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A quiet hello to everypony


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About Myself: I am a call handler at an emergency centre. I like gaming of all sorts, reading, films and running among other things.

How I found Canterlot.com: I found this site with a My Little Pony RP search on the Googles and came looking for some light-hearted and fun role-playing.

How I became a fan of MLP:FiM: . I became a fan after seeing more and more of these strange and cute pony avatars popping up on forums, facebook profiles and so on. Decided to check it out myself and still watching and loving it!

My favourite main cast pony/s: Twilight Sparkle

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So many threads....

So much yay...

I don't know what to do with myself so I'm learning my way around Equestria for a bit and taking in some of the characters.

Some further information that I fluffed on my first post.

When it comes to films and literature I tend to go for SF and fantasy. I like new ideas and twists on things, new ideas about civilisations and how people and society's respond to things. Some examples, I really enjoy Shadowrun due to the backstory, build up and responses to magic and fantastical creatures as well as integration of them and advancing technology. I liked the way magic and interestingly money is handled in the novel 'Name of the Wind', it just seemed such a natural evolution of currency...

I also really enjoy silly so have been hammering childrens films lately (Labyrinth, Dark Crystal, Toy storys, Wall-E etc), I tend to listen to Weird Al a lot too.

Add ponies to all of the above naturally. :D

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