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Tales Of Chronos "Act 1, The Awakening" [Open]

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Twilight looking at Dash and sighs' You don't' remember anything about your dream" she asked lightly looking Pegasus pony. Hearing Celestias' voice she turns and runs to her ' Princess Celestia. WE have the books, but I have something I need to ask you" she said looking up at her teacher

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Twilight looked on at her teacher " I wish It was a story" she said lightly looking at the Alicorn.. " we did as you asked and got the books you asked, but something happened... In the center of the room their was a statue of an alicorn.... WE don't know what happened but I work up in a dream world where I seen an Alicorn with white fur, sliver mane and tail, and gold eyes" She said looking at the princess

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Twilight stands before her princess waiting on an answer. The young unicorn mares eyes were wide with the mix of worry, fear, and curiosity. “Who was that Alicorn princess?” She asked once more as the princess seems to be lost in her own mind. It wasn’t every day any pony seen the princess scared like she was now. She looked around and it wasn’t long before the other the other sister soon landed on the deck” Sister I came as fast as I could. I have seen the note thou left one my chamber door” Said the princess of the night the young princess luna.

Twilight looked over at Luna and nods softly “We went to the old castle in the everfree forest and seen a white alicorn male in our dreams. He had gold eyes, sliver mane and tail, and was big.. I mean bigger then you and celestia “She said looking at the princess. The look on Luna face told a story that would never be forgotten. The look of fear overcame her as she looked to her sister’ He can’t be.. Not after all we did” she said looking up at her older sister. With deep sadness and fear “he can’t be awaking… “she said once more before looking to the other ponies.

Twilight blinks hearing the knock and turns looking over at the door ‘ I wonder who this could be at this time in the day” she said slowly walking over to the door “ Coming “ she said lightly and her hoof moved and slowly opened the door for the Pegasus she has never seen until now. “ oh hello can I help you?” she asked in as sweet and as kind a voice as she can. With the door being open the Pegasus could see five other ponies in the room as well as both princesses.

IF the Pegasus had good ears she would have picked up on a little of what the group was talking about and it didn’t sound good. Twilight looked at the new pony “Hello” she said softly

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Celetia's eyes look hollow, "No," was all she said, "If what you say is true then this world may be doomed," she looked at her sister pure fear in her eyes

I sat at the base of the status awaiting Chronos awaking to be there when he awakens to take over the world at my side. I smile at Ponyville, "the day shall be over before it begins," I laugh

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Luna looked at her and sighs sadly ' No we must stop him before he can reach full.. If he isn't here now he still needs more power before he can brake free" Luna said looking at her sisters ' But who would have" she blinks hearing the name and sighs " sister I'm going to the everfree forest, Go back to canterlot and get everyone ready. " she said looking at her sisters before taking off and flying.

Twilightly still stands by the door looking at the pony waiting on her to speak.

The statue says nothing now. The voice is gone, but she would have been able to feel him drawing from her. and a low grown coming as the statue showed a small crack

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Chrysalis grinned, "Yes the time grows near for the return of Chronos, and soon I will get all I ever wanted!" she smiled and waited, "Come on Luna, I know your smart enough to come and once you see that I have freed your brother you will be so happy you will love me!" she laughed and smiled

Celestia nodded to her sister and with that ran to the portch and flew off to alert Canterlot and have Shining Armor and Candice make the protective shield over the city yet again.

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Luna looked in to the eyes of Chrysalis as her eyes widen in fear " what have you done" she said as the cracks started to grow larger and light shined from the statue " no he can't be awaken" she said looking at the changeling queen "he will clean Equestria of all outside of our kind" she said looking at her. It was my sister and I who locked him away. WE must go" she said to the changeling queen ' get your ponies and run. He will come after you first' she said slowly starting to fly. her horn glows purple as she did her best to recast the spell, but soon her horn would spark and she falls back to the ground ' no he is too strong we have to run " she said looking to Chrysalis

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((ooc I"m sorry))

Twilight looked at the pony before her and nods. " that is me" she said before taking the letter from her and smiles’ thank you so much’ she said looking back as the two princesses leave to go do their work. Dash looked over at them and the new pony in the door ‘I think we should get all the ponies in town to canterlot now… “ she said looking at fluttershy before the two moved over to the Pegasus at the door. Dash looked at her “ can you fly fast’ She ask leaving the door and going around beside the new pony

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