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Hello. Oh, dear.


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About Myself: I'm Hollow. I (usually) love to draw, and paint. I also enjoy tinkering with electronics, and generally fixing things. I live in NY with my doting boyfriend.

How I found Canterlot.com: If I told you, I dunno if you'd believe it!

How I became a fan of MLP:FiM: I've been a pony fan since I was born, almost. I still have my childhood ponies from the 80s. So it was just natural I came into the FiM scene.

My favourite main cast pony/s: AppleJack,Miss Rarity,Pinkamina Diane Pie
Hello all. I've decided to try out your pony forum even though I'm not the type to like all that RPing stuff. I'm just trying to find a forum that is FiM focused but doesn't let the users spread their creepy around everywhere.

The last forum, I was stalked and spied on. Not a fun experience. I severely doubt that'll happen here, though.

I have a deviantart, it's http://hollowzero.deviantart.com/ which is closed for art submission right now but only because of the aforementioned spying. It's chock full of pony regardless! :D

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Wow! You're quite an artist! I'm really liking that Valentine Winona!

Welcome to Canterlot! Even if you're not into the RP, there's a whole other side of the forum that's dedicated to chatting about ponystuff!

Thank you. :D And yes, I was quite interested because this forum has an art forum. Wheeee.

Hi, welcome to Canterlot. :)

I would like to know the story of how you came to find us.

Hello! Okay, well I'll tell you.

See, the previous forum's users stalked me to another forum, right. They said they "used Google" to find me. I used a few search terms, and somehow ended up here, in an introductory thread where some users were saying they liked 80s ponies. One of the users I even knew from ANOTHER pony forum. So I was like, "hmm I should check into this Canterlot forum", and I did. :)

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