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Found this place via Google while searching for MLP forums and certain pony mentions, and just thought I'd join. These are the second MLP forums I've registered to, btw.

Some of you may recognize me from DA, btw; at least I know one of them does since he mentioned my fic here and all. But for those of you who don't, well, all you need to know is that I'm a fic writer, a Sonic/Klonoa fan, and a general gamer. There's more, but I think I'll let the bronies who do know of me and my stuff do the rest. ;)

I've already read the rules, btw, so yeah, nice to meet you all. ^_^

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Ah, I see that someone (or somepony, rather. lol) here knows of Klonoa at least. That's awesome.

Thanks, btw! ^_^

I've had the pleasure of playing (nearly) all of the Klonoa games. Nearly, we both know, because of Kaze no Klonoa: Moonlight Museum. I know there are other vectors for playing it, but I haven't really bothered.

Lunatea's Veil is easily my favorite. It really needs a re-release or something! Wahoo!

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I've had the pleasure of playing (nearly) all of the Klonoa games. Nearly, we both know, because of Kaze no Klonoa: Moonlight Museum. I know there are other vectors for playing it, but I haven't really bothered.

Lunatea's Veil is easily my favorite. It really needs a re-release or something! Wahoo!

Yeah, IMO, the best one in the series is definitely LV. The first Klonoa game, DtP, is also good, but aside from the tearjerking ending, its story wasn't as great and epic as LV.

And yeah, it definitely needs a remake like DtP got. Actually, the producer said a while back that if the DtP Wiimake sold well, he said he'd do LV as well... Sadly, however, after his last blog post on IGN, he went into quiet mode.

However, he IS currently working on a top-secret project, that much we know so far. Now we just gotta wait and see.

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I played one Klonoa game, and am unashamed to say that I couldn't figure it out. Sonic however... I could talk about that for a long time. Welcome to Canterlot, always wonderful to see more artists.

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