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About Myself: location: Austria

occupation: drawing, playing piano, watching MlP:FiM

How I found Canterlot.com: google

How I became a fan of MLP:FiM: 4chan (ohgodwhy.jpg)

My favourite main cast pony/s: AppleJack,Fluttershy,Miss Rarity,Rainbow Dash,Twilight Sparkle,Pinkamina Diane Pie
Howdy everypony!

I came all the way from Austria to this forum ^^

This will be so awesome!

I first encountered MlP on 4chan, i saw these pictures with text and I got curious, so i watched the first 2 Episodes.

I kinda liked them so I watched more. And about half way through season one, i'd say I became a brony! :)



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haha, I don't really know if 4chan is the best introduction to the show available on the intertubes. :Rarity::blush:

Whatchoo talkin' bout Willis? 4Chan introduced the show itself to the Internet. 4Chan invented the brony.

It's an awful, terrible place where awful, terrible things happen, but every now and again it produces something beautiful... Somehow.

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Whatchoo talkin' bout Willis? 4Chan introduced the show itself to the Internet. 4Chan invented the brony.

It's an awful, terrible place where awful, terrible things happen, but every now and again it produces something beautiful... Somehow.

kinda like without ww1 there would be no united nations ಠ_ಠ

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