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Everything posted by Snowshoe

  1. "S'not a real duck, ya chuckleheads." Muggo' Ale teased, grinning. "I meant like a mare." he added. Then he listened to what Dusty had to say. A glint of red? It might be a ruby, but at this distance? That'd have to be a BIG ruby...maybe they should take a detour and find out. Might be worth a bit. Muggo' looked around when he heard the soft rattling of stones down the cliff face. A few tumbled up against his hoof and he looked up at the mountain side. The change in body language was immediate. He was concentrated now, and tense, ready to spring into action to get anypony out of the way or get out of the way himself of a giant falling rock. He looked back at his companions. "I think we best get goin' from here. Might be that there's more where these little stones came from, an' I don't particularly want to be sittin' on me starn here when that happens." he said.
  2. Muggo' had been walking along, mulling over the possible moral ramifications of fighting and injuring something like a griffon, when his mind clued into the fact that Dunder was falling back a bit to catch up to him and he brought his brain back to the present. If he had to buck some griffon's beak in, then he would come to grips with it later. And chances are if he had to, it would be to protect his...well, technically now they were a squad, he figured. Then Dunder kissed his cheek teasingly, and he laughed. Surprised but laughed, his brain working rapid-fire on the humour to come up with a joke. "Sorry to burst yer bubble b'y, but while ya got a nice starn, there's a very short list o' stallions that would make me consider hoppin' the fence for an' yer not on it, b'y." he chuckled. He liked Dunder though, it was nice to have a friend he could joke around with like this. He looked back at the others with a chuckle and noticed the last few moments of a smile on Midnight's lips. Ha! So she DID have emotions besides stone. He grinned back at her and looked forward again, noticing the one pegasus, Dusty, was looking off in the distance. "Whatcha starin' at, b'y?" he asked, trotting up to him. "Catch ya glancin' out there like yer tryin' to glance at a ducky 'cross the bar." he said. Not a literally duck, in this case slang for a mare.
  3. Muggo' Ale shook her hoof pleasantly, not sure what else to say. Kiss her hoof, maybe? Or was that too much? Probably too much he decided, so he left it at that and placed his cap back on his head, for now at least. He'd set it on the table when they were sat. "Ah, ya can call me Muggo' if ya want." he said with a smile. He found people using his "last name" was a bit too formal, especially when he was called Mr. Ale. Not only did that make him feel like a drunkard, but it made him feel old(er). He looked around the place, not having been here before. He'd passed it a few times, and it looked nice. He hoped the food was good, too. Muggo' turned back to look at her and smiled. "Ya look good." he complimented. She did, too. Now he just had to bring up a mental list of things he'd seen happen in the bar that worked to impress women, and which got a stallion a hoof to the face. "So, yer from around here? What is it that ya do for a livin'?" he asked casually. The Maitre D' came by shortly after and escorted them to their seats, and Muggo' motioned for Caramel to lead the way.
  4. Timbre had been about to hop off stage and find some drinks when a pegasus in a stunning dress walked over to greet him. He was so taken aback that he just kinda nodded along with what she said, mentally making notes about the tables. "Attendenz!" he said as she hurried off to the back. He watched her as she hurried off and sighed, then turned to look at his fellow musicians with yet another sigh. Slower kind of music than he was used to but hey, it was something. " 'ello." he greeted them as he unlatched his contrebasse and brought it upright with a flash of light blue levitation magic. With a small kick, he brought down the hoofstand at the base of the instrument and rested against it for now, looking out into the crowd. There were quite a few ponies around. With a forehoof, Timbre Swing tipped his hat back a little and waited for the song to end so that he didn't interrupt anything by just jumping in. He noticed some sheet music ahead of him, so he took the time to page through that while he waited.
