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About this blog

You've heard of Shark Week. Well, now it's time for Hippo Week. That's right! A week of Hippo. Well, 10 days actually. While I'm vacation I planned on revamping some things on Canterlot.com for myself and am working on projects I've been wanting to work on for quite some time. Every day, I will publish a project and would like to share with with the RPing masses. You can comment, like, or just post hippo memes. All are welcome.



Entries in this blog

Hippo Week Day 9: Zap Apple

My OC Zap Apple is 3 and a half years old now, seems like yesterday he was a newborn foal. Though it seems likely the intention within the universe of Equestria in the show was that foals were like elementary kids and the students in the school of friendship are around teenage years, I have been thinking about how I want to age Zap for the future. He may never see older ages simply because we don't typically RP that much in the future, but because of how Season 9 ended, and how I have been build



Hippo Week Day 8: Revamped RP Log

It was a task, but I finally simplified and reset all the linkage and images on my RP log to reflect my RP experience on this forum. It's been quite a journey. It's kind of bewildering how many threads I've been involved in, how many different people I wrote stories with, and how far some of my OCs have gone, even the ones I wasn't planning on taking very far.   In all of my threads that are not active, I have posted in character about 1,300 times, and this is not including posts in 10



Hippo Week Day 7: Private threads!

Today I'm taking a break from the mind-numbing task of RP history logging and going back into the best part: Posting Ponies! I have started two new threads for one-on-one opportunities. First a thread with PrinceBlueblood where I can start using my new zebra student!   Second, a new user by the name of SparkSan is starting a new story with her new OC and my Granola Gracie. Hello and welcome to the family, Spark! And finally, I have resurrected a thread with PyroBlaze in t



Hippo Week Day 6: Revamping RP Log (part 1)

I want to do the dirty work of revamping my heavily neglected RP log. But in order to do that, I realized the best way was to reflect on all the posts I made on Canterlot.com. Yes, all of them. It's taking more time than I realized crunching the numbers and filing all of them together so that they are organized by character and activity. I can't believe how much pony I have posted. So many stories. So many friends. So many memories. Seeing these old threads with old friends really touched me and



Hippo Week Day 5: New thread, open to all WoE!

Introducing my latest open thread, Fluttershy is opening up her sanctuary to visitors, but for only one day. She wants to use this time in order help outsource her care of animals to others, that they might also find meaning in the critters around them. What could happen in this thread? Here are some examples:   Pet adoption Caring for sick pets Visitors helping care for animals Animals causing mischief Possibly other things!



Hippo Week Day 4: New Characters!

Today I have worked on and finished two new character applications for World of Equestria role play. I've been wanting to make these for a while, and finally got them on paper.  So here they are. Introducing: Zareb the zebra, and Sky Beak the hippogriff!          



Hippo Week Day 3: Jointies

For my third day of Hippo week, I'd like to honor my B.P.R.P.F.F. (Best Pony Role Play Friend Forever), SteelEagle.  Over the years, him and I have posted many ponies, and occasionally did so in the form of text chat. This allowed us to react to each other in a different, more immediate way, as well as add some story fill to other role players in threads that require some dialogue to expand the scope of the narrative. We did it when it called for it, but mostly we did it because it's really fun!



Hippo Week Day 2: "Singles"

((The following is an interlude to the story thread here in which Remington takes off for gym class before meeting with his fillyfriend Moonlight later that evening.))     When Remington arrived at the gym, he went into the stallion's locker room to change out of his uniform and into his more athletic appropriate clothing. Not that it would make much of a difference for him. He wasn't very athletic, but like most ponies that would endure a gym class like this one, he would on



Hippo Week Day 1: Back to Life

Back to Life a short story inspired by "Back to Life" by Sam Synthis   A light blue pegasus fell from the sky. The atmosphere was partly cloudy sunny skies, but the stallion seemed lifeless and immobile. His eyes were closed and his wings unfolded, only being moved by the air around him as he plummeted. No one else was around. It's not understood why he is falling. Was he knocked out? Did he fall asleep? The ground kept growing nearer and nearer underneath him, without a sign o



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