live TODAY?!?!

Im curious...

SO tell me..................

Me, myself?... I carry on live, and go on by music.....

Music makes me gallop like no otherpony has galloped before!

Music by sense of heart, makes me go on the day like I could never before!

I get a sense of satisfaction from the tunes rhythmic and love of music like nothing else...

I get an understanding from melodies that nothing else can give....

I GET OFF FROM MUSIC?...........!

Slow.................. fast.. or other... it just tunes my soul..

MLP intro music or symphony (from a college perspective) or and other music thats great,

just gets me............... where im going...!

I wanna know HOW YOU GO ON DAY BY DAY...

Knowing... not all is great.. but the thing you are listening to right at the moment.. brings

you to greatness... everlasting.. ever understanding... and completion..

I wanna know..... The kind of music you listen to... that keeps you alive...

in this world we live today.... I WANNA KNOW...

What keep you alive..??

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Music does for a little while. But then you realise that you can't stay closed off from everything forever. So you gotta find something else.

My something else, I guess, would be my imagination and the several different worlds I've created inside my head.

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Music is good.

I was a metalhead in High School, now I pretty much listen to everything. It gets me through the day :3

And it's a useful tool for ignoring people you don't want to listen to. Like when my roommate feels like he has to nag at me over something trivial! :D

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Strange people are normal people.

Knowing that I think and act exactly the same as everyone else in the world.

Now by knowing this I now know how now to think how everybody else would think.

So it is possible to know what other people think just by knowing what I think!

I can think like you because I know I AM YOU!

So now that we've established that I am you I now know how not to be you!

I now know that I am different!

And by being different I am not you!

So I wake up in the morning knowing that I am me and you are you!

No-one else is me and no one else is you if they don't think like you!

But they do, so they won't so they are they!

We are we!

Unless you knew that already....

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What makes me go?

I would say what makes me go is the endless possibilities of the day ahead of me. No matter how bad things get, the world still runs on chance and luck. Any second, your luck can change, and your life with it. It's that curiosity that drives me to my next day. What exactly DOES tomorrow have in store? Will I find a $100 bill? Will I be killed? Will I live a normal day? There are so many things that could and will happen, and I want to see them. I want to see the world unfold, and I want to see the pages of this book turned. There's too much out there to NOT go on to the next day. Look up to the sky, each of those lights are a system of planets, like our own. Every single light out there could be someone looking back at you. Now how big does that make the world seem to you? There's simply too much to sit still. I want to see everything I can.

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It's music. I would be lost without music. Somehow, just listening to one album in the background can make me feel dozens of emotions all at once, bring about memories good and bad, make me think about what the song says about me and my future, and plenty of other things. Not just listening, but playing. Sometimes I just like to sit with my bass and just...think. Sometimes I'll play a random song I know, sometimes I'll jut fiddle around until I find a rhythm I feel. And besides feeling, I love to imagine. Listen to this song. Close your eyes, feel the music inside you, and think about what this could be in life.


What do you picture? A moment in your past? A long forgotten friend? Something going on with you right now? I picture myself on a snowy cliff-top, standing in the snow and looking out at a lit up city in the night. I'm alone, thinking about my significance in the world. What have I accomplished? What mark have I left on the face of history? Will I be remembered? Do the people I know and impact today really care about me? Do they forgive me for all of the ways I've wronged them? It's not too late to make something of myself, or show the people that care about me that I care about them just as much, if not more. I have infinite possibilities. I can do anything. I will become something great one day.

See that? I wrote that as I listened to the song just now. Music is powerful. It's a universal language with an infinite vocabulary. It can bring up emotions, memories, fantasies, and anything else you can possibly think of. Were there no music in this world, there would be no life. At least, it wouldn't be a life worth living at all.

THAT is what keeps me going in life.

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Is this a music question? I started with Jazz, as it was all my father listened to. Then I discovered the radio half of my clock radio, and became enamored with Classic Rock. Then in my third or so year of high school, I discovered VH1 and demanded radio stations that played the Top 40. In searching those those, I found the Alternative station. More high school, I met a friend with a powerful internet connection and I discovered Third Wave Ska. What soothes my soul, though? Oh, lots of things. Mostly, just my comfort zone in music. I always enjoy heightening whatever mood I'm in with appropriate soundtracks!

Is this a soulful question? What gets me through my day? My wife. I blame things like the Princess Bride on this, but I believe true love can be the most powerful force in the universe. But enough of that for now. Let's talk about imagination. There's a vast multiverse in my head just begging to be given form, via fiction or comic or video. I wish I could be driven to do more. But those are long term answers, aren't they? Moment to moment, I like smiles. I like laughing. People should be happy, or else something is wrong. I think it's why I act the way I do sometimes (see: Pinkie Pie). I will pratfall, or wear boxes of armor, or make the worst possible pun, etc etc. Laughter is the very best medicine. Remember that when your appendix bursts next week.

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