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{Canterlot} Down a road in Canterlot...


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Canterlot. A city of hopes, dreams, and the ponies that made both. Bustling like an anthill, roiling like the sea, here is where ponies went to fabricate ideas into realities, spin the weaving's of fancy into tomorrows dresses, the flights of their daydreams to the culinary innovation of the season, erect the halls of tomorrows free thinkers and book writers. Even the common pony could feel the hum of the air, on their way to work, stamping their card of writing their papers - This was Canterlot! Heart of Equestria, and we are its blood. This is where the Princesses sat, from where the sun was raised. This is where the future is made.

And today was a good day, just like any other. Celesita's sun hung bright in the vivid blue sky, not a cloud in sight today - Kicked away by the weather crew, or shoved off to another part of the kingdom in needing of precipitation. Ponies clamored down the streets, dressed in fancy regalia, bearing carts loaded to their brims with equipment and goods, running with important meetings on their minds, or even just strolling to enjoy another sunny day in the Gem of Equestria. It was a nice day for a walk... And even Solar Wind, a pony considered 'Skyward Bound' by anypony who knew her, clicked down one of the less congested backstreets on her hooves, head in the clouds despite hooves on the ground. She clung to the shadows of the ornate buildings of the old town, loving Celestia's sun like any other flesh and blood pony, but finding it a bit warm without the wind in her mane. She trotted wordlessly, quietly, down that dark little street in Canterlot, with no destination in mind, just direction.

Just another day in Canterlot.

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Of course, ponies who didn't have to option of flight were just as pleased with the day, for example a young earth pony was making his way through the crowd, his clothing declaring that he was of the working class. He felt slightly underdressed in his dad's cafe's uniform, among all the dresses and suits, and he slowly started to look for a way out of the crowd.

A backstreet? Sure, why not?

He quickly ducked into the sidestreet, breathing a sigh of relief at the lack of ponies in the general vacinity. He didn't hate other ponies, but the mindless chatter about hoof-rings, dresses and dances were getting on his nerves. His eyes caught something pinned to the wall of one of the buildings... A lost pendent? He nodded and took the paper off the wall, slipping it into his almost ever present saddlebags. His eyes returned to the path ahead for a second before turning up to the sky. "Wow... It's really beautiful today... the pegasi did a great job." He muttered, before shaking his head, messing up his short green mane, and continuing on his way down the backstreet, wondering what the day had in store for him.

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Ponies were out and about everywhere today in Canterlot as Ice got off the train. She wondered if maybe there was something going on as she didn't remember this many being in this part of Canterlot. She looked around to see if there was anything that was looking like a flier or something but there wasn't anything listed. It was however a very gorgeous day outside and quite mild in temperature. It was good enough reason to be out that was for sure. "Well, it definitely looks like I won't be needing a hotel for the night! The park seems like a great idea tonight!" She said aloud to herself as she started to at first head down the mane street of Canterlot before she saw everypony in it. "I think.... I'll find another way," she said giggling to herself obviously in a good mood.

She turned to go down one of the other back streets, another little route she knew to get to the park from when she was having personal issues with just about everyone in the city and she just wanted to be alone. Today wasn't so much that she wanted to be alone, quite the opposite in fact. It was just the fact that literally almost every pony in Canterlot was on Mane Street at the moment and she didn't want to get run over or accidentally run over someone herself.

As she turned the corner though she was practically behind another mare. Her coat was a soft dusty yellow, and a mane that made the sunsets look like a small torch. The pony seemed to look familiar to her for some reason but she couldn't make out where she could have known her from. There was another pony not to far away from them either, but she couldn't immediately make anything out, and went back to thinking about the pony in front of her. Was she at the Gala that she attended here not to long ago, or maybe was it at the Open house? she didn't know. But it would be rude for her to just simply ignore her. "Hey there, Enjoying the day? have haven't felt a day this crisp in a while!" she said politely hoping that if she heard the pony speak she may remember more accurately where she looked familiar from or if her mind was just playing tricks on her.