  5. After about ten minutes of sitting on the bench and looking around, Muggo' Ale realized that he really didn't know what his date looked like. He knew her name, and that was about it. Chuckling at himself, he stood up and trotted inside at five-to-six, knowing that he should probably take his seat and that, if she wasn't already there, she'd arrive shortly afterwards. He stepped in just as Caramel Apple was finishing up her encounter with the Maitre D'. Had he come in just moments before, he would have heard their names and learned that she was his date. Then again, it wasn't that hard. The cutie mark was a bit of a giveaway at this point. "Hello there." Muggo' said, trying to not let too much of his slang come out into his speech. For once, he had actually greeted somepony without saying 'Hows ya gettin' on?', figuring it was a bit too casual for someone he hadn't met and was trying to impress. His accent though was still heavily there. "I'm goin' to go out on a pier here and guess yer Caramel Apple, eh?" he asked, reaching up with his right forehoof and sweeping his hat respectfully from his head. "Muggo' Ale, a pleasure to be meetin' ya." he said with a sincere smile. This was easier than he thought, now that he was actually here and talking to her. She was also quite pretty.
  6. "Ya'd have to get her name right first, b'y. Other way 'round: Meadow Runner. She gets it all the time, no worries." Muggo' Ale teased with a chuckle. " 'Sides, I thought ya were into stallions." he joked, but then toned it down as Dunder laid out the plans. He chuckled. "Ya shoulda been a soldier, b'y, not a chef." he said. He was planning this out right, and even Midnight said it was a solid plan. When the soldier said a civvie's plan was good, things were going good. "Ya got a point, and personally I'd rather keep outta the way of anythin' that wants to eat me starn." he said, still remembering the look on the angry manticorn's face after Muggo' had crashed into its side and knocked it away from the pegasus mare in the reservoir at Winter-Wrap Up. He'd never been that terrified in his life, even if he didn't show it at the time. He did NOT want to have any of the creatures of the Badlands in such a position. Who knows what was out here? Dragons? Hydras? Some not-so-pleasant griffons? The latter would scare him the most, because griffons were totally conscious of their actions, being much more sentient than say, a charging manticore.
  7. Roleplay Type: Mane RP Name: Bowsprit (pronounced 'bao', like the bow of a ship) Sex: Male Age: Young stallion Species: Earth pony Eye Color: Light blue Coat Color: Faded Orange Mane/Tail/Markings Color & Style: Short mane and tail, mane a bit rounded at the top and scraggly toward the back, and an unkempt tail, both brown. Physique: A little on the lighter side than most Earth ponies, and a bit short for his age too. Cutie Mark: A vertical anchor with a small length of rope wrapped loosely around it. Origin/Residence: Gallopocus Islands Occupation: Sailor and tour guide. He and his ship, the Tub Toy II, run tours out of the Gallopocus Islands, taking divers out to the best spots, sightseers around, and more. Motivation: Allow other ponies to take in his love of the sea, and of course, earn some money on the side. Character Summary: Bowsprit was born into a family of ponies that were two fins away from being Seaponies. His father was a shipwright on the Gallopocus islands, a fairly well known one too named Jib Sail, and his mother, Brightwork, helped his father out, using her talents as a unicorn pony to help put the finishing touches on the ships that his father rolled out. Anypony who had purchased a custom ship from Jib Sail got something quality: workmanship of the highest calibre, tidied up and given a filigreed nameplate. It came as no surprise then that Bowsprit came to love the water just as much. He loved to swim, to free-dive down as far as he could to the coral around the Islands, and of course, to sail. And sailing happened to be what he was best at, and something Jib Sail liked: now they could test out the ships before sending them off to the customers (as if there were every any problems), and test Jib's personal, custom designs. In fact, it was Bowsprit's natural skill at the helm and sail that saved him and his father one day, AND earned him his cutie mark. To be entirely fair, they should never have gone out...there had been a storm brewing, but Jib Sail had been insistent that the trip would be quick. He just wanted to test out his new ship design, a fancy new yacht he called the Dragon Boat, for good reason: the figurehead was of the open, roaring mouth of a dragon. The only thing that had more fury than a roaring dragon was the storm that had come in much faster than either Bowsprit or Jib Sail could have expected. Jib Sail had been moving along the deck when the first wave hit, and Bowsprit was