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About Myself: Hello hello!! :) I'm Jaime or Mando, 22, and two days away from being done with my undergraduate years (college). I will be receiving a bachelor of science in Psychology. Currently looking for a job, but meanwhile, why not get involved in some MLP:FiM fun. Been addicted to the series since it came out hahaha.

How I found Canterlot.com: My Little Search Engine: Google is Magical

How I became a fan of MLP:FiM: I just watched it and became hooked...I was powerless against it all.

My favourite main cast pony/s: Miss Rarity,Pinkamina Diane Pie
Although I am sure I will get involved in many of the conversations bubbling about, I joined mainly to roleplay. :) I love to write, and I have been using rping as a way of helping me improve my writing since I was very young. Also, I love the collaborative storytelling aspect of MLP: FiM offers a lot of inspiration for roleplay, so here I am.

I enjoy many things, but among them, the main things are laughter, music, and dessert. A brief peek at a few of my favorites...

Favorite Psychology Specialty: Clinical - looking to go into clinical psychology for graduate school, after taking a year off to work.

Favorite Book: Hard to choose! The Belgariad series? Anything fantasy and sci-fi that is well-written. I am a huge mythical/fantasy buff and have a special love for anything with magic. That includes friendship! </corny>

Favorite Game: Zelda series, hands down.

Favorite Music: Literally, anything but country and heavy rock. I am more of a buff of musicals, current hip hop, and a lot of opera. I also am familiar with a lot of traditional Latin music. Lol yes...that is what I mean by "literally anything"

Personality Style: Mostly silly and light-hearted, and very laidback. It is hard to get me riled up about anything unless it involves hurting people. >:(.

Humor Style: Slapstick, corny, with a cup of sarcasm.

I hope I can be a good addition to the community :D

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I love how your introduction actually told us several things about yourself! Congratulations on your impending graduation, and welcome to Canterlot! My best friend is a diehard Zelda fan too. While I love those games, he pegs me as more of a Metroid lover. I guess an alien supersuit with the power to blow massive holes in things and curl into a magnetic ball is an acceptable substitute for medieval fantasy and the Triforce ;)

The roleplay around here is actually really well organized and regulated, and you'll never find a shortage of ponies wanting to join you, likely me included. I hope to see you around the RP forums soon!

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Thank you so much, everypony! I do so love this avatar, Rosewind. :D And no need to substitute anything, Solaria! I actually am also a huge fan of Metroid along with Zelda... don't get me wrong, I love me some explosive alien fun myself, along with y'know, magical swords and what not. The music from Metroid is also unforgettable. Phendrana Drifts from Prime, anypony~? And that is a relief to hear concerning the RP business here...It is so hard to find any good RP these days.

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Ah, now this is what I like to see. A writer, an enthusiastic RPer and a Zelda fan!

I have no doubt you'll fit right in here and from what you've told us about yourself, I think me and you will get along just fine ;) And I look forward to seeing you around the RP forums and the Writing forums :D

Canterlot is a great place to RP, trust me. You'll really enjoy your time here and it's a great place to develop writing skills :)

But I'll end my welcome here and let you enjoy yourself. :smirk:

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Ah, now this is what I like to see. A writer, an enthusiastic RPer and a Zelda fan!

I have no doubt you'll fit right in here and from what you've told us about yourself, I think me and you will get along just fine ;-) And I look forward to seeing you around the RP forums and the Writing forums :D

Canterlot is a great place to RP, trust me. You'll really enjoy your time here and it's a great place to develop writing skills :)

But I'll end my welcome here and let you enjoy yourself. :smirk:

Great! Working on the application now, so I hope it will be soon yet~ =)

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