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Status Updates posted by Tenkan

  1. Had a dream I was running away from my loved ones riding a unicycle...

    1. StarStorm


      You, my friend, have some STRANGE dreams!

    2. shyshy


      i once had a dream i was walking in space opening a series of random doors in an invisible hallway and each door had something different behind it.

      tenkan, your dream tops this. well done my friend. XD

    3. CatCakey


      Once I dreamt I was getting chased by a weird T-rex that spat fire

  2. Had a peculiar dream of my home city, where all it's men are disappeared, and little boys holding weapons are left to fend off the still present evil.

    1. chardude


      what was the evil? o.o

    2. MyLittlePonyTales


      Sounds like it could be an interesting book.

    3. Tenkan


      @chardude: I didn't see it in the dream, but I know darn well what it is. The cause of the ongoing conflict back home. In other words, imagine King Sombra but in real life and with a big army. :/

      @Tales: Hmmm...come to think of it, you're right. But it's too close to home and I wouldn't wanna take advantage of other people's suffering.

  3. Had dreams about my uncle...and he was super buff for some reason. O_O

    1. Mellorious


      Weird. O.o

      I take it he's isn't usually super-buff?

    2. PIJIN


      Sounds legit.

  4. Has a potato for a brain, today.

    1. CatCakey


      I remember watching a comedy where a kids heart gets replaced with a potato. Only a few seconds later the potato 'explodes'

      It's animated by the way

    2. Tenkan


      Wow. How is that comedic? >.>

  5. Hasn't watched the new MLP episode, and is already stumbling upon memes about it......

  6. Haven't played ME3 yet. Could the ending be THAT bad?!

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Davroth


      2 months. It will be until the end of June. :3

    3. Tenkan


      Nice. Hope you're having fun, mate. ;)

    4. Davroth


      I totally have. Also, I hope your brother enjoys his stay. :3

  7. Having great weather today? Take advantage of it! The least you should do is open a window. :)

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Tenkan
    3. Davroth


      I'll take advantage of the weather alright. *Bowchickawowwow*

    4. Tenkan
  8. Heading to bed early. Don't wanna miss out on Sun time.

  9. Heading to the UK very soon. Started eating beans on toast so I get used to it.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. shyshy


      awesome i am so jelly

    3. Tenkan


      Well, when I was a kid there that's what we used to eat quite often.

      That and fish and chips. I wonder if things changed...

    4. shyshy


      o my gawd you lucky lil poni

  10. Hey, StarStorm. I just read your reply to the Spider photo. Sorry I freaked you out!

  11. HK-47 is best droid! ><

  12. Hmmm...a question runs through my mind at the moment. Is there a feed page so you can get everyone else's updates?

    1. MyLittlePonyTales


      There's the All Updates button. Go to somepony's status, and there should be a blue bar at the top. You can see just Friends' Updates as well.

    2. Tenkan


      Thanks for the intel. :)

  13. House of Jan shall return!

  14. HUBAWAAAH?! New episode, you say?! I gonna watch it NOOOOOOW! D:

  15. I am not gonna read a single status until I watch all the new MLP episodes. Silly bronies spoiling everything. :P

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. weesh


      yeah, I heard that (REDACTED) just prior to seeing the episode in these comments. Very sad. This should be a no spoiler zone.

    3. MyLittlePonyTales


      I know some people don't like spoilers, and I respect that. However, with this particular one, I've seen it everywhere. Canterlot, yes, but DeviantArt, Tumblr, Facebook... you can't hide from it unless you stay off the internet with this one.

    4. Tenkan


      It's already been spoiled to me. I guess spoilers are inevitable when you're on the internet.

      But to be honest, there's so much more to do on the internet than chill in social sites.

      I like to spend my time in the Steam room to relax.

  16. I can't get this video right! *Knocks head onto desk*

  17. I don't always curse at someone in Arabic, but when I do, it's "Poo on You!":

  18. I feel slightly childish saying this but...I WANT A PONY SONG IN THE NEXT EP!!1BLALBLABLABLABLAAAAAA!!1!

  19. I finally uploaded a video on my Yatef channel. I miss that channel. :Dhttp://youtu.be/YJeBA0V0cmU

  20. I get to interview the Moderators in this week's CV! http://derpy.me/3NNs1

  21. I got 99 problems, and a Math exam ain't one.

  22. I had no idea Bruce Lee studies philosophy! That guy. @_@

    1. shyshy


      is there anything he does not do?

  23. I hate staying up late at night, it makes me miss out on the awesome day.

  24. I have never been so honored.

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