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Night Breeze [Final]

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Lets take another go at this seeing as how I lost my last one from nearly a year ago now, comments much appreciated.

Roleplay Type: World of Equestria

Name: Night Breeze

Sex: Female

Age: Mare

Species: Pegasus

Eye Colour: Teal

Coat Colour: Red

Mane/Tail Colour & Style: Her main is a midnight black in colour except for a single pink streak, she keeps it in a short if rather messy cut around her head, her tail however is a solid midnight black and kept rather bushy with a natural wave.

Physique: She is a very slender pony despite her fondness for chocolate, sweets and food in general really. She is also a little shorter than most ponies her age a fact she is self-conscious about and will often times snap at others that even hint at this.

Cutie Mark: Her cutie mark is simply a quill and ink well symbolising her love of writing, she gained it when she was still a young filly after hearing her father’s stories of adventures in the Everfree Forrest.

Origin/Residence: Cloudsdale

Occupation: Mail-Mare, she specialises in long distance deliveries to the other towns as it lets her see more of the world and inspires her to write.

Motivation: Reading and writing are Breeze’s passion, as of such she wants to spread her stories across all of Equestria in order to share her joy of writing these stories with ponies everywhere. She looks up to her father although she would never admit this to anyone who asks her, and wants to be just as great as him and as of such on top of her writing and duties as a Mail-Mare she will often go out of her way for adventures,


  • * Flying at night and everything about the night itself
  • * Reading & Writing
  • * Sweets, but chocolate especially
  • * Lazy afternoons
  • * Cats
  • * Being compared to her father


  • * Clowns, because they’re evil
  • * Hot days
  • * Her height
  • * Being compared to her father

Character Summary –

History: Night Breeze has lived in Cloudsdale nearly her entire life where she grew up hearing stories of her father, Blitz’s exploits and she soon grew to both be proud of her father but also resented always being compared to him and she would often get into trouble in her attempts to make a name for herself.

On one attempt she ventured into the Everfree Forrest hoping to find a way to out-do her father, however she soon found herself lost, alone and scared. Just when she thought she’d never see her family again the light of Luna’s moon broke through the darkness and in swooped her father to save her. It was later, as she recounted the story to her school friends that she realised just how much she loved telling not just that

story but any story and as she began to write and tell more she discovered her cutie mark.

Although she has grown a lot from the impulsive little filly that thought she could brave the Everfree Forrest she still dislikes being compared to her father, she now wants to spread her name across all of Equestria with her story Rosehart the Vampire Pony. The big problem however, is getting published in the first place.

Parents: Her father’s name is Blitz, a blue Pegasus stallion with red and white mane who works for Cloudsdale construction, Breeze is both incredibly proud to be his daughter as well as resentful at being cast in his shadow, he was born and raised in Cloudsdale and known for his many adventurous exploits as a young Colt. Her mother’s name is Starshine, a Unicorn mare with a red coat and blond main with pink streaks, originally born in Trottingham she has lived most of her life in Canterlot where she met Blitz while he was working, she is a kind but severe looking pony who is a bit of a worrier, she is an editor at the Cloudsdale Prophet. Whenever upset, Breeze’s first port of call will always be her mother, she is so skilled in the use of the Cloud Walk spell she uses to stay with her family that she instinctively casts it even in her sleep.

Personality: Night Breeze for the most part is a rather lackadaisical pony, in fact most of the time she looks as though she is half asleep, however whenever someone even hints to her being short she will explode like a volcano while being compared to her father is more likely to get a scowl many consider scary. Despite her easy going nature most of the time however she comes alive with energy at night, or when she is explaining her stories to others. Beneath all of this however is still the little filly who ran into the Everfree Forrest in search of adventure and whenever a chance to prove herself arises, her smile is almost sinister.


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I love your character. She has an interestingly ambivalent dynamic with her father. Also, excellent, concise, but specific cutie mark story. In my opinion, Night Breeze is solid and your application doesn't have any flaws or holes in it, except perhaps (being as pessimistic as possible) in her mother being an editor of the Cloudsdale Prophet. Admittedly I don't know if that's a pre-existing organization/newspaper, but if it is, making Starshine an editor could take characters who are involved in Cloudsdale's news by surprise. I don't think it's that big of a deal, but it's worth keeping an open mind about Starshine's career.

In any case, I think this is a very well written character and application. Good luck!

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I dug up your old one, in case you want it:

Hopefully this will do, any problems please let me know.

Name: Night Breeze.

Sex: Female.

Age: Young Mare.

Species: Pegasus Pony.

Pelt Color: Red.

Mane/Tail/Markings Color & Style: Mane is black with red stripes and spiked forward at the front. Tail is mid-length with the same colouring as her mane.

Eye Color: Amber.

Cutie Mark: Full moon with a wing silhouette

Physique: Slender-Regular

Origin: Born in Bareback Gulch, now living in the Everfree Forest

Roleplay Type: Mane

Occupation: Night Watch Mare

Motivation: To relax in the beauty of the night

Likes: Night (everything about it), Cats and Cute Critters

Dislikes: Bright Places, Snobs and Show Offs

Character Summary: Born in Bareback Gulch she was always used to the hard living, her father was from Canterlot and mother a native as well as in charge of keeping the law in the town a fact that often left Night Breeze alienated from other Foals and Fillies.

Although she knew her parents loved her she often felt overshadowed by her mother and would constantly get into trouble trying to prove herself just as skilled, brave and strong.

One day when she ventured into the Everfree Forest to try and find some missing Foals she quickly found herself lost and scared, however when the sun set and the calm night wind blew she quickly found herself falling in love with the night and her Cutie Mark appeared and then by the light of the moon that her mother found the crying filly as well as the other missing fillies. It was at this moment that she realised she could just be proud of her mother instead of being frustrated that she was living in her shadow.

From that day on Night Breeze spent every night exploring the Everfree Forest until she knew the place like the back of her hoof, shortly after becoming a Mare she said goodbye to her life in Bareback Gulch to find her own way in the world and moved into her Tree House near Ponyville where she became the Night Watch Mare, in charge of making sure nopony gets lost in the forest at night. Despite this however she still has trouble making friends with the local ponies due to her looking like a devil pony much to her chagrin and the fact that she sleeps through most of the day doesn’t exactly help the matter.

And here's a picture, I completely forgot about the first time round:


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Thanks GL, truth be told I just pulled the newspaper out of the air so it's really not that important I was just trying to give her a desk job.

And thanks Tales, altough I've gotta say that I prefer the new Night Breeze as I've put much more thought into her.

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