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Android Wallpapers?


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Looking for a good MLP wallpaper (Preferably RD) that works on an Android Phone (EVO 4G) --- Android chops the wallpaper into 5 parts so most end up looking... silly... because it only shows the center 1/5th most of the time...

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It's not actually 'Android' that's spreading your image across how ever many home-screens you're currently using, it's actually the 'Launcher' that came with your phone.

To explain, Android is the OS and the Launcher is the GUI.

Take Linux, for example, on your desktop. You'll install Linux and different builds come with different GUIs or window managers. Gnome, KDE, Unity, etc.

You can change your GUI very very easily simply by choosing one in the Android Market. Most are free.

This does NOT uninstall the one that came with your phone! It's safe.

- To revert back to your old one, simply uninstall the new one from your application manager.

You do NOT lose your Apps or Widgets. They'll all be right there and you add them to your HomeScreen the same way as normal.

Have a look at some of the more popular and higher-reviewed options available.

Simple google search reveals articles like this:


Personally, I use Launcher Pro. Reason: Not as feature-packed as some of the others but appears solid and stable on my Galaxy S. Am yet to experience a crash.

And to your original question: When I set my wall paper in Launcher Pro it allows me to have the image spread or 'chopped' across my home-screens or allows me to just have the same image on all screens... you'll find ALL the other 3rd pary launchers will do the same.

Do a little research and read reviews. If it doesn't work out, your original launcher's still there waiting for you.

Hope this info helps!

P.s. I'm moving this thread as it's not actually anything to do with artwork.

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To explain, Android is the OS and the Launcher is the GUI.

Take Linux, for example.

Well just in case they dont know what linux is let me sum up:

In the computer world there is big debate between PC vs Mac, PC referring to computers using Windows and Mac referring to apple based computers with OSX.

Linux is an alternative to both, offering an alternative to both the above.

Linux is a kernel, the core of a OS thus why if you look up linux you see so many names crop up.

Also its open source meaning its not a closed off system like windows or OSX.

Now just in case you dont know what open source is, open source is a term to describe software not bogged down by some big company, instead its code anyone can modify and or use.

You may wonder "well it must be insecure then!" no because the code is open you can make open source software ten times more secure then closed source ones.

Of course exploits do happen.

Anyhow Linux is the most popular OS outside of the main 2, and yes if you are using android you are using linux as android is based off linux.

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I actually solved this dilemma by accident last night. When you go to the Android Market, search for 'Zedge'. It's a free app that has tons of wallpapers, ringtones, and message sounds. I was looking to replace my Christmas wallpaper (seeing as how it's over) and I typed 'My Little Pony' in its search bar. I came up with 13 wallpapers, 67 ringtones, and 11 message noises. Now I have Twilight as my wallpaper, Winter Wrap Up as my ringtone, and Big Macintosh as my message sound. *smiles* I couldn't be happier with the results.

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