at the helm, trying to get the cutter turned back around. The wave crashed into the side of the ship, not capsizing it but bowling over the top. For one terrifying moment, Bowsprit couldn't see his father and thought the Earth pony had been washed out to sea...until he saw him collapsed in a pile of rope, knocked unconscious from the force of the wave and hitting the mast. Knowing he had to get the ship back soon, Bowsprit stayed at the helm, expertly piloting the Dragon Boat back to shore. In the frenzy to get his father off the ship and to the shelter of their home near the water (he was okay, just dazed), he didn't even notice the anchor-and-rope cutie mark that had appeared on his side. From that day on, Bowsprit had been manning the helm of Jib's ships when he wasn't helping build the things. Then one day, he got an idea as he sailed his personal catboat, the Tub Toy (which he'd built by his own hooves, with his father's help of course) toward the Seasaddle bay. Not many ponies got to go out to sea like this, and enjoy the calming effect of the rocking in the waves and the quiet of the ocean, or get to sea all manner of stunning aquatic life. And that idea inspire him. Still barely a colt, he spent an entire day in his father's workshop by the sea, sketching up designs for an upgrade to the little catboat...the two masted schooner Tub Toy II. It took a year and a half for the combined efforts of Jib Sail and Bowsprit to build the ship, but soon, out of a little wooden office newly erected a few metres down the beach from his family's workshop and home, Bowsprit and the magnificent dark blue schooner puttered around the islands and the southern shores of Equestria, carrying tourists, whale-watchers, divers...he typically did scheduled tours, but he also chartered the Tub Toy II on occasion for said divers. He may be young, but Bowsprit is living his dream and loving life, and figures that he'll be sailing these tours for a very long time.
  8. Muggo' Ale looked back at Midnight. There was something in her tone, and the way she shook her head, that told him there was more, much more, than just a simple quitting. He looked at her for a long moment then nodded. "Aye. An' ya won't get more pryin' from me." he added, looking back at Dunder as he talked about how he got the job. "Well, b'y, if yer ever lookin' to get back into this, drop by any time by the pub. Free pint for a good story." he said with a chuckle. "An' who knows. I may come along sometimes." he added, shrugging a shoulder and smiling. He was being casual, but that's because he knew there was no point to worrying. After all, they were fairly competent, and if he was always worrying this trip would get terrible really fast. He reached a hoof up and tilted his hat back a little as they trotted along.
  9. Timbre Swing had been impossibly excited when he first got the invitation to play at the Grand Galloping Gala. His inability to properly understand Equestrian was bad like that. It wasn't until he was bragging to a mare over drinks that evening when he was informed (rather graciously, despite the mare's giggling) that it was an unofficial Grand Galloping Gala. Timbre had just offered what was quickly becoming a catch phrase of his: "Close enough for jazz." Nonetheless, Timbre Swing was preparing for it properly. He made sure his classic fedora was clean and proper, and being black, it fit perfectly with the dark suit he'd rented from a local shop near to the hotel he was staying in on that side of Canterlot. He'd even tried to tame his mane...emphasis on the tried. His mangy mane was going nowhere, which is why he often hid it partially under a hat, which today sat nicely on top of his head as he trotted his way toward this...Not-Quite-as-Grand Galloping Gala. Maybe it wasn't as Grand as the Grand Galloping Gala itself, but it was perfect. A chance to actually show off his talents to more than just ponies in bars (not that he minded that. Free food and drink, plus company, was always fun) and of course, THE Sapphire Shores, but to actually show off to a huge crowd and possibly some of the greatest musicians of Canterlot. Who else could be here, he wondered? There was a soft squeak that heralded Timbre Swing's presence before he was even spotted. That, and the soft sounds of "Boop be bap, be-ba-do-bo..." as he practiced his talent on the way to the door. Not that he expected he'd get a chance to actually scat-sing, which is why he had his double-bass behind him, the wheel on the spindle sticking out from the bottom of the case being the source of the squeaking. He stepped through the door, a soft blue glow surrounding his horn and the massive case behind him as he took in the crowd ahead of him at the NQAGGG. Timbre Swing's lips tugged up in a smile, and the muted green pony stepped through the doors, making his way to the stage to set his case down before he'd go and mingle.
