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"The R Word"


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In case you don't understand the title, I'm talking about "religion".

Now, I hate bringing that kind of thing into my pony. It's like my steak grease touching mashed potatoes on my plate. However, I have a theory of how a piece of fanfiction could actually properly involve a form of religion.

Let's think, first:

Religions all started as minorities. They were a small group that built their lifestyles around rites that were written and recorded for said group to follow. All things considered, these religious groups started out as one person coming up with these ideas (Ranging from Mormons to even Christianity).

What my point is, perhaps the reason a stable religion of sorts wouldn't exist in Equestria is that the princesses are treated as Gods of sorts, thanks to perhaps the fact that they vanquished a God-like foe (Discord, in this case). This could act as a "mandate of heaven" in sorts to rectify the princesses as rulers. This being the case, they rule over all beliefs of higher power because they appear strongest.

However, religions are based on the fact that people believe in what seems most relateable to their beliefs. For example, a colt who thinks of the world being uninteresting and needing of havoc could find fancy in Discord's methods and beliefs, acting as almost religion in a sorts for Discord. Heck, this could be considered a cult in a sense.

I simply bring this up, because while I was forming ideas for fics, I thought about the idea of religion and why not many fanfiction writers implemented that idea.

My ideas of what religion can span from ranged from the worship of ideals for creatures like Discord or the Windigos, who could perhaps belief that anger or disorder is what keeps the world in balance. They're simple ideas, but they could very well work as religions for simple folk like the ponies of Equestria.

I don't want to act religious in any sense (Truthfully, I'm not too religious myself), but I just found this an interesting idea to explore. Kind of like a "daydream idea" that I thought of in 5 seconds...

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I ever wise thing to consider when writing a story.

Religion, in all sense, is belief. All individuals have a belief in something. Whether it be a belief in monotheism, paganism, atheism, good, bad, or apple pie.

It's what drives us to think the way we think and act the way we act!

So you've just pointed out quite a relevant factor indeed!

Who knows? Maybe we're only seeing the ponies that praise the Princesses, when there could be a population that actually praise another powerful being, like Discord, but are too far off and or are taboo to even talk about in Equestria.

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I always interpreted the the kingdom being ruled by the celestial sisters to be a basic form of celtic paganism. In that form of paganism the God and the Goddess are represented by the sun and moon respectively and I always thought that mlp did a wonderful job of ponifying it :D plus celic paganism is matriarcal so it makes sense the kingdom would be run by females

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I wouldn't necessarily say the Princesses of Equestria are treated like goddesses -- but they are definitely highly-magical beings held in great reverence. As far as religion goes, I'm not sure. I think it's open to interpretation, as I doubt we'll see any solid facts that hint at religious organization in the canon of the series itself.

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I like the idea of religion, especially the discord cult thing. (this isn't the first time I've seen it :P) and It's a great tool for fanfic writers to use in their stories. I am not religious either but the idea always seems interesting and worth thinking about, even more so for when it is the driving motive behind characters you've created/altered. Definatly something to keep in the back of your mind and if you can ever find an appropriate way of using it then I see no harm in doing so. ^^

after all, fanfics are fanfics, they're your portralyl of an altered world for others to enjoy; and there's no harm done if they don't :D

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I don't see a cult of Discord forming among the ponies since they seem pretty dedicated to Celestia, almost to the point of brainwashing. It would be interesting to see how other species would react since we know they don't view Celestia the same way as the ponies. Maybe they would sign with Discord or other creatures

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