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Status Updates posted by Hawkeye12

  1. Math exams will be the death of me.

    1. stormchaser1991


      ok then Hawkeye what shall i put on your tombstone, For your death. death by papercut, death by boring or something else

    2. Hawkeye12


      All of the above!

    3. tacobob


      Math is hard, let's go shopping!

  2. Meant to do some posting today, but didn't get a chance to reply to all my roleplays, darn. I'll be busy over the weekend though, so you probably won't see any posts from me until Monday.

  3. My new computer should be coming soon...I can't stand doing all my work in the library where people always look over my shoulder...

    1. Avery


      People hovering over shoulders are really creepy sometimes. I've had that happen to me a couple of times and like... I got freaking jump scared cause I never realized they were there.

  4. Need to make posts...but too tired. :/

  5. Note to self: Do NOT go to Chik Fil A on dress like a cow day unknowingly. It's a black and white nightmare...

  6. Note to self: Never try to drink expired milk again...

  7. Oh dear mother of mothers. I forgot my phone's passcode...on top of my new computer not arriving yet. I...I can't. I've lost the ability to even.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Hawkeye12


      Sort of... I think I can only prime number at the moment.

    3. Corsair


      Ugh, you may have to reset the phone to factory settings if you forgot the passcode. I know that's the only way to fix it on an iPhone.

    4. Hawkeye12


      Yep, I know. All that I think is "B-b-but, my games!"

  8. Oh, hello there overly busy life, we meet again.

    1. XanXeto


      You know him too!?!

  9. Oh, thank Celestia for the weekend. Two days to get away from the drama of life and do nothing but sit around and do weird internet stuff :)

  10. Okay, fixed it, though I had to do it on a phone....oh well. Let the chaos BEGIN!

  11. Okay, so. I'm going do be doing some volunteer work over the next couple days, it's only during the day but by the time I'm back at the computer I'm too tired to get a good post out. It starts Monday, but I'll get some last minute posts out before then. Sorry in advance.

  12. Okay! I think I've caught up on all my posts except for Dart Struck (which I haven't forgotten about, just a little brain dead on that one) and the final Speed-dating round, which I'll get to when I can.

    1. Zealot


      Hehe, yeah. We seem to have met a bit of a stall with Dart Struck. I'm still up for continuing it though.

  13. Okay! So I'll be leaving for vacation tomorrow night, so you probably won't see any posts from me for a week or so. I may try to get something out from my phone, but that's always complicated. Sorry guys.

  14. Okay. I'm not sure if this is exactly possible, but there's an app in WoE I posted a while ago...I was wondering if someone could delete it? I've lost the inspiration, and I just don't have the time to work on it. Thanks.

    1. RarityDash


      The app in question has been removed. I would, in the future suggest using the report button (or PMing the moderators) for requestingsomething like this, as it's very possible we'll miss something if it's posted here as a status update.

    2. Hawkeye12


      Alright, thanks :)

  15. Okay. Posts will come tomorrow. Promise! Meant to get em today, but I got kidnapped and dragged into the pool so...yeah.

  16. Posts from me won't be coming until the weekend probably. Sorry.

  17. Posts will come in the next couple days. ;)

  18. Posts will come today, if not tomorrow, and if not then definitely Saturday. Pinkie Promise!

  19. Posts will come tonight. College things just finally started up..

  20. Posts will most likely come tomorrow. In other news, the dentist officially sucks..

  21. Posts...right. I should make a couple of those sooner or later..

  22. Saw San Andreas yesterday, and Jurassic World today. Both great movies with AMAZING special effects....but I think I'd rather watch dinosaurs than earthquakes any day of the week. Rawr. ;)

  23. Schmoozey is best pone.

    1. Tymiko


      Have you seen his original self?

    2. Hawkeye12


      Yes, Schmoozey is best pone for all the generations!

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