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Your Friends and Associated Imagery!

Guest EoLPinkie

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Guest EoLPinkie

Hellooooooooooooo everypony! :D I was thinking randomly last night (is there any other way to think?!) about how my friends, myself, and family all associate each other with fun stuff! My mom says I look like a wolf when I'm being deliciously evil and mischievous, which might come from me trying to learn how to raise hackles at our dogs when I was little so I could have stand-offs with them! On the supernatural spooky ghosty side of things, my bestest friend says dark angel artwork always reminds him of me :D

A married couple that I'm friends with are a koi fish and a kitsune for the wife and husband respectively :smirk: I always thought they went well together since they're both Asiany. I'm even going to go see the husband get a huge kitsune tattoo on his back sometime soon! My best friend from before is a bear, and one of our mutual friends reminds me of a ghost because she's so pale and wispy. A Casper ghost cuz she's really fun! Just thought I'd share and see what my fellow ponies think of those close to them! Or maybe I'm just weird for thinking of friends that way. It's totally possible! :P

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mm, my friend's mom says I run like a gazelle (because I jump when I run XD)

I have a friend that sorta looks like a guinea pig. or at least he used to when he wore big hoddies all the time. now he mostly wears Tshirts and sweater vests :/ also the fact that he grew taller and skinnier didn't help the image much

my cat looks like a racoon

and some other stuffs too, but I can't think of what they might be at the moment...

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A friend once told me that she thought I looked like a huge bear... well, a teddy bear, but I'm not going to split hairs about it. Said I looked intimidating but that when you got past it that I was rather hugable and cudly.

Another friend once told me I looked like a wolf on the hunt. Couldn't get him to elaborate on that beyond him saying, "you just strike me as a wolf and you always seem ready for something." Don't know what he meant by that. My reflex are horrible. Heck, you could yell out "Watch out! That car is coming at you lest than a mile an hour from two block away!" and I probably wouldn't react till I was sprawled on the hood of it. :P

Guess if you put them together, you I resemble a bea-olf? Wol-ear? *shrug*

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My family and some of friends say I'm like a rabbit, I'm normally very quiet but once I get going, I seem to bounce randomly everywhere, saying random things.

I know one of my friends is like a cat because of the way he acts but the funny thing is, when he yawns he sometimes sounds like a Wookiee.

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