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Anybody else suspect an anti-broyn of being a brony?


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Ok, so i have a friend name Lia Simonet, and she insists on being anti-brony (a softcore one anyways), and she came back from colorado today, so i asked if i could see any of the drawings she made over there, and right there, was a drawing of herself and her boyfriend Dom as ponies, so i asked her if she became converted while she was over there, but she keeps denying it, so i left her this on her locker door:


... I am so evil...

so i want to know:

do you suspect anyone of being a brony in YOUR life?

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While I don't suspect anyone in my life, I can say this.

There are often antibronies or trolls that are scared that they will be found out that they like MLP, so they try to go the opposite way by saying they hate it.

When someone does this you can say "you know, for someone that claims they don't like My Little Pony, you sure talk alot about it!"

Those who are in this state of denial/ covering up will ultilmately lose the charade and come clean.

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I suspect one of my friends, who's name ill keep secret, is a brony, even though he seems to find the fandom strange. the only thing i have to prove this: he's nearly exactly like me, so it wouldn't be a shock to me.

i see... *smirk* thats interesting, im glad im not alone :D

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One of my best friends, since I first told him of the idea of Bronies, has denied ever giving the show a try.

I convinced him to watch numerous episodes, and he seems...uninterested, moreso than hateful of the show. It's just not his thing, I suppose.

However, with his sister being a big Pegasister and me being a huge Brony, he's surrounded on all sides by Brony influence.

Not only that...but I constantly hear him make reference to the show, using "explode twice" and such on occasion. I grin like a goofball, and he insists I stop it. Interesante...

...another curious point is that we quote "Apples.MOV" every day. Sure, it's not THE SHOW, but it's closely-related to it...so I'd be interested to find what he really thinks regarding ponies...

Perhaps I should have fun with the idea sometime...

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I know my friend is not a Brony, simply because she doesn't enjoy the show. I tried showing her the first two episodes, before I even got into the fandom and knew what a Brony was. I guess, even though I watched MLP as a little kid, and was watching it for nostalgia sake, I thought it was good enough that my friend might like it. Huh. :shock:

Anyway, I put on Luna Eclipsed while at her house (several months later), but she still wasn't into it. Although she did express a desire to cosplay a lolita Pinkie Pie. I also showed her the Flutterguy vid at one point, and some other random pony vids and pictures. No dice.

So recently I was chatting with her on Facebook.

Me: Haha

Did you watch The Secret of Kells?

Also My Little Pony is on Netflix.

Friend: no and no

wait yes i think i did play the first episode of MLP

Me: Really? O_O

Friend: yap

Me: ;_; So proud.

Haha but why?

Friend: lol

i think that was what i thought at the time too

i was bored. i'm also watching switched and birth. >_> its really dumb and i dont really like it........ but i want to know what happens


Me: But you won't finish MLP?

Anyway, I convinced her to watch the season 2 finale episodes. Still claiming not to be a Brony. Although she did buy me a pony shirt for my birthday and one for Christmas, along with a wash cloth with RD's Cutie Mark and some stickers. And the birthday before that a Rainbow Dash toy. So she is alright with me being a Brony, and she tolerates me trying to convert her.

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