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Royal Pain (Adventure RP With Prince Bluebood) OOC Discussion

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Sorry, was up until 4 am last night revising the last half of the session when I realised I'd left a plot hole in it. I was up at 8am to get all the household things (grocery shopping cleaning up and laundry) done, Then the game itself ran through from 2 pm to 11pm. Currently too tired to be creative. Sorry. Will post tomorrow.

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No worries, friend. We've had longer delays *cough*Dunder*cough* >.>

As for adventures, the stealing thing sounds good. Maybe Blueblood's cabin gets turned over and ransacked but nothing taken (due to the journal, or whatever else, being well hidden), or possibly something gets filched stealthily from the cabin, and its up to them to go find it. Sounds like a good way to keep the trim from being boring tanning sessions on the top deck all the time, while Dunder checks out the mares through mirrored sunglasses reads "War and Peace."

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Sorry, was up until 4 am last night revising the last half of the session when I realised I'd left a plot hole in it. I was up at 8am to get all the household things (grocery shopping cleaning up and laundry) done, Then the game itself ran through from 2 pm to 11pm. Currently too tired to be creative. Sorry. Will post tomorrow.

Er..What's the opposite of 'huzzah'? 'Buzzah'? Boo-Zaah? No worries.

Sniff. I do miss my marathon RPing sessions...Going there at 4...leaving at 4(am). Watching our little groups get bigger and bigger and bigger...

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And speaking of knackered...So I am...So I must sleep..Will post tomorrow before work....Mind you, Fire's not gonna have alot to do...No talking..Standing still. She's the perfect guard.....And she'll probably hate herself for not giving her two pony-pals lessons of being proper royal servants...Oops. :-|

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It's okay. I'm sorry there's not much room for character interaction, but I really wanted this scene for two reasons. 1. I love air-ships, especially the steam-punk sort and I've wanted to do one setting off forever! I wanted to play with the design, and see if I could actually come up with something that is both cool and practical. If I let the technology porn get away from me, I'm sorry. It was inspired in part by the bridge of the Atlantis the Lost Empire version of the Nautilus. I loved that shiip, and wish it had been in more of the movie.

I also wanted to explore the kind of things a pony-based civilisation would do to launch it. Even with weather controlling pegasi countering the high winds and gusts that were such a bane to real airships, manouvering a big airship out of a dock would be complicated. If you've ever been on the deck of a ferry when it docks you'll see just how many people it takes. The reason it was lead out manually is that since the driving wing-sails run along each side, you wouldn't want them running while still inside the dock to avoid them striking something and getting damaged or sstriking someone. Given that teams of pegasi to haul it were the obvious answer.

Thaumic boilers are the answer to the fact that coal is heavy. We know from MMMystery on the Freindship Express that pony steam trains are coal fired, but there are any number of problems with that on an air-ship. However, it is clear from the Cider Squeezy 6000 that magic can do the same job, and that a little magic goes a long way. So thaumic boilers operate from heating spells powered either by unicorns directly injecting it (which brings up the lovely image of unicon 'stokers' firing magic bolts at a machine) or stored magical energy (crystals have been approved by the management here).

2 I've now set up some NPCs for people to interact and play with. I'm fairly sure we'll be meeting Check Off again, and So Low. Any resembblance to any other characters anywhere is just a co-incidence, really. There has to be something fun we can do with a body double for Blueblood, even if he speaks in a Stalliongrad accent.

As you've probably guessed, that down-looking device is an altimeter similar to early optical bomb sights.It takes tow slightly different views of the ground, and you adjust the direction. Both are thrown onto a screen, either half and half or switched back and forth, and when the two overlap, the two optical paths are forming two siides of a triangle. From the angles you can work out the height, or rather rwed it off a pre-calibrated dial. At night you do the same thing with beams of light. Ponies don't have radar, after all.

There was one thing I was wondering about. It never came up in canon. We know Blueblood looks down on 'lesser' ponies, but is his definition based purely on social status, or is there a racial element. To be honest, I don't think so. Superficially you could easily see Blueblood as a unicorn supremacist, but despite the fact that he is a jerk, I don't think so. After all, I think I wroite somewhere else that the basic idea behind a unicorn supremacist movement would be that some unicorns are jealous of the loss of their control of the the sun and moon, and therefore their executive power. I can't see Blueblood, who has been brought up in the present paradigm and who's own status depends on the princesses would believe that. I have no doubt that some of his society 'friends' are.

The reason this came up was the fact that there was a pegasus at the wheel. Racist!Blueblood would have been unable to avoid commenting negatively on the fact. So I think it's settled. Blueblood doesn't look fdown on Muggo-Ale because he's an earth pony, he looks down on him becauise he's a common barkeep. The other part of this is how he acts to servants and inferiors. While he has no problem giving unreasionable demands, and assuming his wishes are more important than any-pony else's, he won't go out of his way to be cruel to them. Nobless oblige, his status has responsibilities as well as rights. Rarity didn't get much of this because she was not a servant but assumed to be a lesser noble, who therefore should defer to him.

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The post was awesome..Full of atmosphere...Fire's post will probably be short...She'll just be leading up to Dunder and Muggo's post..While the red Pegasus is trained to do such a job, the guys are not...

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Alright, I have an idea to drive the plot into adventure rather than travelogue territory. I couldn't justify it as a random encounter, but I've managed to figure out a way to tie it into the overall plot.

Actually, I expected Tacobob to be driving the plot, as this was their idea, and being more of a player, but that isn't how it's workedout. My GMing experience means I have some clue as to what to do, but I'd be only too happy to defer to other people if they want to take the reins for a while.

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Good to hear that!

I've been trying to test out my GM'ing skills on the Free-For-All boards, but it hasn't been pretty..So you're more than free to hold onto the reins for now..But if you're ever stuck, please feel free to ask here and we might be able to throw out some ideas.

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One more Fic I'm rather enjoying now that deals with Blueblood. "The Flight Of The Alicorn", which spins off from that tiny little scene in 'Sweet and Elite' where Rarity and Blueblood are shown together at a ship Christening..There's some interesting ideas thrown in..Like Blueblood's actual Royal linage..Which makes sense..Among a few other things about the world in general...It's pretty long at 500 pages..and it's not finished yet!


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  • 2 weeks later...

Question before I post...how are we going to handle combat? Should we send out commads like "Fire Walker drove her punch blades down towards the griffon's sword....." and then you post what happens? Or should I just RP it all?

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Best to let me handle enemy reactions, though if it's acceptable, I'll do it on an individual basis, which means I'll post as soon as someone acts.

Oh, and no lethal force, no matter that everyponies using sharp things. I'm probably pushing the mods as far as I can go with this encounter to start with. If it turns into a bloodbath, we're going to get canned. So be creative. This is a fancy dining hall, with all the things a fancy place has.

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That's fine.. Fire has always prided herself in never having to draw blood during a confrontation. She'll probably disarm and knock out her foe, either with a punch or kick...Still, she and Dunder are a bodyguards, so they will be more worried about getting Blueblood to safety as opposed to doing the heroic type battles, at least for now.

And I'm currently doing a back to back shift, close..open..ack. So I shall post when I get home..Also for Muggo', does he hear or see anything wherever he's at?

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Yeah, she's stopping the blade with her sword-breaker or parrying dagger that is attached to her one hoof, and hitting with her other hoof (which has no weapon, only a armored horse-shoe which should hurt like the dickens!). I edited the post so it made a little more sense.....

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