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Status Replies posted by AlextheAngel

  1. *Zaps your favorite OC into a baby* WHAHAHAHAHAHA

  2. Happy Birthday to me!!!

  3. *Cries because college doesn't allow enough internet freedom to watch MLP.* v.v

  4. Alright, so in about three hours I will be leaving for track & field provincials. This means that I might not have wi-fi for a few days, and if I do, I probably won't get much of a chance to use it. So I'm gonna end up being gone until Sunday at the earliest (Saskatchewan time). If I'm lucky, I might make the odd post here xP Anyways, I'll see ya then! ^.^/)

  5. Once I get settled with the right equipment and have enough time, I think I'll start taking song requests. But Rock and Metal are all I can really do...

  6. I plan on making a character who's mute. I wonder how that would work. Any ideas?

  7. I plan on making a character who's mute. I wonder how that would work. Any ideas?

  8. I apologize once again as my schedule ensues. School... Chores... Unexpected events... Expected events... And now the divisional track meet! I apologize deeply, but I hope y'all can still wish me luck! xP

  9. Finally, this respiratory infection is wearing off. I'll be singing again in no time!

  10. For some reason, I got another negative case note. I'm getting a little upset with this. Never had a single negative case note for a full year until just recently. ._.

  11. For some reason, I got another negative case note. I'm getting a little upset with this. Never had a single negative case note for a full year until just recently. ._.

  12. For some reason, I got another negative case note. I'm getting a little upset with this. Never had a single negative case note for a full year until just recently. ._.

  13. I need more rp's........... it's almost summer. I'm going to need something to do

  14. I need more rp's........... it's almost summer. I'm going to need something to do

  15. Woke up with a bloody nose this morning. My college needs to do something so it's not so stuffy in the dorms. -_-

  16. Woke up with a bloody nose this morning. My college needs to do something so it's not so stuffy in the dorms. -_-

  17. Woke up with a bloody nose this morning. My college needs to do something so it's not so stuffy in the dorms. -_-

  18. I need more rp's........... it's almost summer. I'm going to need something to do

  19. I just broke, well, more like fractured, my ankle. Its painful as hell lol, and stupid painkillers from the hospital did nothing... Anyone else ever had the same experiance?

  20. My college cafeteria closed 15 minutes early today... I think I might set off some fireworks on campus... >_>

  21. My college cafeteria closed 15 minutes early today... I think I might set off some fireworks on campus... >_>

  22. My college cafeteria closed 15 minutes early today... I think I might set off some fireworks on campus... >_>

  23. My college cafeteria closed 15 minutes early today... I think I might set off some fireworks on campus... >_>

  24. My college cafeteria closed 15 minutes early today... I think I might set off some fireworks on campus... >_>

  25. I don't think people truly understand how much I love In Flames. To say they're my favorite band is an understatement.

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