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[Hydra] Georgette, Lola, Jessica and Peri


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[ Creature Related Character ]

Name: Georgette, Lola, Jessica, Peri

Gender: Female

Age: Child/Pre teen

Species: Hydra

Eye Color: Cyan

Physique & Colors:

The sisters stand at twice the height of a stallion, even taller with their necks outstretched. Their shared, pastel green-scaled, stocky little body bears a slight resemblance to that of the Froggy Bottom Bog hydra, though their feet and tail bear more pronounced aquatic traits.

Their four sea green finned heads are equipped with venomous fangs, though these are small and more for stopping prey from struggling once it has already been caught. Their back is lined with tiny, blunt ivory spikes and their webbed feet and tail transition into the same bluish green as the fins on their heads.

Residence: A lagoon in the Everfree forest. They can sometimes be seen roaming about large bodies of water near the outskirts of Ponyville.

Occupation: None.


Georgette: Pulling pranks, exploring, Pegasus wings, scaring animals, messing with her sisters, laughing at others' misfortune, "playing" with her prey.

Lola: Food, sleeping, being comfy, relaxing, fish, getting away with napping while her sisters do all the work.

Jessica: Talking, socialising, numbers, looking pretty, staring at her reflection in water, counting things.

Peri: Art, gardening (again, to the best of her ability), investigating the occult, ponies and other cute critters, mushy stuff, laughing at her sisters' failures.


Georgette: Sitting still, mushy stuff, pineapple, bedtimes, unicorn horns.

Lola: Waking up early, work, crowds, being interrupted, loud noises.

Jessica: Being told to shut up, ugliness, getting dirty, problems she cannot solve via logic or mathematics, losing arguments.

Peri: Having no privacy whatsoever, shallow individuals, Georgette, being bored, her sisters mocking her for her idealism.

Character Summary:

The four sisters are believed to have originated from Froggy Bottom Bog, where another Hydra resides. Since then, they had moved onto another area of the forest, a clear lagoon oft used by feral ponies as a watering hole.

Unlike most hydra, who tend to stay around their own territory, the sisters are known to wander, sometimes toward civilized areas - such as the outskirts of Ponyville - where they have been suspected of being responsible for disappearances, nightmares and unexplained illness in ponies. Citizens of nearby townships have reported that those who went missing after sightings of the sisters were mostly wounded pegasi and the occasional unicorn foal. Even healthy, fast-flying pegasi are claimed to have been taken by the monstrous foursome; for there were tales of the winged ponies being snatched up by the tail mid-flight.

Rumours and old mare's tales aside, the girls are in fact a rather decent bunch with more in common with four fillies than with the monsters they were made out to be. However, that isn't to say they aren't still wild beasts with predatory instincts beyond their control.

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I am still interested in keeping this character (these characters?), since I've always been fascinated with those mythical multi-headed lizard things. That giant yellow Hydra was the best part of Feeling Pinkie Keen, IMO.

I've edited my app a bit, made the girls illiterate and a little closer to bestial to go with what little of the FBB Hydra we've seen in the show. :) Correct me if I'm wrong, but I was under the impression that a Hydra in the FiM-verse would not be quite as bright as a dragon, but still sapient and capable of speech, given the fact that it's a giant dragon-like lizard and there are talking dragons and sea serpents who appear in the show.

I really, really hope this gets in. I really want to RP, and I will try my best to play my characters in a way that makes at least a shred of sense.

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...Okay, so that was really sudden. I recall reading the species list over and over and over, then suddenly it's edited so a Hydra is specifically listed as unacceptable to be RPed by non-staff.

This makes me really mad, since I waited two months for this app to be considered, my hopes were put way up by some of the feedback and it really hurts to have a concept just stomped into the ground like that after so long. I know you're only doing your job, and I respect that.

It's nobody's fault but my own, but just understand that it's hurtful and can even be construed as slightly insulting. I know it sounds like I'm just some noob groveling and being upset over not having things go her way, but I really do believe I can do this right if given a chance. I mean, not that I'm really expecting a chance at all, but I'll try and make a more acceptable character concept and maybe one day get to RP with you guys.

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You need to understand that when you first applied Ashi was in charge of the forums. We waited for her to let us know if monster characters were okay and in the end never heard. Now that the board is being run by someone else, the staff has decided that monster characters are non-playable. It's nothing to take personal, the same would have applied to anyone else.

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We actually didnt change the rules, Ashi had decided that monster characters weren't to be played in the RP because they can potentially be Marysue. She also originally intended to have some sort of lore or events figured out with these monsters, but never got to actually planning any of it out.

So, the rules actually didn't change- monsters weren't ever allowed to my knowledge, and i've kept that so far. What happened with the hydra app (if that one was yours), was we weren't sure about what Ashi wanted, and when we finally had the answer it seemed you weren't around.

Its unfortunate that you've had to wait so long to hear a negative answer, and unfortunately we were put in a really bad situation by having to wait for an administrator who wasn't around to make a decision. I can understand why you would be upset, and I do sympathize. I think the character is actually pretty cute and attractive.

I do care about the community- and to the ultimate extension- you, and your interests. I have made what i feel is a well founded decision to not make large monsters openly available to RP, however that does not mean that the opportunity to RP these creatures will not come up. It is becoming apparent to me rather quickly that I can not administrate a board, and RP all of the special events; its just too much work.

I have an idea, and I have sent it to you via PM; I hope you give it some genuine consideration as I think it has a lot of potential opportunity.

I understand this is ultimately not what you originally wanted, and once again I do apologize for that, but I do sincerely encourage you to consider my suggestion. Sometimes things need to be taken in small steps, and this might be a great start to that end.

I hope that this helps; if you have any concerns or questions still, I am glad to do my best to work with you further

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