  10. Well now, this was going to be an interesting night. Muggo' Ale hadn't been on a proper date in a very long time. He made sure he was dressed nicely, with his ever-present newsboy cap on his head, a nice white shirt and dark brown tweed vest on as well. He figured it made him look distinguished enough to impress the mare, but not too over the top like a full out suit or tuxedo. A few days prior, he'd received the letter from Matchie, and had been thoroughly surprised it'd actually worked. It was a fact that did not fail to amuse old Stout Ale, who found it incredibly amusing that his son, who owned a bar of all things, had to write in to a matchmaker to find a girlfriend. He had a bad feeling he was never going to live it down with his old man. Nevertheless, Muggo' planned to go through with this. He checked himself one last time before heading downstairs and left the Prancing Pony behind in the care of his second-in-command, Meadow Runner, and his father. He trotted along, rather happy, toward the restaurant that Matchie had made reservations at (he made a mental note to thank Matchie for that, because he would never have thought of it himself), a little early. He'd rather be early than late for the first date. Muggo' Ale stood outside the restaurant. He figured that Caramel Apple should be along any time now, so he sat on a bench out front and waited, watching the ponies trot past in the street, going about their business.
  11. Muggo' Ale looked back at Dusty who was falling behind but eventually got that they were moving and caught up. Meanwhile, Midnight was quiet and obvious mulling over all she'd learned. He looked over at her when she finally spoke, talking, very briefly, about her skills. "Ya must'a just gotten out then, eh? They still left a stick behind, if ya catch me drift." he teased, giving her a good-natured grin. He was obviously just playing around with her. If she wanted to be abrupt and short, that was her prerogative, so long as she worked for the group. "So, Dunder, why ya, b'y?" he asked casually. "Tryin' to get yer name out there? Or just got bored with the wanderin'?" he asked.
  12. [Ah, no worries. I know that feel well.] Dapper Dan readied his tools again, nodding as she spoke. Nothing special, just a trim from both tail and mane, and a wing preening. The last one was a bit new to him but he'd done it before, a memory coming to him of a young pegasus stallion in his father's shop, when Dan himself was just a colt. He tried to remember exactly what to do, and figured it would come to him better as time went on. "It's been a while since I have, but that shouldn't be much of a problem, miss...?" he asked, before realizing she didn't know his name either. "I'm Dapper Dan, by the way." he added, levitating a comb over, running it through Candy's mane.
  13. Last night, Wind Rider had just put his head down on a nice, soft bed when the call came to him. He had never actually been this busy before, or on a job this important. The call had come from a pegasus pony had said that he was securing his rowboat in the storm when he swore he saw lights on the horizon go out, then found Wind's cabin and woken him, after informing the authorities of course. Wind Rider had then woken and gone to find the staging area for the rescue effort, but due to the storm nopony had been able to get airborne and get boats out until the morning came. Now, the familiar form of the pegasus in the wide-brimmed hat was arcing across the ocean, circling repeatedly in his designated zone. Everypony was safe and sound, thankfully, but a few of the rafts were still being found adrift, and according to the passenger list, one mare was still unaccounted for. Wind Rider had made it a personal mission to make sure she came back safe and sound. An island stretched out below him. Small, but still visible. He banked a little lower to look it over. He could spot a bit of debris down there, but that was it. Then again, the shadows of the trees covered a lot of the beach. He thought he saw movement, but couldn't be sure. Celestia be praised this was tough. This was nothing like finding a colt lost in the woods, or somepony's sailboat adrift near the shore and hauling it back. This was possibly somepony's life at risk, and here he was, unable to find her. Letting out a sigh, Wind Rider flew to t he far end of the island, dipped a little lower, and circled back around it.
