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Status Updates posted by Tenkan

  1. If I catch you eating my Fruity Pebbles Treats MARSHMALLOW CEREAL BAR then I will be upset at you.

    1. Ciraxis


      What about Chocolate Pebbles Treats MARSHMALLOW CEREAL BAR?

    2. Tenkan


      Chocolate Pebbles Treats MARSHMALLOW CEREAL BAR are authorised for eating. 

    3. Ciraxis
  2. Just thought I'd pop by to see Canterlot again. I have never met so many great people in one place. Definitely memories I'm proud to have. Love ya'll. :)

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Nasty


      " I have never met so many great people in one place."

    3. Nasty


      T R A G I C 

    4. Tenkan
  3. Once more the steak shall rule the galaxy...and we shall have...peas.

  4. Owls are dope and hawks are majestic.

    1. GigiThePug


      You are very wise. 

    2. Tenkan


      There was an exhibition downtown with eagles and owls on display. Never saw birds like that in my life!

    3. GigiThePug
  5. popping by to see the youngins. :aubrey: 

  6. Wanna rewatch the show in full, one day. It's been ages since I saw the first seasons. 

  7. What can a pony do to get a good, quality chair that don't mess up my back!?

    1. GigiThePug


      Get a padded one. Idk. I'm sure there are ones out there that can support your back though! I say look online. That's where you can find some good ones.

  8. Winner, winner, chicken meal.

  9. Would you believe I'm watching MLP again? Good times. Good show. :)

  10. Ya'll better eat ya'll Chicken Nuggets. Part of your five a day.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Rosewind
    3. Tenkan


      They're not dinosaur shaped but...they'll do. 

    4. tacobob


      I'm guessing the 'Paw Patrol' is the canine version of the Village People. Village Paw-ple.


  11. Ya'll better eat ya'll Nutritious Breakfast.

  12. Yo, Amazon, where my chair at?

    1. SymphonicFire


      And while you're looking for that, I need my screws and book!

  13. You can do anything if you put your mind to it, even drive a tank. Not my tank, tho.

    1. szalhi


      If you download the right programs, then anything is possible. 

    2. BeGoneThots


      *takes the tank apart, but leaves all the pieces with Tenkan. Just disassembled*

  14. You haven't really laughed if you didn't watch Michael Rosen. 

    1. FrankT


      Sure, I've read some of his work!

    2. Tenkan


      I mainly refer to his Youtube videos...and the parodies his fans made of him. ;)

  15. You: Le meme. Me: Al meme Abu Dank

  16. You. Me. Chess. Be there or be square.

  17. I guess it's back to vloggity vlogs! http://youtu.be/uWqnGy8wOZM

  18. What's up, Canterlot? I missed thee.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Tenkan


      Just stopping by to say hi, raelly.

      Good to see you again. ;)

    3. weesh


      Still a busy semester?

    4. Tenkan


      Eeeeyup. Forever busy. I'm still on Skype, though, just not ponying that much.

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