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"Hrmm?" She turned her head lazily, blinking as her sunrise eyes met the glacial ones of the pony behind her. For a moment, she was stuck with her mouth open in an awkward pose as that unsettling mind-tingle of 'day jah voo' washed over her. She knew this pony... Didn't she? But this was Canterlot, she saw ponies all the time. Maybe she was just one of those faces? Blue was certainly in fashion right now, or maybe it was in fashion because it wasn't in fashion... No, she -knew- this pony, she just didn't know that she knew! Maybe she should ask? No, that would be awkward. Crap, its already awkward isn't it?! Oh well, guess its time to make things worse.

On the outside, this little mental flip flop manifested as Solar turned back, opening her jaw to speak and any words dying with a little squeak and a subtle turn of the head. She held that position for what had to be a really long second, blinking, before shaking it off and turning to face the cold-colored pony. "Aah, hi there. We've met before, I think, but I forgot." She turned fully to face the unicorn mare, holding out her hoof. "Solar Wind."

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The other pony turned around as she spoke to her, and she still swore up and down that she knew this pony from somewhere. It was actually starting to irritate her that she couldn't place where, or even what her name was. She returned her greeting with one of her own, and then added that she thought that they had met before, but she couldn't remember either. That settled it. She knew that she knew this pony from somewhere now, and that fact that she didn't know that she knew this pony or where she knew the pony from was absurd. that was until she heard the pony mention her name. "Solar Wind... Solar Wind... Solar Wind..." she muttered to herself before her eyes shooting wide. "Solar!!!" she yelled nearly tackling the other pony in attempt to hug. "It's me Ice Storm! You used to always come in my shop, and were one of the few that actually listened to what I had to say!!" Oh she was so much happier now that not only had she remembered her, but that she had been a friend. Hopefully that friendship hadn't dwindled out in her absence.

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The orange pegasus smiles genuinely, holding her hoof out almost awkwardly as the other pony softly turns her name over. Solar frowns. She really does look familiar, like a mare she should know... She can't put her hoof on it. Soon enough, she can't put her hooves on anything, as her attempts to recall leave her completely unprepared for the flying-unicorn style tackle. "Solar!" came her enthusiastic cry. The pegasus beats her wings in response, now working really hard to try and remember where she knows this mare before it gets -really- awkward.

"Its me, Ice Storm! You used to always come in my shop, and were the one of the few that actually listened to what I had to say!" Oh.-Oh-. OH! And suddenly, just like that, a switch is flipped. The Iced Treats parlor! She used to go there all the time as a filly, listen to the crazy stories of the mare who owned the place. Thinking now, it seemed so long ago... But she had closed down the shop and moved away, that little corner of Canterlot now had a washing business or something in it. What was she doing here?

"By Celestia, its been a long time Ice." She wrapped her wings around the blue Unicorn mare, smiling a little. "Its so great to see you back in Canterlot! I really miss spending every other Saturday at your place with Sunbeam..." She pauses. Not the time and place for Sunbeam, Solar, you just ran into her again. "What are you doing back?"

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Ice felt the other Solar return the hug, and she knew that she had remembered her. It made her so happy to be reunited with an old friend of hers. Hearing that she missed being at the shop every other week with her sister. She sensed a bit of a drop in her voice when she mentioned her name, so something must have happened. She also didn't continue on the subject so Ice left it alone. She didn't need to sour the moment by bring up something that she has no business bringing up. "I must say, I do miss you coming into my store every other Saturday, though I'm only a train ride a way now. I've reopened in Ponyville. There are so many nicer Ponies there than there were here when I first moved here. I was actually on my way towards the park. I was going to be meeting one of my newer friends there, but apparently somethings going on in the mane square, so I'm not sure if she'll even be there or not. But hey, You're here now, so we can always head to the park anyway. It's sure to be a lot quieter there than it is here!" she said enthusiastically happy to be around her friend again.

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Amy Ironhooves yawned as she lifted up the covers from her body, wondering who's enthusiastic cheer had disturbed her midday sleep. It didn't make her angry, that emotion had left her the day she got to Canterlot. Instead she was just curious as to what caused that shout.

After spending a few moments to get ready, Amy opened her door to immediately be greeted by two mares, neither of which she was acquainted with. Of course the fact that she didn't know who they were did not surprise Amy, she wasn't social with anypony but the few customers of her night shift, and even that was limited conversation that they often forced as she repaired their stuff.

