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Ah, I did it this time


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Suggestion: Bring up Lauren Faust, references used (Star Trek, Star Wars, Music Man/Simpsons (they might respond better to the latter)), and point out some of the obvious adult humor.

As sirshadow said, people will still not listen and criticize, but those people shouldn't be listened to anyway because they are too concerned with protecting their own semblance of self and thus are completely close minded when they are faced with something that can shake that sense of self (especially true of guys).

Also... the more passionate you are about something the less likely you are to screw up in front of a crowd. So long as you believe what you are saying, the better off you will be once you get over the initial fright.

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Well of course I'm bringing up Lauren Faust, and the important stuff. I mean, especially to 9th grade guys, y'know? Like the fact that Tara Strong does (did) voice acting for Family Guy, King of The Hill and Star Wars: The Old Republic.

I mean, I know people will criticize, that's why I'm worried XD But I can take criticism, I just might need one comeback to assert myself as the man in control. XD

Well of COURSE I'm passionate about it, that's why I chose to do a major project on it. And I know I'm probably worrying about nothing but you never know. :/

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I did and recorded an informative speech presentation on ponies once during a business communications class last summer. It was quite possibly the most intimidating thing I've done in a class yet.

HOWEVER. If your presentation does not crash and burn, you will be left with a feeling of invincibility/new found self-confidence. Successfully pulling off a presentation on something half the world either dislikes or has a tendency to avoid, is an incredibly liberating experience.

I did mine after the first season was only beginning to wrap up. I did not have nearly as much material to work with as you do now; you should be able to construct a power-point that is metaphorically bomb proof, with enough visual appeal to keep them engaged, if not interested.

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You're reminding me of Fluttershy!


I think it's a cool and courageous thing to step in front of your peers and tell them about how awesome pony is. Take pride in what you enjoy and don't let what anyone else thinks stand in your way, criticism or not!

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If I could have presented a biography and give away detailed career information about Shakira Isabel Mebarak Ripoll and Pies Descalzos organization on English class between people who listen mainly to rap/rock/metal, ponies shouldn't be a problem too .-.

Ninja'd by Rosewind.

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I did and recorded an informative speech presentation on ponies once during a business communications class last summer. It was quite possibly the most intimidating thing I've done in a class yet.

HOWEVER. If your presentation does not crash and burn, you will be left with a feeling of invincibility/new found self-confidence. Successfully pulling off a presentation on something half the world either dislikes or has a tendency to avoid, is an incredibly liberating experience.

I did mine after the first season was only beginning to wrap up. I did not have nearly as much material to work with as you do now; you should be able to construct a power-point that is metaphorically bomb proof, with enough visual appeal to keep them engaged, if not interested.

Invincibility mode, activate!

It was a HUGE success!! I got close to twenty questions AFTER the video, and I got a standing ovation!

This was the best idea I ever had!

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Invincibility mode, activate!

It was a HUGE success!! I got close to twenty questions AFTER the video, and I got a standing ovation!

This was the best idea I ever had!

Congrats! I'm glad it all worked out. Perhaps you converted a few classmates :P

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