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Let's make a Podcast!


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You all may listen to a brony podcast or two. But how do you feel about making one? I would love to make one!

If we were to make a podcast, we'd do it over skype (of course). We could go live on blogtalkradio or something. It would be a great way to pass the seasonless summer of pony! Anyone else interested?

Also, have a Pinkie Pie:



Xiee, Starfox, Phil the Time Wizard, and I have discussed this over skype and this what we think should be implemented for the podcast:

  • There will be several sections including: News, Community Awesomeness, Discussion, and the One cool thing
    • News - Any news happening with the show and brony community as a whole
    • Community Awesomeness - Any new and popular music, videos, and/or fan fictions that have caught our attention
    • Discussion - We bring a topic to the table (be it theories on things that are cannon, things happening in the forum or the brony community as a whole, etc) and talk about it
    • One Cool Thing - We each can present something we thought was cool (w/ links provided). Doesn't have to be pony related.

    [*]Each Section will have different host(s)

    • However, we won't pin you to a specific section. If you want to do fan fiction this week and not discussion, you can.

    [*]We'll do interviews


Here are the hosts for the Canterlot Podcast!

Starfox64x (skype)

CrescentBlaze (audition)

Xiee (skype)

Tenkan (audition)

NemesisPon3 (skype)

Congratulations guys!

Honorable Mentions:

MrMeep (skype, but unfortunately had to drop out)

SaucySpider (audition)

Conor Colton (audition)

Thanks for trying out guys! Appreciate it!

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I tried to make one, and i tried making a weekly show as well, both on ponies... didn't work out too well... there's two problems i see with that, 1: Material to talk about, and 2: Variety of said material.

So with material, of course it would be pony stuff... but then what KINDA of pony stuff? The episodes? Stuff we noticed in the show? Canon theories? Fanon thoughts? stuff we've seen from the community? Sure it sounds like a lot, but during a dry period we'd have nothing...

and for the variety, Will it get dull saying "Oh hey! I saw something on EQD lately that i thought was cool" every episode?

Nevertheless, even though i'm a bit concerned, i do think it would be fun =3 If you'd like me to join i'd be really happy to join up with you. I'm sure it'll be fun.

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I was thinking that we'd have three sections:


Fan Content


With news, we could use EQD, Derpyhooves News, and any other sites and give our thoughts on it. Fan content could be anything new from music, videos, fanfictions. Pretty much anything from the fandom. Finally Discussion, where we would talk about anything big happening in the fandom, stuff about the show, or maybe it doesn't even have to be pony related.

And It'd be cool if you joined Starfox, just send me your skype and we'll get into contact whenever possible :D

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Okay, maybe up until the next season we could talk about episodes, we each pick one and talk about it, what we liked, disliked, and when the new season comes out we can talk about them as they come out.

And i'm starfox64x on skype, hit me up when you can.

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Guh... Talk about tough choices!

On one hand I'd be having a more active roll in the fandom, It'd be FUN, and I can maybe get my name out there...

On the other hand, doing a podcast would RUIN my anonymity and give away my gender (~something I enjoy people being unsure about~)...


Add me on Skype (Kryptchild (I use it for everything)) anyway, but I've got to really think on if I wana do this or not!

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Well, if you guys are considering making a podcast, make it community oriented. Like interviewing a random staff member every episode, and also possibly interviewing a random member. If we're just going to do news and fan stuff, its already being done by multiple podcasts like Bronyville. Lets make it more personal for Canterlot.com. Of course news and other stuff will be there, but lets not make it the center of our theme.

Lets say, episode 1, we interview Artax, the owner of the domain and our gracious host. Make it like 30 minutes of interview time asking him questions on how the site started, how it grew and what it is today right now. Then the other 30 minutes, you can go on about news around the Brony community in general. We could also mix it up a bit by adding episode synopsis or reviewing fan-related content.

If someone ever wants this done, count me in. I can handle a lot of the technical stuff, sound mixing and even video editing if needed.

Add me up in skype: shijirou

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