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moments of pony power


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Hey ! so i live in a fairly crappy little flat and the people beneath me always blast their aweful club music from about 2 in the afternoon to half 11 at night, even though i have asked them politely MANY TIMES to please turn their music down.

How do i get back at them ? I pick out a pony tune and blast my music back. "Smile, Smile,Smile" from 'a friend in deed' has been my recent favorate.

i know that fighting fire with fire is wrong, but what about fighting fire with ponies ?

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I have dealt with this in the past, except it was rap music, not club music...

What I did was I splurged on some really good headphones that was able to block out the sound and enjoy my own music without killing my own ears. I left him be, and eventually our neighbors filed a formal complaint, which he received a $100 fine. (this was in a dorm setting, and fines were rarely given out, until he made the mistake of playing it during quiet hours because he was high off his *** with his friends)

You don't need to tolerate it (entirely), just find a way around it. And if you can't you can skip my intermediary step (which was a mistake in hindsight, since now I'm an audiophile spending hundreds on headphones), and skip to just reporting him and having either the police or whatever enforcement system your place of residence has to get him to stop with fines or injunctions.

I never recommend starting things with him. Nothing ever good comes from direct confrontations like that. If you can't discuss it with him calmly and come to a mutual agreement, it is all useless and fighting fire with fire, as SilverSwirl said will only result in hearing loss for the both of you.

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I would suggest filing a complaint with the police. I dunno where you live, but most US urban areas have noise curfews that start between 9 and 10. If youre not in one of those areas, I dunno what to tell ya, aside from playing pony songs all day. Place the speakers aiming down at the floor, so more of it gets directed down to them. And turn up the bass.

Upon reflection, do not listen to me, I am inebriated at the moment.

Edited by DrMaxwell
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Well, if complaining slash asking much more nicely doesnt help... Find some Pony related club music and burn them a CD and slip it under their door... At least maybe then you'll be able to be annoyed by Ponies at 2am...

I'm half joking and half serious, btw, who knows? could be fun...

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