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So hey, I'm Chaz. I've been watching MLP:FiM since the first episode when the fad caused a small-scale flame war on a site I moderate. If I was going to figure out who was trolling who, I needed to understand what the heck they were talking about. It's a tough job but I was up to the task, haha.

I immediately enjoyed the show and I catch a youtube link from a member of my site whenever a new episode comes out. I wasn't obsessed or anything. I just enjoyed the show. It was surprising to me how so many people referred to themselves as "bronies." Like in order to validate their liking of the show, they had to belong to a community that somehow made it acceptable. I'm also a bit older than what I understand to be "brony" age (I'm 27). Now I find it hilarious that I would consider somebody "too old" to be a brony, a community founded by people considered too old to enjoy the show. Really, of all communities, I really doubt the one preaching love and tolerance would have a problem with somebody getting close to 30. I suppose some of the reason I avoided integrating into the community is because I was around for the toy craze when I was very young. To me, My Little Pony was a series of dumb toys for girls. This show changed that perception.

Through links on my website, I eventually found the nearly endless supply of mashups, fandubs, musical remixes, and tributes to the show on youtube. The creativity of the brony community really astounds me with the sheer magnitude of amazing material. It dawned on me today. I'm watching brony-created videos everyday. I'm listening to brony-created music every day. I read My Little Dashie recently (honestly I thought it was very poorly written, but I may have squirted out a tear >.>). I just watched an hour-long documentary on brony culture: Ballad of the Brony. I figured I should probably just give in and admit to myself that I am a brony. The first thing I wanted to do was join a pony forum. I like forums. Honestly I never visited Equestria Daily and I figured it was a forum. It was the only pony-dedicated website that I knew of. I found out that it's more of a blog. I'm sure that works fine as a community for plenty of people and I love and tolerate all of them. But I like having a forum where I can ramble on and on about whatever. You may have noticed that I can be a bit verbose with this introduction. Thank you for reading it!

As far as details about myself, I am a Math Teacher in New Jersey. I'm not working yet (I just finished student teaching about a month ago), but I'm applying all over the state and hope to at least be substitute teaching soon. The forum name is what I use for any website. The explanation isn't very exciting. Chaz was a poker nickname in college and for whatever reason, the song "All That Jazz" was stuck in my head. A decade ago, I was a stage performer and I starred in Bugsy Malone. That was one of the songs from the show. The two fit together. It was unique. I liked the way it sounded. So I started using it with a livejournal and later with forums when I began using those. My favorite pony is Pinkie. Something just grabbed me about her personality. Perhaps it's because we share the belief that humor can solve most problems. Maybe it's because Giggle at the Ghostie was stuck in my head for weeks. Maybe it's because I find boundless optimism charming and funny. Later on I grew to love her even more because she showed that she wasn't invincible. She was capable of doubt in herself and in her friends. It sent her to a very dark place which told me a lot about her character and made me laugh at the same time. So yeah, Pinkie. On hobbies, I guess I spend too much time on the internet. I do a fair amount of gaming - mostly oldschool pokemon, Rock Band, and D&D. I play some LoL too but I tend to hate everything about the game. I find that's a common story among players.

Anyway, if you're still reading, thanks a bunch. I'm glad a community that values love and tolerance exists on a place as devoid of virtue as the internet. I'm proud to consider myself among you. I'm always open to meeting new people. By all means send me a message sometime. Take care :D.

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I'm MyLittlePonyTales, but I just go by Tales around here. I'm one of the many great staff here at Canterlot.com. Please feel free to message any of us with any questions or concerns you have, or you can just leave another comment here!

If you didn't already, please take a moment to check out the rules section, just so that you're up to speed! :RDash: You'll also need to make at least 3 comments anywhere in the Introductions section before you can post on other parts of the site.

There's hopefully something for everypony around here! If you're looking to meet new Bronies, a good place to do that is the Chat Room & live roleplay. The Creativity section is the place for artists, musicians, and writers! Oh, and what kind of forum would this be without the MLP Discussion area, hmm?

If you're looking to Roleplay, check the Canterlot RP Rules and the Application Form. Unless you're going for the FiM Free-For-All section, then you don't need either of those things! :D But if you're going for Equestria Crossovers RP, you just need the Application Form, then you can make your crazy cool pony! The Equestria Mane RP, which is a really cool Roleplay area, requires you to read both the Canterlot RP Rules and the Application Form.

Wow, that's a lot of links! :o Feel free to explore the site yourself at your own pace, and let myself or one of the other staff know if you have any questions. So how did you hear about our site?

Welcome to Canterlot!

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Ah, the good ol' mod copy pasta with all the rules links. Well, somebody has to do it. Oh well, I'll play along. Thank you for the welcome.

