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About Myself: My hobbies involve cooking, eating and enjoying the coma that comes afterwards.

How I found Canterlot.com: Googled MLP!

How I became a fan of MLP:FiM: I stumbled onto the show when I was looking for Foster's Home for Imaginary Friends.

My favourite main cast pony/s: AppleJack
It's really nice to meet all of you! Just another colt who found their way to this shiny site! My favorite color is black & my favorite holiday is Halloween. I'd love to know more about all of you !

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Cooking, oh? What do you like to cook?

Also, welcome!

I'm really into masala and curries at this time. Most of the things I like generally have a sauce or reduction. My absolute favorite meal is breakfast though. Lemon butter and blueberry pancakes *squeels*

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AHH!! dont scare me like that! well hey welcome to the boards. interesting I cant say I've met a brony who found the show without someone who was already a brony introducing them to it. I suppose the original bronies had to find it somehow though! Anyway feel free to ask any questions you might have, seriously dont be shy :)

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Aaa! Don't scare me like that.

About Myself: My hobbies involve cooking, eating and enjoying the coma that comes afterwards.

A kindred spirit! Welcome, my friend.

How I became a fan of MLP:FiM: I stumbled onto the show when I was looking for Foster's Home for Imaginary Friends.

Yaaaaay Foster's! You are a double-kindred spirit! Protip: that means you win!

Applejack is awesome, but I'm a big fan of Rarity just because of what the writers did with her character. Hope to see you 'round the forums and the chat. Look up Parhelion if you're ever in Stalliongrad!

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