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Everything posted by BlackFang

  1. 1. When you first heard about ‘My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic’, how did you feel? What were your reactions (if any) to the title? I read of it from the internet, and the 3rd party opinions were great, i wasnt entirely cautious but wasnt really expecting it to be THAT great either. 2. Though originally meant for young girls, the show has expanded to a wider audience of differing age and gender. Explain, in your own words, why you believe this to be so. simple, is a great show, from nicely developed characters with great personalities (most important) to a nice art and great animation (not as important) 3. a) What themes/aspects of the show resonate with you the most? again, the characters, they are really well developed and are really "human" so to speak, with their good and bad traits. is easy to relate to some of them in one or more (all?) aspects. What themes/aspects of the show do you dislike? some cliches every here and there, and the whole "moral of story" thingy (although 100% understandable) is rather lame. 4. a) Which character(s) do you admire the most? Why? Twilight... making true friends like that is not easy and she managed it and Fluttershy, that once something she cares about is in danger, she puts her fears apart to stand for them/it. Which character(s) do you dislike the most? Why? guilda cause she's a f***** b*** and made Fluttershy cry 5. a) How has being a fan of this show changed you? Has it changed your personality/emotions/thoughts? hard to tell, i havent really paid any attention to my behavior lately... but it is true that i hear less complains about it lately How has being a fan of this show changed the way others view you? its a secret so far. 6. a) Do you identify more with female lead characters? Would you watch this show if the lead characters were male rather than female? i find it EXTREMELY difficult to picture such an scenario... How might the show be affected if the lead characters were male? see above
  2. Second life sucks and not even an unearthly amount of pony will fix that.
  3. actually found that one on a trollestia image... seems more "regal" so to speak
  4. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vadbXg859GA if only...
  5. no you wouldnt..... because i would move the earth so i can get it first
  6. sort of.... but then you reread the news article and see that they are animating a side story instead of the main one (where all the tech- and universe-heavy mumbojumbo is told and/or happens) so yeah regarding ufotable... go watch Kara no Kyoukai (the 1st one is like 40 mins long iirc) just make sure you fasten something around your jaw first
  7. Oh yeah, I read that the other day and remembered your recommendation of the visual novel. I'll definitely check out the anime when it shows. chances are 50/50 you wont understand a thing of what is (will be) going on... ... scratch that, you wont understand a thing, period. unless you do read the novel first. and..... ufotable then? (way to burst my bubble D:
  8. YES. HELL YES. HELL ****ING YES. now only needs to announce Sunrise as the making studio and im golden.
  9. i like Football, (as in REAL football, not that cheap unmanly rugby ripoff you yanks refer to like that ) trolling aside, Spanish, English and Italian football leagues, Motorsports (MotoGP, F1, IRL and whichever touring-car race i randomly tune on Speed, Nascar bores me to death) Basketball, and whatever Baseball i find on (its better to play than to watch this one...) PS: Football was ALSO taken by that time btw
  10. Season anime: Kamisama no memochou: WATCH IT ----End of Post----
  11. BlackFang

    Google Plus

    I'll just leave this here...
  12. I divorced from the movies the instant i came out of the theater after watching that abortion known as "The Azkaban Prisoner"... but since i suffer to some extent of "TwilightSparkleness" (woohoo, new word) it was over* for me 3 (4? cant remember atm) years ago *over in a...
  13. i had almost forgot about this video, thx for upload "Marik that doesnt rhyme" "SHUT UP I AM LADY GAGA!!"
  14. do i win something? Info @Diomedes... you put soda on your whiskey?? brony im dissapoint
  15. i remember someone actually trying it somewhere, changing the earthworms for gummy worms... seemingly were edible edit: ayyup, just type baked bads on google and the 1st image result is this also lol edit 2: OBJECTION!!
  16. there was a thread lying somewhere around here with some theories iirc... but it is obvious they work the same way as ****in magnets... goddamned MIRACLES or lets the animated avatar of Lauren herself give the answer:
  17. 1) Thats the exact same thing that i thought before i dived into that universe, now here i am and i do have 2 Sabers and 2 Rins on my desk right now, they so pretty 2) well... the way the game saw the light is heavily suspected to have been some sort of enormous troll by Age (the makers) im pretty certain the name was a way to try to put the buzz off a bit. but dunno
  18. ummmm.... well, about that ... it certainly IS great.... but my masterpiece-o-meter got a revamp the instant i played read through Muv Luv Alternative (avatar girl) THAT is a masterpiece in EVERY-GODDAMN-SENSE, knocking down a couple points from everything else i played read before (which isnt much, but you get my point) FSN included -------------------------------------------------- also, anypony else reads any manga? since i saw somepony mention Soul Eater, i think recommendation for its manga are in order, happening the same thing which happened between the 1st FMA and the manga. also reading Air Gear and been meaning to retake Tenjou Tenge... it is just so ****in confusing to this point that i may have to start it again.... but its length tends to put me off among others... just from the top of my head
  19. ok this is bull****, someone who cant even watch ONE GODDAMN EPISODE is not one to criticize anything. as of season anime, just watched ep 1 of kamisama no memochou (God's memo pad), nice 1 hr (45 mins) special to introduce all the cast and get things going at once, really nice stuff... although the main char is an obvious shout-out to Victorique from Gosick.... and that one was just from the last 2 seasons
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