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Hey, how's it going?

Guest DusterZeroG

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Guest DusterZeroG

About Myself: I'm a hobby artist, I enjoying playing video games and watching movies, preferring horror ones heheh

How I found Canterlot.com: My friend Kaya brought me here

How I became a fan of MLP:FiM: Not really a fan, but the show's animation I enjoy

My favourite main cast pony/s: AppleJack
Name's Duster, Nice to meet y'all. Also go by the nickname Kitsune but why I go by that is a... Dang.. Anyway. As I've said my friend Kaya brought me here for some fun times. she want's me to revive my horror art or something I forgot XD But she told me this would be a good place to come for new drawing inspiration and that most of you bronies are pretty chill with a non-brony. I'm Also here for some knowledge. I've met and passed alot of bronies in my town (didn't know they were this many where I live XD) and i've wondered, Why ponies? Maybe the magical answer will be found here. Who knows.

So! I think that just about wraps up my intro. Thank you for allowing me into the group!

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Kewl!!! My turn!!!

Hobbies:reading, playing with friends, watching mlp..........

How I found Canterlot.com: I was bored so I started typing random stuff and somehow I ended up here.

My favorite mane ponies: Fluttershy and Twilight Sparkle.

Maggies my name, but call me magbud. I assume I am the youngest fans on here, almost young enough to be considered a "little filly" fan. But I'm mmore of a mare (pegasister). So, ya, thanks for letting me do this!


(PS does this count as a post so I can post in other areas???)

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Guest DusterZeroG

Kewl!!! My turn!!!

Hobbies:reading, playing with friends, watching mlp..........

How I found Canterlot.com: I was bored so I started typing random stuff and somehow I ended up here.

My favorite mane ponies: Fluttershy and Twilight Sparkle.

Maggies my name, but call me magbud. I assume I am the youngest fans on here, almost young enough to be considered a "little filly" fan. But I'm mmore of a mare (pegasister). So, ya, thanks for letting me do this!


(PS does this count as a post so I can post in other areas???)

I think you're supposed to make a brand new topic in the intros. Least that's what I get from the rules.

as far as the 3 posts thing... no idea

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You are meant to create your own thread when making an introduction.

However, welcome to both of you just the same. :P

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  • 2 months later...

Hahaha this brings back memories of when my home forum was active n_n

@Magbud: Welcome and enjoy your time here.^^;

@Duster: Hmm and I used to ask the same question, but then again, since I was 11, people have asked me "Why faeries?" so yeah XD. I'm a girl, and honestly, I don't consider the show to be all that girly especially the method of receiving letters from Princess Celestia....blahhh that too some getting used to on my part XD. Overall though, it's just entertaining and lighthearted with good writing, concepts, and lots of colors.^^

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