First I went to Equestria Daily because I thought that had a forum associated with it but I was mistaken. Then I literally googled "Brony Forum" and that brought me to some forum that was full of trolls. After about 12 hours I left that place for greener pastures and I did find another community but it's a bit too small. I'm used to bigger communities. I don't remember when, but I was linked to derpyhooves at some point and I saw community links there. This was one of those. That's how I found Canterlot.

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First I went to Equestria Daily because I thought that had a forum associated with it but I was mistaken. Then I literally googled "Brony Forum" and that brought me to some forum that was full of trolls.

Without looking, I'm going to guess it was canterlot.net, ponychan, or brohoof.com. Or perhaps broni.es.

After about 12 hours I left that place for greener pastures and I did find another community but it's a bit too small.

Hmm... Well, I had to check my forum list for this one, but I didn't Google so... Guessing... mmm... Well, how small do you consider small?

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Without looking, I'm going to guess it was canterlot.net, ponychan, or brohoof.com. Or perhaps broni.es.

friendshipismagic.org. I wouldn't suggest going there. I only knew of ponychan among the ones you list, and I've been around the internet long enough to know to avoid anything with 'chan' in the name.

Hmm... Well, I had to check my forum list for this one, but I didn't Google so... Guessing... mmm... Well, how small do you consider small?

Mane Media. It was really just created by a subset of the FiM.org community to get away from the owner of the site (who doesn't even watch the show) and his legion of trolls whom he gave moderator powers. The brony theme is just a front to elicit donations. Mane Media has about 130 members. That's pretty small. The forum I moderate really formulated all of my notions on forums. It has 1.8 million members (maybe about 12k active members at any given time - it's an old site).
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friendshipismagic.org. I wouldn't suggest going there. I only knew of ponychan among the ones you list, and I've been around the internet long enough to know to avoid anything with 'chan' in the name.

Yes, I remember that one... haven't been on in awhile, though I tend to stick to Canterlot rather than go to other forums much anymore. Forum wasn't all bad though. There's only one forum I had a negative experience with though, but not going to name names.

Mane Media. It was really just created by a subset of the FiM.org community to get away from the owner of the site (who doesn't even watch the show) and his legion of trolls whom he gave moderator powers. The brony theme is just a front to elicit donations. Mane Media has about 130 members. That's pretty small.

Never heard of it. Meh.

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Actually I have a question. This forum uses vbz doesn't it? I should be able to set how many posts per page somewhere but I can't find that option anywhere in my settings. I usually run 40 posts per page.

Board is IP.Board 3.2.3, actually. I don't think you can set number of posts per page, but don't ask me why. :P Just the way the site is set up, I guess.

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That picture always reminds me of the time I knew my childhood had officially died. I was babysitting my niece and she wanted me to color with her. I think I was 25. Of course I obliged the 5 year old's request. However, crayon in hand, I could not think of anything to draw. My imagination was dead.

So thanks for bringing that memory up :cry: :cry: :cry:

jk<3 :D

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Guest EoLPinkie

I'm impressed Chaz! You're the first pony I've ever seen get multiple Tales responses in their intro! You're a performer and a teacher, so the answer to your power is easy. You're a sorcerer :-o Although I can usually get Tales to pop up if I randomly quote her... I bet she's figured out my strategy by now though! But this is beside the point, new pony! Yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay welcome! :D I'm so super duper glad you decided to join us here at Canterlot! You couldn't deny the brony inside, it just burbled out until you were drooling rainbows! Which are spicy by the way. You aren't really drooling rainbows are you? I'm sorry if you are :sad:

Anyway! I'm sure you'll make lots of new pony friends here! Aside from me of course, because let's be honest, we're already friends even though I never liked math all that much. I like music and acting, so there's something we share! We have artsy ponies, story ponies, rp ponies, and smarty pants ponies that have weird discussions in secret dark rooms far from pony eyes. Like Starry. Or Weesh. :P Let me know if there's anything I can do to make your stay here 20% Dashie cooler! I'm really glad to meet you! Now I'm off to read Calvin and Hobbes. Zooooooom!

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Wow thanks everyone <3

Pinkie your avatar suits you. You go a million miles an hour in your posts! :-o I totally am a sorcerer, and I'm using my sorcerer powers to make you....... post more! :P I am not... currently drooling rainbows :oops: I mean how could I not try them if they were going to make my face change colors?! (They were kinda spicy :-|) It's ok that you don't like math :sniff: After all, most ponies don't like math. Their cutie marks have footballs or music notes or drama masks - mine's a TI-86!

I guess I'm a smarty pants pony by default =/ I mean I can write, I like music, and I can rp, but I guess being a teacher automatically makes me a smart pants. Although I really can't stand arguing on the internet. When ponies think they're smart and say dumb things it brings out the Trollestia in me :green:

Or maybe I can be a Calvin and Hobbes pony! I don't even know what that means! But I love Calvin and Hobbes more than anything and I have every book by or about Bill Watterson and I read it every night and have been since forever! I'm more than a little obsessed :P

Anyway thanks again for the welcome!

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