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Darling, Simply ask SilverThorn!

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Like the title says dears, just ask away. I will answer as truthfully as is appropriate; and will answer almost any question. So let's start it, off shall we?

I would ask "Who is best pony?" but it's obvious you think it's Pinkie Pie. XD

How did you come up with your username?

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I would ask "Who is best pony?" but it's obvious you think it's Pinkie Pie. XD

How did you come up with your username?

Rarity is best pony! <3

My username is an old name I used for myself as a practitioner of witchcraft. It represents my reverence for the moon, and my love of plants.

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Human... Not that I know of... I don't know what I would do with one either... What do they look like?

Supposedly they walk upright like Diamond Dogs, have things called hands, like that Ahuizotl creature has at the ends of it's limbs, no hair or hide covering, just bare skin and usually manes on their heads... ;P

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Supposedly they walk upright like Diamond Dogs, have things called hands, like that Ahuizotl creature has at the ends of it's limbs, no hair or hide covering, just bare skin and usually manes on their heads... ;P

I've heard they don't have hooves either. Or tails, for that matter.

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So, yesterday I was walking out of my door when something very similar to a raccoon decided to sit on my fence and stare at me. I can never refuse a challenge, so naturally I stared back at it. This went on for a while before I realized that I had been staring at a raccoon like thing for about a half-an-hour while getting quite literally nowhere with it. While most people would ask something like was it worth it, or why'd I do that, I suppose what I'm asking is what is the mass of the sun?

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So, yesterday I was walking out of my door when something very similar to a raccoon decided to sit on my fence and stare at me. I can never refuse a challenge, so naturally I stared back at it. This went on for a while before I realized that I had been staring at a raccoon like thing for about a half-an-hour while getting quite literally nowhere with it. While most people would ask something like was it worth it, or why'd I do that, I suppose what I'm asking is what is the mass of the sun?

mass of the sun = 1.98892 × 1030 kilograms

what is the mass of a neutron star?

between about 1 and 2 solar masses

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Alrighty, here's one... (and this one doesn't even have anything to do with math!)

Why is My Little Pony the show that hooked such a large fanbase? Why not Powerpuff Girls, or Foster's Home? Arguably, those are just as good of shows.

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why in games like mario do you take damage by contact? now, if you spear yourself on someone like bowser's back, i can see some damage there, but like a goomba is round and you take damage if you land partially on top of them when they're going in the wrong direction. i dont think there should be any potential for death there...

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