  14. "Yeah, Ponyville is nice. I really like it down here." Rain Maker agreed. She liked the friendliness of everypony in the town, compared to the often busy Cloudsdale pegasi. She smiled and looked over at Vacant Thought. "Alright then, grumpy guts. Why are you coming along anyways, if you hate fun?" she teased, playfully bumping into the green pony as she caught up to him and beckoned the rest of their adventuring crew on the catch up. Vacant seemed to be hating this...so why had he come along, anyways?
  15. Ruins in the Badlands, huh? This was going to be fun, Muggo' Ale mused. Dangerous but interesting at least. He wondered what they were going to find in there, or why the researcher was curious as to what was inside. He stayed quiet during their little briefing, then while Dusty spoke to Dunder about the map, he looked over at Midnight Brand, who asked about their skills and such. Just the way she worded it, and word choice, confirmed his suspicions. She was a soldier, or at least had been. "Well, I don't have REA levels o' trainin'." Muggo' said. "But I've been in me fair share of fights, an' heard tell of some stories from soldiers passin' through the bar. Ya won't have to worry about me gettin' in the way, that's for sure. Used to go on a few adventures as well when me father didn't need me 'round the Pony. Last one was out toward the Talonclaw Mountains when I was a colt. We had been goin' straight to the far shore, but the mountains ended up bein' a bit much so we turned 'round." he explained. He glanced at Dunder and chuckled. "Oh, and then there's this one time when Dunder and I took on a Manticore. Remember that, b'y?" he asked with a laugh. "Oh, that's a story. Save it for later though, yeah, we got a long walk ahead of us." he said. All in all, he didn't have too much professional experience, but he knew, for the most part, what he was doing. He had a distinct feeling that wouldn't be enough for the ex-mil mare, but he didn't care. This wasn't a professional thing, and really, how dangerous could it really be?
  16. Timbre Swing chuckled at the pride in Radiant Steel's voice as he spoke of the Honour Guard. "I 'onestly can't imagine zee guard doing too much zeese days. But zen again, per'aps zat would be parceque you keep zee s'reats [Pronounce "threats" with an S instead of a TH] out of zee affaires publique, non?" he pointed out. The Honour Guard could be, every day, defending them from some of the deadliest threats to Equestria, and nopony would be the wiser. He looked at Strife and grinned. "Merci. I sometimes 'ave problems with zee Equestrian language...is not zee language of my birth." he pointed out. He knew enough to maybe sing in it, and could obviously speak it if he needed, but it was still nothing compared to his ability in Fancy.
  17. The beat was relatively fast, but the song that Sapphire Shores added to Timbre Swing's scat-singing were slower, longer, and a little sad. It was different than Timbre was used to, and the Fancy singer fought to keep his brain from listening TOO much to the lyrics, lest he lose his own ability to keep up the rhythm. He looked over at her, not noticing she hadn't opened her eyes, and he grinned a little around the sounds and syllables of his own particular style of singing. When she finished off, he held the last, low note for quite a long time, letting it trail off. He turned to her and smiled. That was indeed a heck of a duet. He'd never heard this particular song but then again, while he was a fan, he wasn't able to say he knew EVERY of Sapphire Shores' songs. "Superbe, Madame Shores." he complimented in return, his hat glowing with the soft blue of his magic and sweeping off his head. He bowed his forehooves a little to her as he did, smiling when he straightened up. Timbre Swing had actually done a duet with such a famous songstress...that was worth the stop by this bar, for sure. "I 'ave not 'eard zat one before. C'était magnifique. I can see now why you are at zee top." he said with a chuckle. He could come up with rhythm and beats on the fly, but a full song like that? No chance.
