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[Ponyville] The First Band Meeting [FINISHED]

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Iron Rainbow stood, smiling. "Okay...I brought my own mic, and I have a little amp, in case you good ponies didn't have one, but it seems you have plenty. So I'll just get my mic outta my saddlebag here..." he said, levitating it out of his saddlebag and connecting the cord to a nearby amp with his teeth. "I prefer mics with cords. They're more reliable."

The charismatic stallion stepped up onto the stage with practiced grace and levitated the mic in front of him. "C'mon, everypony, let's get this show on the road!"

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Penny sat back and watched as the band began to start rehearsing. They were good and enthusiastic but they needed performances. Other ponies needed to hear this music as she was compelled to help them one day when she heard them play once in a bar. There weren't many members like this back then but she knew that this band would definitely make it somewhere someday. Leaving the clutter of paper on the table she was with, she stopped to watch the band as she hovered right over to them.

"Pretend that I'm your audience." She said playfully as she sat down on the couch in front of the band. "And make it like a real live show."

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A tiresome Rabble strolled over to the nearest amp to set up. The time was approaching for the rehearsal. The reached in her saddle bad and plucked out her amp cable, she liked her own equipment, obviously she couldn't bring her own amp. Gripping it with her teeth she slid both ends into each of their intended locations. She moved her hoof to one of her sweat bands and pulled out a plectrum from beneath it.

Falling back onto her hind legs she got into a playing position. She strummed once to check for any problems with her tuning and then she was ready. "Im up for a little jam session."

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"woah woah woah i heard that the rehearsal was coming up! Why would you start without an extra beat?"

Yuki walked into the room with that innocent yet obnoxious look he always had on his face, with him about 5 different percussion sets, 1 of which resembled a children's toy, which fell on the floor and played a chip-tune version of "she'll be coming round the mountain" which confirmed his low rationality levels.

"you guys have room for 1 more, right? please tell me you do..."

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Life Line was looking down at her hooves nervously as the band got set up, and didn't even notice that she was supposed to be getting set up too, until she heard the interference with the mic as Iron Rainbow plugged it in. "Oh!" She jumped up and grabbed her own (brand new!) mic from her saddle bag, plopped the bag in the corner away from everypony else and ran to find someplace to plug it in.

Once she had found a place, she grabbed a stand and set her mic up, shuffling nervously from hoof to hoof. It was her dream to sing in a band, and she wouldn't mess this up by having shaky vocals... She hoped. She flipped her mane over her blind eye, as she usually did when she was nervous, and picked at the ground with her hoof, not sure if she was even needed for this particular rehearsal.

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Iron Rainbow looked over at the obviously nervous Life Line, and levitated his mic stand, moving so that he was standing closer to the nervous nurse. "Hey...don't be so uptight. This is just a rehearsal, after all. Save the jitters." His choice of words was casual and even a little teasing, but his tone was gentle and reassuring. "What's your name, hon?" he asked her, smiling kindly. "I don't believe I caught your introduction."

As he awaited her answer, Iron watched the other musicians milling about, getting things ready, and generally doing whatever needed to be done in order to get the rehearsal off the ground. He turned back to her, his smile still gracing his striking features. "You're gonna be backing me up, right? I'm sure you'll do great."

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Bass remained seated in his chair, looking around, as he tuned his guitar. However, he didn't tune by ear, or with a magical tuner. No, Bass had memorized the feeling of a fine tuned string's vibration reverberating through the neck of a guitar, and tuned it as such. This allowed him to tune in any area, quiet or noisy. He looked around, as he tuned, spotting at least one familiar face. Lucky Penny. He looked around at all the other ponies, including the nervous Life Line. "Hey, don't sweat it. I'm sure you'll do great. Trust me."

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Hello, everyone! I'm sure you've noticed, this RP has been a bit messy. SO I'm going to end it. We'll start a new one, a CONCERT this time. I'm setting up an OOC discussion for it, and we can plan there.

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