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Rok Anarch [FINAL]


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Roleplay Type: Mane

Name: Rok Anarch

Sex: Male

Age: Stallion

Species: Earth Pony

Eye Color: Brown

Coat Color: Dark brown

Mane/Tail/Markings Color & Style: messy and ragged appearance, black

Physique: Lithe and strong from his travels

Cutie Mark: Helmet

Origin/Residence: Born and raised in the woods of the Badlands, now lives in Canterlot; however he doesn't stay in one place for too long.

Occupation: Adventurer

Motivation: Helping everypony he meets along the way and learning about new ways of life.

Character Summary: Rok Anarch is a pony that grew up in an area of Equestria far from most other ponies, the Badlands. He was born into the same tribe that his father was born to, and his father's father was born to, and his father's father's father was born to, and his father's father's father's father was born to, going on for generations. He grew up in a small herd of ponies that were completely free. All ponies in this herd were equal, they all had their jobs and all shared the fruits of their labors. They all shared food, and nopony really owned anything as they shared all possessions. The herd owned things, not the individual. There were also very few rules, only one to be exact, and that rule was to do what was the best for the herd. This upbringing caused the way of thinking Rok has had up until this point.

Rok's cutie mark is the mark of an adventurer, a warrior. When Rok was really young his father told him about a dragon that had moved into the area and was taking all of the nearby gems. Gems were very important to the herd and symbolized their unity. Rok's father advised him to be careful when gathering food, because dragons are very dangerous. However, Rok was unafraid. He took one of the herd's spears from his hut and ventured into the forest to locate the dragon! Rok went far into the forest, so far he did not know his way home. He was very scared and nervous. He knew that he just couldn't fight a dragon! Dragon's are big and scary, and he was only a little pony. Other thoughts krept into his mind, what if he couldn't even find this dragon and was searching forever? Rok then thought of his father and mother, of his society, and of his freedom, and soon his nervousness began to morph into courage. He marched on. Soon he discovered a clearing, and sure enough a dragon was sitting there, stuffing himself with gems. Rok faced the dragon valiantly, and said, “Dragon, you eat our gems. Our gems are the very source of our unity and life here. If you will not leave I will have to resort to the point of this spear!”

The dragon looked down at Rok skeptically,“Are you not afraid? You have a small twig with a rock tied on the end and I contain within me the embers to burn you to a crisp.” Rok was not afraid, and readied his spear. The dragon breathed in deeply, and then blew a torrent of fire into the air, the force of which almost knocking Rok off of his feet. “Still do you not fear!” the dragon snarled.

Rok regained his composure and readied his spear. The dragon looked at him astonishingly, “I know many dragons that would not show such bravery. Little pony, because of your bravery in the face of such danger I will leave this land to find my gems elsewhere.”

Rok was shocked, but after a bit of silence he smiled and said, “I am thankful to you dragon, you can take some of these gems with you for the trip.” Rok felt glad to have been so courageous, and thought to himself, “now that is what I was born to do. I am an adventurer and an explorer, someday I will travel to faraway lands, helping everypony I meet along the way and learning about new ways of life.” On the way back home he noticed that his cutie mark had appeared. It was the mark of a helmet, a mark of a warrior, of an adventurer. It was a mark of courage. He began galloping home; he had to show his parents! His parents were very happy to see that he had a new mark and were willing to let him go out on his adventures. Rok left home with nothing but his cutie mark in search of adventure. After many years and many adventures he ended up in Canterlot, a place where he decided to settle down for a short time, make a permanent living, and make some friends; however, he still often leaves his home to explore other parts of Equiestria.

Rok has a hard time getting used to the idea of Princess Celestia. Where he's from, there were no leaders and everypony was equal. He knows that Celestia is nice and not a bad person, but he doesn't like the idea of anypony telling other ponies what to do, and anypony making rules. Rok doesn't truly understand why Princess Celestia is so important and somewhat feels anxious about her, although he tries hard to wrap his head around the concept.

Rok's dark colors don't mean that he is depressed or angry. Actually, he is usually quite cheerful and optimistic, much like most other ponies in Equestria. Rok is different from other ponies, but he is also very friendly and enjoys the community of Equiestria.


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When Rok was really young his father told him about a dragon that had moved into the area and was taking all of the nearby gems. Gems were very important to the herd and symbolized their unity.

Oh? What good were gems to wandering ponies? It doesn't sound like they used/needed any form of currency, and ponies can't eat 'em.

Rok went far into the forest, so far he did not know his way home.
He began galloping home; he had to show his parents! His parents were very happy to see that he had a new mark and were willing to let him go out on his adventures.

If he was lost, how did he find his way back?

Rok has a hard time getting used to the idea of Princess Celestia. Where he's from, there were no leaders and everypony was equal. He knows that Celestia is nice and not a bad person, but he doesn't like the idea of anypony telling other ponies what to do, and anypony making rules.

Hmm, I'm not entirely sure about this bit. Even under Celestia's rule, all ponies are more or less equal. They all work to provide for themselves and their families. No pony type is better than another; without all three types of ponies society and daily life would be quite different. Without Earth ponies, there would not be enough food, without Pegasi, food could not be grown, and without Unicorns, there would likely not be things like flows to help plant seeds. This is just one example of how all ponies are needed for life in Equestria.

If you mean equal in the sense that they don't share everything, always, then that should be alright.

Also, while Celestia is ruler, I think she is there mainly to keep the peace rather than make rules. Oh, I'm sure there are rules, like no stealing or harming another pony... but nothing that really fringes upon overall freedom. Plus, she does that whole 'raising the sun' thing. I just don't think she really tells anypony what to do, unless it's necessary to make life better somehow.

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Thank you for the criticism!

"Gems were very important to the herd and symbolized their unity."

The gems served the purpose of a symbol of unity, as in they had no true practical application. It is merely a tribal tradition one could say.

"If he was lost, how did he find his way back?"

After he found himself, he was able to find his way back. Basically when he felt lost and alone inside he had no hope of return, but when he found himself he could find his home. I could have explained that better...

"he doesn't like the idea of anypony telling other ponies what to do"

I never stated that she does this, her merely having the power creates doubts in his mind. Rok's society was one in which everyone worked for the community, the concept of only getting goods mainly for your own family is something he has trouble understanding.

"Rok doesn't truly understand why Princess Celestia is so important"

Those were the key words in that statement. I don't like creating a character that has no flaws or has an understanding beyond his experience level. Rok is new to Equestria, and part of being an adventurer is getting used to new ways. He doesn't fully understand the situation. Yes, as you state, Celestia doesn't really tell anyone what to do unless it is in their best interests. Rok knows that she has the power to do so, and this scares him because he is new to this kind of idea.

Again, thank you for the criticism. :)

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This is interesting! Very interesting indeed!

Normally I'm not entirely sure how this would go over... But it seems you've done your research! The ponies of The Badlands are tough and rigid, separated from the civilization most ponies in Equestria are used to. In a tribal environment, I can kind of see where this mindset comes from and I like the twist you've put on all of this.

The encounter with the dragon could be iffy to some, but I think when one lives under the rule 'Do what you can for the herd', and has only known life in The Badlands (where you're practically in constant danger), I believe it's passable.

Personally, I like this app. I'm going to go ahead and give it my stamp of assessment, but keep in mind you cannot play this character until a moderator approves it.

Best of luck!


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