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Hey I'm new here


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About Myself: I play minecraft and I'm building djpon3 right now

How I found Canterlot.com: My bro told me about it

How I became a fan of MLP:FiM: I saw my little sister wach it and I was hook on it from then on

My favourite main cast pony/s: Rainbow Dash,Pinkamina Diane Pie
Hey I'm new here I came here wanting to be able to talk to peaple that like mlpfim aswell as I do without being made fun of

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Welcome to the forums! My younger sister got me hooked on the show too! Have a great time and enjoy your free song from me called Theme of Love from the Mother 3+ soundtrack

One translation of the lyrics (I could be dead wrong on this but bear with me and it's gone through the ponify script too just as an FYI)

"In a distant town, as the dark grows deep, Unfamiliar words come forth, whispered and weak,

Let me quell the pain, drive away despair, Lead this foal whos lost his way; help him prepare.

While apart, understand, I will live my life for you wherever I am.

Its my greatest wish, to provide for you, Tender moments, sweetest dreams, love, warm and true.

As I close my eyes, even now I see, On his face, that little foal smiles just for me,

I think this is the chorus:

If I call, if he hears, Hell turn towards me, free from his fears.

Shine on one dear foal, one so very small, One who carries on alone, strong after all.

Shine on one dear foal, one so very small, One who carries on alone, strong after all."

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Welcome to the forums!

I hope you enjoy your stay here and you'll come to find that its very hard to be made fun of here.

And now I shall sing you the song of my people:

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'Ello, WhiteRap!

Just so you know, I'm relatively new, too. However, I can tell you that this is one of the most solid online communities that I've been a part of. Oh, and if you have any tips or tricks on making minecraft skins, please post them, I'm sure there are more than a few people interested!

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On a further note about Skindex, it can also be found online as a website.


Very good site for skins, I have several that I have gotten from there and am very pleased with them.

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