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Apologies if this will seem somewhat disjointed, I'm not too good with greetings of any sort.

I've been happily following the show since late October/November last year, if memory serves. I was introduced to it by a friend of mine, who is not, however, an active participant in the fandom and so it is only now that I've decided to give the entire community thing a shot myself.

Outside of ponies, I'm an avid gamer (in fact I'd easily call it my primary hobby) who's somewhat disillusioned with contemporary gaming scene and vast majority of recent titles. I also enjoy a broad spectrum of music genres and love horror movies. I'm very particular about the latter, as I tend to avoid the ones employing gross-out tactics over genuine scare due to excessive gore.

On personal level, I'm in my early twenties, located somewhere in Europe and preparing for a move abroad on my own.

Since I don't want this to end up as TL;DR material, I'll just stop rambling now ;).

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I agree with you on the state of "mainstream" commercial gaming, but I think this indie scene is hotter than it's ever been. Between Steam, X-Box live, and the PS3 network, there's a lot more room for the little guys than there used to be. As far as the BIG games go, it's all sequelitis, and Japan isn't as big as they used to be either. I LOVE japanese games, but these days it seems like all of the big buzz titles are American.

So.... Welcome to Canterlot!

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Indie scene is certainly doing well, however it's not just the lack of innovation and sequel plague that bothers me personally about the modern market as a whole. While the raise of indies have breathed new life into certain genres, like platformers, other genres that are noticeably absent or otherwise in poor shape in the mainstream do not get as much attention even among indie crowd.

Thinking, for example, about 4X strategies which do not see many new titles nowadays, the more typical turn-based strategy games (what they did to the latest HoMM... sorry, Might and Magic: Heroes, gave me a headache) and increasing scarcity RPGs that aren't at the core of it action games with very basic character development.

While I doubt such games are at all popular with most of the current gamer demographic, the slow extinction is nonetheless confining at best and isolating at worst some of the longer-timers with particular tastes.

And thank you for the warm welcome thus far. :)

Edited by Hishtagat
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I'm MyLittlePonyTales, but I just go by Tales around here. I'm one of the many great staff here at Canterlot.com. Please feel free to message any of us with any questions or concerns you have, or you can just leave another comment here!

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There's hopefully something for everypony around here! If you're looking to meet new Bronies, a good place to do that is the Chat Room & live roleplay. The Creativity section is the place for artists, musicians, and writers! Oh, and what kind of forum would this be without the MLP Discussion area, hmm?

If you're looking to Roleplay, check the RolePlaying Rules and the Application Form. Unless you're going for the FiM Free-For-All section, then you don't need either of those things! :D The Equestria Mane RP, which is a really cool Roleplay area, requires you to read both the RolePlaying Rules and the Application Form.

Wow, that's a lot of links! :o Feel free to explore the site yourself at your own pace, and let myself or one of the other staff know if you have any questions. How did you hear about our site?

Welcome to Canterlot!

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Welcome to the forums. You're quite well spoken!

I have to agree with the sequelitis going on with gaming at the moment. The industry certainly is changing, and I think a lot of it has to with the mobile market changing how much and where people will spend money on a game. This, among other things, is causing investors to pull their funds away from original and new IPs because they are riskier than they used to be. Add that to the increased development cost of games and that leaves the industry is in a bit of a rut, especially with Japanese development contributions.

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Welcome to the forums. You're quite well spoken!

I do hope it's not coming across as pretentious. I greatly enjoy written communication, seeing as it allows for expressing thoughts in an organized, detailed way. I've learned the hard way that it doesn't work too great in speech, outside of quasi-philosophical conversations when very tired or somewhat intoxicated. >_>

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I'm right with the lot of you on the gaming industry right now. I primarily play MMOs, and while a number of them have come up with neat features, most of the time they drop the ball after a few months in some way or another. Aside from MMOs, Mass Effect was the last game that really held my interest through to the end...while Mass Effect 2's story is awesome, something about the gameplay changes made it meh for me. I haven't even been able to pin down what exactly it is that bugs me about it. >.<

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