  18. Halide. Halide man. This is AWESOME. Odo is AWESOME.
  19. Muggo' couldn't help but laugh at Dunder Blust's reaction to seeing him. He grinned and ground a hoof teasingly against the young pegasus' head, pulling away. "This wouldn't be me first stroll to the unknown, b'y. I know what I'm gettin' into." he assured him. And it showed. His bags were full of proper adventuring gear, like some flint and steel, a pair of canteens, trail rations (just in case food got scarce in the Badlands, though there always was grass in a pinch), rope, even a bed roll and blanket rolled together and tied between the bags across his back. He knew what he was getting into, at least enough to not be a burden. He turned to his other companions as they introduced themselves, giving a little bow of his head while sweeping his hat from his head for a moment. When Muggo' Ale straightened up and set the newsboy back in place, he took a moment to look over said companions. Lots of pegasi...and they were young, too. Personally he would have wanted at least one unicorn, but you got what you got. Then the mare next to him, which he would put money down on being military, or ex-mil, just from the cutie mark and her curt introduction. He hoped she warmed up a little, going on an adventure this long with somepony who didn't like talking might get boring, or a little awkward. "It's just the five of us?" he asked.
  20. [Congratulations, Sturmmann, you're the new Saren.] So old Dunder Blust was at it, looking for an adventure. The flier had ended up in Muggo' Ale's hooves somehow, and he planned to drop by just to surprise the guy. The bar was left in command of his father (again, technically, as Muggo' had first gotten it from Stout) and Meadow Runner, which freed him from his obligations. Usually he liked being around the bar, but adventure was calling, and heck, he could go for a good story after all this. His standard grey newsboy cap was on his head, a grey matching the scraggly mane on his head, and for the first time in a very long time, Muggo' Ale looked ready for anything. A dark brown tweed vest, filled with pockets inside though only two on the outside, in case he needed to carry a lot, but most of his adventuring gear was in a pair of thick canvas saddlebags off his flanks, and a final bit of gear in the form of a utility knife attached to one of his saddlebags within easy grasp. It was there for tasks like cutting trees, underbrush, and helping get fires going and the like, more than a weapon. He said goodbye to his father, a few of the regulars, and his employees, then stepped out into the Fillydelphia sun. That was, of course, a few days ago. Now though, the older Earth pony stallion was trotting toward the meeting point. Others were already there, including his friend. "It's the grey one." he called to Midnight Brand, having heard her question and grinning at the crew ahead of him. "Dunder, how's ya gettin' on, old b'y?" he asked, his accent thick as ever. He trotted up to the camp and bowed his head to the two unknown ponies, a young pegasus, and another Earth pony that seemed about his age. "Name's Muggo' Ale. A pleasure to be with yous all." he said sincerely. They all seemed like nice folk, which was good. And judging by the cutie mark on the mare next to him, a fighter too. Good...no idea what they'd find out there. He was confident in his hooves to get him through though.
  21. Dapper Dan looked back at Arrow, catching the shrug. He wasn't totally sure himself what to do but he'd figure it out. He looked back at Haymaker when she continued to speak, telling them about why she had exploded and fought, and what her cutie mark meant. He mulled it over for a minute, then smiled a little. "Shoot," Dapper Dan began. In his short time in Appleloosa, he'd already picked up some words they used, and his voice drawled a little on the word. "It's not that bad. Everypony's bound to have done something like that before. You're definitely not the only one here to have gotten angry. So what if you're talented at fighting? Like you said, there's things worth fighting for. Not to mention, your brother DID kinda have it coming..." he trailed the last part off, turning his head to look at the stage and looking over the rim of his glasses at Hayseed. He gave him a look for a moment, then looked back at Haymaker, his glasses pushing back up his snout a little with a small glow of red ochre. "Nopony here's asking you to change. Y'are-" another Appleloosan thing, and another bit of a drawl, which all sounded funny with his Fillydelphian accent. "-who you are. And I'm fine with it...so long as I'm not on the end of that hoof." he added with a bit of a smile to show he was just kidding around. Dapper Dan trotted over and wrapped his right foreleg around her, giving her a quick, but warm, hug. "I don't think anypony here's gunna hold any of this against you. I won't, at least." he said sincerely. So she punched her brother. He DID have it coming, for trying to mess up her night. So she was good at fighting, who cares? At least she wasn't picking a fight with everypony around. "Come on. I think I've figured out this strange country dance stuff." he said with a chuckle, offering a hoof. Might as well try and get her mind off things, try and cheer her up a little.
