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For when I need to rant, or to show off stuff

Entries in this blog

Why Artists are worth being Paid for their work

Alright  I just want to  make my stance on the whole "Artists" Debackle, this is not going to single anyone out, and is just more of a response to a growing attitude problem I see on Tumblr, and sometimes even here, and it kinda really needs to stop, and this is for ALLLL forms of Artists, Graphic Artists, web designers, digital artists, if your job is to  make something look beautiful, that requires time, effort and  a lot of practice and talent? It's about that. Point blank, when you pay an




1: Luna Angst Seriously, stop this 2: Angst for the sake of angst This too! 3: Derpy hooves PICK A NEW CHARACTER FOR CELESTIA'S SAKE 4: Mental/physical disabilities make me different and that's bad BLIND AND OUTCAST! COUNTER CLOCKWISE HORN OUTCAST OUTCAST AND DIFFERENT WEH! 5: LUNA REBELLION !!111 ENOUGH WITH THIS PLZ



The Coddling of Fan animation

I recently read a journal by our very own Scootalux, and I have to admit in a way I agree and disagree with him, but that's nothing new as we tend to have various different opinions:P Quite bluntly, people need to stop defending Fan animation like it's pure and perfect simply because it comes out of a place of love, a childs scribbled drawings are out of a place of love, but they need guidance to improve. Typically the biggest fault I always find with fan animations/ fan projects is their inabi



Where the Limester has been (Inspired by MetalBrony's post)

If it hasn't become painfully obvious, ever since I ceased my work here as RPH I'v gradually lessened and lessened my involvement with the site as a whole, a lot has happened recently and I'm not quite sure where my standings in the fandom are anymore? I'v started working, it's a temp job but it's eight hours monday through friday, and I'v been dealing with personal/relationship issues (which resulted in dating someone for 3 days then panicing and breaking it off due to not being ready) and gen



The Nightmare Universe: Rules and helpful links!

Celestia has fallen, Eternal night reins now, what will happen to Equestria? Is this poor universe doomed to be consumed by the inky, blackness that is NightMare Moon's magic? We'll find out! This idea is to help encourage more roleplaying in Free For All and to show off some of it's potential! It's more than a place to frolic with Alicorns, or do yet ANOTHER "Elements of Harmony" Roleplay where new ponies get the elements! It's about universe expansion, alternate scenarios! And that is what we



How to properly request Free Art

There are some guidelines to how one should go about requesting something! Art is no different! Art takes a lot of time, effort, drive, and passion to do and a gift of art is a wonderful thing! I am going to give you some rules on how one should properly request art. (Note these are not official site rules, but my own personal ones) Get to know the community first! Don't be that one jerk that JUST joined, has 4 posts, and instantly comes to the request area to get free art, be it of your cutie m



What Being a Brony means to Lime

Everyone has a story about how they came into the fandom, everyone has a different idea of what the idea of being a "Brony" means to them, and everyone has their own reasons why MLP is special to them This is mine I am going to skip the story of how I became a brony, it's a tale for another time! This is to specifically focus on what Brony means to me. I hear others going now "But Lime you ARN'T a Brony you are a Pegasis!" Nope, I am a BRONY To me a Brony is a older viewer of the show, a Bro



SnowDrop: QuickLimes thoughts on the Short

QuickLime here with my thoughts on a popular Brony Short... You know it, you probably love it! It's the tear jerker animated short by SillyFilly Studios! SnowDrop! Where do I begin..?-rubs face- Alright let's start on a positive note and then work our way from there! Let me start this off by stating this is MY OPINION and I have the right to express my opinion, you do not have to agree and are free to watch it and gather your own thoughts on it! I would however appreciate no long prea



"Trendy" "Mainstream" "Unique" "Indie" A thought on the subject of Going with the flow, or being a "Unique Individual!"

I am apparently not a unique individual. I do not go exclusively to independent coffee shops I don't listen souly to music made by independent musicians that work from the bottom and climb to the top I don't only watch hand made animated works that were made by one guy on YouTube. I will go into a Starbucks, get one of their "girly frappe not coffee at all" drinks and sit on my laptop and enjoy myself. I will hear a song on the internet, in the store, whatever and get it on my



It is FAR from Over

The Brony fandom is /NOT/ dying unless you want it to die, those who whine, bellyache and bemoan and grieve the 'Loss of the brony fandom" are the ones that want out of it . Once Upon a Time there was a show called My Little Pony Tales This show had it's fan, this show was recreated MANY times and still had fans, A lot of those older fans are fans of FIM. Those fans did not stop being fans when their shows ended, they didn't spurn or ignore the new generation (at least not all of them) Fa



How to be a good Member of your Fandom.

Do not be obnoxious! We get that you like a specific fandom! That you like to buy the merchandise, hear the music, draw art for it and other such awesomeness! This is GOOD! however do not go around dragging it into every single aspect of your life, don't obnoxiously hum the theme song around a group of friends you know don't care for it, and don't go out of your way to compare every single thing to -fandom- DON'T hate on other fandoms! I know you thing -first version of show- is terrible r



QuickRant: Coffee Snobs

I get it, people are picky about their coffee, and I can respect wanting something your way, however what I can NOT respect is when you decide to nitpick, lecture, and INSULT people that have different preferences than yours! Why is someone "less a man" if they want their drink with milk? or with Syrup? or with Whipped Cream? They arn't! And quite frankly I should be able to order my "Froo froo" drink without ridicule! If I want my Decafe, half caf, frappe mocha whatever, what right do you hav



Character Showcase : QuickLime!

When I first came to this site I created my first pony character! Her name was QuickLime and she looked like this.. This was made shortly after I saw my first season of MLP XD However after spending some time on it her appearance slightly shifted... Giving her face more expression! But for the longest time she was a blank flank, then Angie Cakes saved the day wiiiith THIS! Causing another change to occur Pony Creator restrictions aside over the years I'v gotten great art telling me how



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