Neither of them seemed to notice Amy, despite the squeaking noise her door made as she opened it. Not wishing to be rude, Amy sat and waited for them to finish, trying not to eavesdrop.

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The pegasus chuckles with a slight grin. It had been so long since she'd talked to the mare... But she still kept her particular brand of enthusiasm throughout. It took Solar back to the old days for just a brief second of Celestia's day, remembering the clack of tile and the smell of cold and cream... Yes, she would claim cold had a smell, much like hot did. Cold smelled like winter nights fresh snow, a frigid wind, like goosebumps on your skin when the bite went through your coat. Its complicated.

"The park sounds like a lovely idea, Icey." She commented, using her wings to push the two of them back up onto their hooves proper. Who knew what had been dropped and trampled into the cobbles? "I can't say I go there very often. I just, you know..." She waves a hoof up at the sparse cloud cover with a guilty smile. "Pegasus around. You know the way from the streets...?" Ugh. You live in this city your entire life and still cant give proper walking directions? She puts it on her 'To do' list, looking about... And finally noticing the mare in the doorway with a smile. Aha! Local Earth yokel, five o'clock! "Aheh, hiya!"

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Ice giggled when Solar Wind told her that that she didn't really go to the park often, that she pegasused around more often than not with a guilty smile. "Haha, nothing to be ashamed of. Sometimes I wish I had wings instead of magic. It's a lot easier to avoid those that you don't want to be around when they can't reach you than it is to freeze your door shut with ice," she laughed and started to turn to go towards the park. From where they were it would take some decent navigating, but it wouldn't be too difficult. She knew this park like the back of her hoof. With a smile she started to head in that direction. "Of course, I practically spent my entire life here in Canterlot at that park. It was the one place I could go to find peace in the city. I'm sure you remember how bad some of the arguments got into with some of the more wealthy ponies," she pointed out.

Just then she noticed anther pony that had opened a nearby door. Solar seemed to have noticed this as well and she quickly gave a hello. She looked like she had been asleep and Ice Suddenly felt really bad. "Oh my, did we wake up? I was.... more than a bit loud, and I apologize for that," she said with a blushing smile.

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  • 2 weeks later...

"Don't worry about it," Amy said to the ice blue mare as she turned her head to the Pegasus, making sure to hide the look of drowsiness. "Hello to you, too." With the mystery of the shout solved, Amy internally debated on what to do. Despite trying not to listen to their conversation, she overheard that they were headed to the park.

"I'm Amy, Amy Ironhooves!" The mare started with all the excitement she could muster, managing to wake herself up in the process. "I was about to go back inside, but now I feel like going to the park, too! Is it okay if I go with you both?"

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Solar looked over to Ice for conformation. Wait, conformation? Pfft, like Ice was going to say anything besides yes in some fashion. "Sure, why not?" She smiled, beating her wings once and puffing out her chest. "I'm Solar Wind, Guard-In-Training! Well... Sort of. A little. Its more like an aspiration. I's just a Weather Pony right now." Her smile turns a bit more guilty. "And its a pleasure to meet you, Miss Ironhooves." Sounded familiar yet again. Man, this day was going to be awkward if she kept running into ponies she thought she knew! Probably just one of those names.

Solar kicked off her back hooves, beating her wings and doing a lazy backwards flip that lead into a lazy hover. "By all means, lead the way you two. I don't know the streets like I should from ground level, ahe."

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"Absolutely," Ice Storm replied to Amy. "The more around the Merrier besides, the park is surely to be less crowded than the streets are. I have no idea what could possible be going on today. In all the years I lived here I've never seen them that crowded," Ice commented as Solar Wind introduced herself to the new pony. Ice figured that she should be doing the same as well, especially if the pony was going to be joining them on their little trip to the park. Ice was also very relieved to the fact that she didn't seem upset by the fact that they have very obviously just woke her up. Mose other mares would have ripped her a new one for such an act, especially here in Canterlot. She was very happy to find that wasn't the case today.

"And my name is Ice Storm. I used to live here in Canterlot until I got tired of all the rudeness in the city. I still come back from time to time though, to visit friends that I have and such," she added giving a smile. When Solar said to lead the way, that she didn't know the streets that well from the ground, she smiled again. "Okay, I know the shortest way from here, It's right this way," she said starting to head in the direction of the park.

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