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Everything posted by Skye

  1. Tapatalk is available on Android and for those silly enough to own Apple products. The instructions below are shown using an Android device, however, Apple users will find the process is similar. * Android market, search for 'Tapatalk' (you'll get a few items listed) Tapatalk's not free, but it's cheap-as-chips. There are free clients out there but I've not personally tested them. * Install it and launch from your apps menu! * When launched, select 'Search' and type 'canterlot'. * Select the Canterlot.com result and verify. (if it's not canterlot.com it's not us) * Woo! You can login using your normal board login and start using right away! * Touch/select threads and items for a popup menu to reply etc. * There's a widget, too! Find Tapatalk in your widget menu AFTER adding Canterlot.com to the main app. * There. Put the widget anywhere you like. Touch it to instantly launch Tapatalk and take you to Canterlot!
  2. I know about DeadMau5, I'm just saying.
  3. Hello there! This is Skye, your friendly Equestrian Peryton here with some exciting new news! Some of you may have noticed, the 'Getting Started' section is no longer visible. That's because we've replaced it with a more centralized 'Rules and Faqs' Section. You can find it on the main page by clicking on the icon you see below: This will take you to our new Rules, Guides, Faqs and Info page where all that stuff will be stored from here on in. Though it won't work quite the same as posts and topics, at least they'll all be found in the same place. And it'll be quick and easy to find, theoretically. But here's how you can help! In each of the documents, we work hard to make sure all the links all work. So if you come across a link that doesn't work, please by all means, let me know! It'd be helpful if you'd let me know which page you were on with the bad link, and the link to which page it was referring to. That goes for the Rules/Guides/Faqs/Info page and any other reference posts you come across (Like the shortened Application form in the Applications Forum). Hope this makes things more attractive and easier to use!
  4. I don't really see it as a problem, transcribing books starts somewhere and some people would have a natural affinity for it, while others wouldn't be bothered. I couldn't see AppleBloom, for example, taking the time to learn how to do book transcriptions, but another pony could have a natural affinity for it at an early age and when she becomes sufficiently competent at it (Perhaps through practice, tests, occasional trial transcriptions and such) her cutie mark could appear at sufficient age when she realizes that not only was she competent at it, but she was good at it. Remember that half of getting their cutie mark is that they either realize what it is that makes them special, or the event that makes them special is so significant that they can't help but notice it. In this case, I see it as the latter.
  5. Mmm, I don't see Shamans as a problem, Zecora practically is one. The only thing is what the shaman does, how they do it, and what their focus is. How powerful they are, or what their magic is used for. Primarily Shamans were to do with healing and promoting good health. Abbie talks about the stuff that Zecora does, and that's really key to the way shamans should operate, if anything. Of course, there are many different types of shamans. Rain forest shamans, desert shamans, Native American Shamans, just to name a few, all of them have similar concepts behind what they did, but all of them did it differently. So we'd need to know exactly what kind of shaman you had in mind.
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