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Hiya folks n_n Like most of you, I think, I was obsessed with MLP as a kid. I had a number of the toys, though unfortunately I drew all over my first five or so, being very young and thinking I could write their 'names' on them with a ballpoint pen - before I knew how to read or write XD I still have them somewhere though. My best friend is an avid collector of the toys as well and she's given me a decent number of them, and I still collect as well when I find them at garage sales or what have you.

I only recently heard of the new Friendship Is Magic series, when my boyfriend who was looking to get more episodes of My Little Pony or My Little Pony Tales for me, found a (eep, shh, don't tell) torrent of the show from the opening 'movie' up to The Show Stoppers. I expected to hate it - I ignored ponies for a long time as a teenager due to my great dislike of the slimmed-down, 'teenage' G2 figures, and with the style I'd seen of stills from the show I expected it to be much the same. However I was delightfully surprised with the gorgeous animation, engaging characters and stories, and overall quality of the series! I hope to catch up on the more recent episodes as soon as I can.

I am somewhat convinced that growing up, I used to watch a show called 'My Little Pony Girls', which had some similarity with My Little Pony Tales but wasn't the same show and had a different opening sequence, possibly including a slide down a rainbow. I have no idea if this show is real as I cannot find any information online about it, and it may just be a Canadian renaming of Tales, as many cartoons and kids' shows in Canada have slightly altered titles (see 'Beasties' in Canada opposed to 'Beast Wars' in America for an example). Nonetheless, I'd love to find out if my memories are correct one way or the other, so if you know anything about it, please let me know n_n !

Anyway, that's my pony experience in a nutshell. I'm an artist, and I hope to draw my pony character, Rose Quartz, as soon as I find enough time away from my commissions and professional work! So keep an eye out for that, I guess c:

So, how did all you guys get into FiM, or even the original ponies and whatnot?

Also, I know that many people call male ponies 'bronies', but I've also heard the word used to generally describe fans of the new series - which is it? @_@

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How I got into FiM was when I kept seeing pictures of the show going around on DeviantArt. That right there got me wanting to watch it. I was a little iffy about FiM at first, but after watching a few episodes, I was hooked. As a huge MLP fan for years, I love this show to death. XD

Also, welcome to the boards! :)

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Welcome to the forums! Don't forget to stop by the Getting Started thread for a whole saddlebag of useful information and free goodies!

Also the slide down the rainbow was a snippet from the original pilot, called 'Firefly's Adventure' or 'Rescue at Midnight Castle' which you can find on Youtube. They re-used some of the footage for My Little Pony Tales later on which may have been the same show as My Little Pony Girls, but I've never seen that naming before. But if the opening was the same, it probably was!

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Also, I know that many people call male ponies 'bronies', but I've also heard the word used to generally describe fans of the new series - which is it? @_@

As far as I know, I've only seen the term "brony" being used to to describe fans of the new series, at least from what I've seen in Ponychan.

Also, nice to meet you RoseQuartz! :D

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@Skye: If you mean the two pegasi sliding down the rainbow at the opening in the original series, that's not what I'm thinking of - this rainbow was more saturated and had something closer to an actual ROY G BIV layout. It was literally a slide, I think, but I might be wrong there. Thanks though!

@Ruqyo: I love the old CG stuff, and yeah, Reboot was definitely the cream of the crop. Have you seen the films also? They're not quite the same tone or feel as the show, I think, but definitely stand on their own and are worth watching (in my opinion, anyway!).

@Snakebar: even on these very forums, if you look at the template threads, they refer to male ponies as bronies :D

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Didn't Paradise Estate have a slide?

My Little Pony was about the ponies that lived in Dream Valley in Paradise Estate. Spike was in this series, and they basically...fought bad guys? Stuff like that.

In My Little Pony Tales, the focus was on seven main ponies, who went to school and basically did normal stuff. Everypony was an Earth pony....except for the time they met the Pegasus ponies....

I used to watch both in the 90's, since apparently they both aired around the same time.

Other than that, there weren't any American MLP series until Generation 3.

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@Skye: If you mean the two pegasi sliding down the rainbow at the opening in the original series, that's not what I'm thinking of - this rainbow was more saturated and had something closer to an actual ROY G BIV layout. It was literally a slide, I think, but I might be wrong there. Thanks though!

@Ruqyo: I love the old CG stuff, and yeah, Reboot was definitely the cream of the crop. Have you seen the films also? They're not quite the same tone or feel as the show, I think, but definitely stand on their own and are worth watching (in my opinion, anyway!).

@Snakebar: even on these very forums, if you look at the template threads, they refer to male ponies as bronies :P

If it was out of a building, it was likely the slide of the schoolhouse in My Little Pony Tales! That's the only opening I know of, but there's no reason there couldn't have been others, as there were several slides of different types. Those were the only two I know of, and I do know that typically My Little Pony Tales sometimes used it as an opener, at least in the earlier series.

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I am somewhat convinced that growing up, I used to watch a show called 'My Little Pony Girls', which had some similarity with My Little Pony Tales but wasn't the same show and had a different opening sequence, possibly including a slide down a rainbow. I have no idea if this show is real as I cannot find any information online about it, and it may just be a Canadian renaming of Tales, as many cartoons and kids' shows in Canada have slightly altered titles (see 'Beasties' in Canada opposed to 'Beast Wars' in America for an example). Nonetheless, I'd love to find out if my memories are correct one way or the other, so if you know anything about it, please let me know n_n !

My friend suggested that it could have been a rename of a show called Rainbow Brite. There are ponies and rainbows and girls. I never watched it as a kid, but I think it was pretty popular.

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