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I haven't seen you around lately, Weeshy! Have you been busy?

I've been on everyday, but didn't feel compelled to post on much that I saw. I haven't been any busier than usual.

Here is a transcript of a recent conversation I had at the dentist:

Dental Hygienist: You have no cavities again, well done.

Weesh: I only come here once in 6 months, I don't need encouragement, I need you to kick my butt for not flossing enough.

Dental Hygienist: Well you're obviously not a champion flosser; every cavity you have had is from not flossing. You have multiple teeth that will need to be fixed soon unless you start taking it seriously.

It impressed me how fast her tone and message did a 180.

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I had a doctor who prescribed me some creams for a skin condition. They didn't work and about a month after prescribing them he had ran away to Africa (He was an African king and something must have gone wrong because he just took all his funds and left America). My skin condition has been getting progressively worse and I have yet to find a new doctor. It is nothing fatal and I have a mild case so at least I am lucky.

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I was completely waylayed yesterday, and won't have internet access until monday. The complete story is forthcoming when I return, but I am surprised to be in a tiny village without road access to the real world...

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I actually have a really funny one..

This was a long time ago when I was still living in California with my parents.

I was very young at the time, I think I may have been in pre-school...

I cannot recall the exact details, but it went a little like this.

Me and my dad went to our nearest KFC for lunch. I was sitting down at a table, playing with some toys and my dad was in line to order.

My dad was Korean, and unfortunately he was not very fluent in English as i was and had some trouble communicating from time to time... He was doing a fairly good job ordering until he needed to order some Honey - Barbeque Chicken.

He said to the cashier "..And I would like to have some 'horny' barbecue." The cashier thinks she heard wrong and she was all 'wait, escuse me sir?".. And my dad XD (Literally doing the 'mr bean face' if you know what i mean) (emphasizing the honey)- said "I said 'HORNY' BARBECUE. i want to have some 'horny' barbecue!!" And the cashiers expression was priceless O.o hahahaha she most have been so freaked out XDD - I remember that my dad took a lot of time ordering, but never really knew what had happened back then. I heard this story from my mother! aahh my dad is a very strict person, but he can be very cute at times lol :lol:

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Today, I was sitting in math class taking notes.

The girl sitting next to me starts talking to me. She tells me that she had left some notes she was passing in her journal, which we recently had turned in and the teacher checked it.

The Teacher didn't get mad, she went through the notes and corrected the grammar.

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well it all began on a cold winters afternoon i was oput with a friend and we had this realy old firecracker the type that launchs into the air and shoots fireball.

So what we did was take said fire works down to the train tracks and let them off i started running before it was even lit but my friend (who was lighting it) managed to burn his hand so were barreling through the bush and we come out on the rode and the firecracker goes off no flying in the air or fireballs just a flash and a bang my friend collapses out of the bush limping as this women comes out of the house yelling asking if he had been shot

after explaining that no he just fell when we heard a bang we were on our merry way and thats how equestria was made

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Well, I'm back from my internet-less, cell phone-less adventure, and I have lots of stories of actual substance but first:

Crocs with socks

I came across this, my vote for the worst ever fashion faux pas, on no less than two different people last week, including once at a business meeting. Who could think that was ok?! I was so horrified, that I was afraid to broach the subject, because I just knew that I would look like a crazy person approaching a stranger spouting incredulous sentence fragments.

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