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New Pony...YEA!


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About Myself: Everything about myself is down below....

How I found Canterlot.com: Friends

How I became a fan of MLP:FiM: Owned a bunch of the toys when I was little...and the passion grew.

My favourite main cast pony/s: AppleJack,Miss Rarity

My name is Jaz and here are a few things you should know about me!

1. I became a huge fan of MLP: FiM from my group of friends during last year's marching band season. My fave pony is not mentioned, but is Princess Luna.

2. I play multiple instruments and would like to study music theory in college.

3. I have a Deviantart account. My name is JazoMcSpazo653086

4. I hope to meet a lot of new friends on here that love MLP as much as I do!

5. My favorite video game series is Resident Evil. Lol.

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Luna huh? I guess I can let that slide since Tales is pretty awesome. I think I'm pretty much bound by the laws of love to accept your choice anyway.

As for Resident Evil, Code Veronica was the first I played on the Dreamcast and has the distinct honor of being the first game ever to make me scream in fear. Stupid Cerberi >.>

Welcome to Canterlot! <3

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Welcome to the forums! I also enjoy playing Resident Evil games as well! The first one I played was 2 when I spent the night at a friend's house. I stayed up all night and played it for 18 hours straight and finished it on "Rookie Mode" because I just wanted to experience the game. My dad is the real king of survival horror in my family... He got an S rating for RE 1 and unlocked Tofu in RE 2. Not to mention he's an early game knife pro, taking out zombies with the combat knife and not getting hit at all! Have an excellent stay here!


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Welcome to Canterlot!

My dad is the real king of survival horror in my family... He got an S rating for RE 1 and unlocked Tofu in RE 2. Not to mention he's an early game knife pro, taking out zombies with the combat knife and not getting hit at all! Have an excellent stay here!

Your father sounds like a god among men...

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He's probably really rusty now... but when I watched him take out those first few zombies in RE 1 with only the knife and not getting bit, my jaw hit the floor... I eventually got the hang of it though... Take a few swipes, backpedal or angle down and knife them when they are knocked down and backpedal when they start to get back up and repeat until dead.

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Luna huh? I guess I can let that slide since Tales is pretty awesome. I think I'm pretty much bound by the laws of love to accept your choice anyway.

As for Resident Evil, Code Veronica was the first I played on the Dreamcast and has the distinct honor of being the first game ever to make me scream in fear. Stupid Cerberi >.>

Welcome to Canterlot! <3

*whispers to Solaria* Cadence is best princess.

Anyway! welcome to Canterlot! :D

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*whispers to Solaria* Cadence is best princess.

Anyway! welcome to Canterlot! :D

*whispers back*

Totally. Cadence didn't exist back in the time of Tales's ascension, so I suppose she is forgiven.

*steeples hooves like a good and understanding princess*

And don't worry, I'm...

*snaps hooves*


Theme song guy.

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