  22. Spoilered for rapid text flashing.
  23. I must be the only one who likes FlutterDash up in here. I can see Pinkie x Dash too, though then again, Pinkie can fit with anypony, if you really thought hard enough about it... I'm also a bit of a fan of FlutterMac, even though CheeriMac is considered canon. Both work. Mac is just a boss that way. I'm also a fan of the Twixie ship, but that's cos I find crackships hilarious.
  24. A scream brought Snowshoe back to her senses, and awake in a flash. It was close, darn close. Not close enough that, from her position, she'd be able to see what made the noise, but she was close enough that the sound carried. She quickly rolled up and cursed, quietly and repeatedly. She had slept far too long. Power naps, Snowshoe, power naps! she reminded herself. That's how she survived when not in a friendly town...an hour or two here and there, wherever she could get it. By her best figuring, using the shadows that fell across the room, she had slept over three hours. Snowshoe had gotten lucky that a Raider patrol hadn't happened by. She looked around the room, then quietly crept up to the window of the building she was hiding in. It was some low building, an old shop of some kind below with a few apartments above. One of those apartments was currently hers, which she'd spent the last few hours securing, then snoozing in. A glance outside told her nopony was in the streets, but she still slunk back quickly just in case. No use it being spotted by some raider or something. She made her way to her stuff, which she used as convenient bedding: a pair of saddlebags made of a thick, yet worn, leather served as a pillow, while a dark brown cloak with a hood served as a blanket. She slipped the saddlebags on first. They were surprisingly light, not having too much in it at the moment...just essentials for now. She hadn't found anything good in the apartment, so she had no loot to bring back or repair. The cloak went on after that, covering her bags. She kept the hood down for now, not needing to cover her identity or a horn glow. One last item had to come with her before she went: a worn assault rifle of common pre-war design, built for Earth ponies by Earth ponies, and it showed in the design. It wasn't anything special or fancy, just a solid wood stock with a deep curve to fit nicely around a pony's shoulder, a solid metal body with a long protruding magazine point out the bottom, and a long wooden fore-end and barrel, and of course, the handle out the side with a trigger build for mouth-use. Even as a unicorn, Snowshoe had learned the value of using guns without her magic. She slung the rifle over her shoulder and checked to make sure her other weapon, a pistol, was secure in it's holster, and stepped into the hall. A soft sound drifted across the open window...a metallic crunch. Snowshoe quickly zipped into the hallway, not wanting to figure out who, or what, made the sound. She passed by one of her basic alarms, a low tripwire attached to a series of hidden cans, and crept into her "exit" apartment. It was the corner of the building, collapsed by an explosion of some kind, and it led to the street below and the open side of another building. She decided to brave the street, wanting to get back to Manehattan and the safety of Tenpony, as fast as she could. Snowshoe moved quickly, surprisingly light on her hooves as she climbed down the collapsed wall and floor to the street below. A quick scan told her she was alone, though the metallic crunch came again, never sounding again after that. Nonetheless, she was nervous, and started a quick trot, keeping alongside the buildings as she made her way down the road. It was quiet...she made a mental note to build a portable radio or something to catch the airwaves. To pass the time, she thought up a design...vacuum tube, maybe? No, that wouldn't survive the harshness of a wanderer's life...she'd have to go with a crystal design...her thoughts were far away from the Wasteland around her, which was a bad idea, given her location. Snowshoe quickly shook herself back to reality. Focus, girl... she reminded herself. Her horn glowed with a soft yellow, a colour one could describe as lemony, and with her magic she tugged the hood of her cloak up over her head. She looked dead ahead, not wanting to get caught unawares, though she occasionally looked around, especially behind her.
  25. Seth Green is a brony? I am SO okay with that. He's in my top five for male voice actors, but then again, as a Mass Effect fan, I'm biased
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