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I'll be honest with you guys...


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I think you bring up an interesting point, and what you are referencing is some of the deeper psychology behind what makes FiM so popular, and why we all enjoy it. Would we still enjoy the series if it was called something completely different, and the ponies were, say, birds? Or squids? What "X" factor in particular makes the series so enjoyable?

I think the answers are as numerous and multifaceted as a gem in Rarity's collection, though I think we can all agree that the property has changed (for the better!), and we're sort of stuck in the middle as the "unintended audience." Viewers liking material targeted toward young girls is nothing new, it's just never happened on this scale, or in a way that's so accessible and, more importantly, accepted. To challenge that is to challenge the values you were sociologically embedded with since birth, but I am glad to see it's happening, as it can only mean good things for everyone -- especially Lauren's intended and original audience.

Very insightful there. On that topic, i find it funny how Trainsformers and GI Joe were basically the same thing, just focused on boys instead, and yet at the time i didn't think it was just a marketing ploy for boys to buy there toys (and i did...) So i dont understand why i still hate the old MLP for that and not Transformers and GI Joe (although, with the current stuff they're putting out, i'd say MLP is muuuch better now that what Transformers and GI Joe are... at least as far as TV and movies are concerned.

But as for the whole 'what if it was soemthing else?" topic, i dunno... I think it wouldve worked if it were other animals... considering the other show Faust made were just as enjoyable, i really think she's just got the magic touch when it comes to family and children entertainment... So frankly, i think she's a goddess of animated entertainment, if she touches it, it's probably good.

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I think the reason for that connection may be because you watched G.I. Joe and Transformers growing up while you didn't watch G1 My Little Pony, you don't have the same attachment to it so you're less inclined to see the shows you grew up watching as simply a half hour commercial though you do realise now that they were. And you probably didn't see those shows as an advertisement when you were a child because you were part of the audience, the show was made so boys in your age group would be more likely to identify with it, yourself included, and since you could identify with the characters you would be more hesitant to write it off as a commercial since that would cheapen it somewhat, even if you aren't doing it conciously

Now, I was born when they were finishing the first generation (Technically the age of Pony Tales and the toys that accompanied it were still G1, and I was born in summer 1991) so I watched a good few 80s shows, including the movie and pilot of the first My Little Pony series, so my saying that I didn't see it or any of the other shows I watched as being a commercial dosen't really hold much weight since I didn't have the toys coming out along with the series. But my parents did point out with a couple of things that they were basically long comercials (though most of the series I watched were either more focused on the characters than promoting the line of toys or had no merchandise at all) and in some cases I acknowledged that fact and knew that I could still read or watch it but that I had to keep that in mind (for example a book one of my playmates had that was basically a 22 page advertisement for a Barbie Computer) and in some cases I realised that but really didn't care

As for the comment about adults watching shows aimed at little girls, my parents never put the same importance on fitting within ideas about gender and the traits that lined up happened to line up without my being pushed into it. Though being female there isn't the same social preassure for me to have girly intrests as there is for men; if a girl likes things that boys like she may meet with some resistance but not as much as a boy who likes things aimed at girls. It's the same sort of thing as in the movie Kinder Garden Cop when the Mother of one of the boys is concerned that her Son plays with dolls until she finds out that he only played with them so he could look up their skirts, basically it's just as hard if not harder for males to fight their gender sterio type becuase girls have the women's liberation movement to back them up so even if they meet some opposition there's also something telling them that there are lots of other girls who think the same way, while if a boy goes against the male steriotypes people will think that there's something wrong with him

But going back to the topic of the theme song, I don't really mind it, though I find it a bit strange reading it; I usually don't read it if I'm watching a captioned episode and sometimes I'll skip the opening if I'm really anxious to see the actual episode. But there is one show in particular that I've often skiped over the theme song of when I watch it on DVD, I'm not sure why though; one reason is probably because the song is a bit slow-paced, it's a lovely song and the full version is wonderful but I often skip past the usual ending scene. I think it started the first time I watched the series, the first DVD had come out almost 6 months before (the only reason I hadn't been able to get it then was because it came out a few days after my birthday) the other two volumes were already out and I was really anxious to watch the episodes so after the first few episodes I just skipped past the song

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I'm kinda torn on the opening. I thought the beginning homage was pretty cute at first, and each of the mane six's little speaking roles are a nice touch, but I'm bored of it. Considering the other songs the show has come out with, I think the opening could have been better. Then again, it's not much of a problem for me, because I watch all my shows on dvr so I can skip commercials AND the openings. Of everything.

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I have somewhat mixed feelings on the opening. I like it while at the same time, not really. It is a cute opening and the song is pretty catchy. I catch myself singing or humming it to myself once in a while but there is a part in my mind that gets annoyed with the repetitiveness, especially watching so many episodes in a row like I did when I first founded Friendship is Magic. I have skipped over it a few times in watching the episodes and sometimes, I find that the theme kills the mood that the first opening scenes of the episode shows. What I mean by that is that for some episodes, you have a semi-serious opening then suddenly, you hear the theme come in. I don't know about everyone else, but that ruins it for me a little bit sometimes. I still love the show nonetheless. I just find that funny. Though, I will add that I did like how they changed it up a little for Season 2.

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I'm worse than you are. Folks might get a little mad at me for saying this, but I honestly cannot stand any of the songs; I find them so annoying and obnoxious that I tend to change the channel. It's only when they come on that it really hits me that I'm watching a show intended for children and the shame kicks in.

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I'm worse than you are. Folks might get a little mad at me for saying this, but I honestly cannot stand any of the songs; I find them so annoying and obnoxious that I tend to change the channel. It's only when they come on that it really hits me that I'm watching a show intended for children and the shame kicks in.

I can understand this, but I feel no shame for watching children's shows. It's my damn life and I intend to do whatever I want with it. Even if that includes watching a Kid's show that happens to be good.

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I can understand this, but I feel no shame for watching children's shows. It's my damn life and I intend to do whatever I want with it. Even if that includes watching a Kid's show that happens to be good.

See, it's the kind that I see aimed at super young kids that for some reason gets to me. I'm total cartoon junky in that it's basically all I watch (I'm a total fantard over the Brave Little Toaster). MLP is the most cutesiest, kid friendly cartoon out of all of them I've ever been a fan of and for some reason I just kind of have the impulse to keep it quiet. I'll admit I like Jem and the Holograms any day, but MLP... I can't really explain it.

I guess I just sort of needed something that's always bright and happy?

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See, it's the kind that I see aimed at super young kids that for some reason gets to me. I'm total cartoon junky in that it's basically all I watch (I'm a total fantard over the Brave Little Toaster). MLP is the most cutesiest, kid friendly cartoon out of all of them I've ever been a fan of and for some reason I just kind of have the impulse to keep it quiet. I'll admit I like Jem and the Holograms any day, but MLP... I can't really explain it.

I guess I just sort of needed something that's always bright and happy?

Sir, I'm a gothic poet and writer who is obsessed with death and suffers from depression and anxiety.If I like it, anyone can.

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Man, I can't really stand the intro song... I never listen to it... I've maybe listened to it once or twice.

This fact does not make you less of a brony.

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