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Conor Colton

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Everything posted by Conor Colton

  1. Frustration! >.< Hardly any of these places are in the UK Except Tescos And even there I was lucky enough to get one little brush-able D: ...Oh well, always the internet
  2. Story Update Chapter 8 has been added to the first post of this thread, it took far too long and I apologize again and hope you all enjoy it
  3. Colton couldn't help but laugh along with Fleet as Sparks tried out his 'hug'. After a few moments of making the goggles in a more comfortable position, Colton smiled at Fleet, grateful for his new eye wear. He also smiled at her attempts to brush off his thanks, Colton used to do that but hadn't really found a need to do that lately, but he didn't push it very far as to thank her again, "Well thanks for the compliment...Oh these are so cool!" He exclaimed happily as he waved Sparks over to come get a close look. However the bird refused and simply nuzzled Fleet back, Colton chuckled at the bird's display of affection and spoke up, "Heh, I think he likes you." He nodded along with Fleet's last statement, regarding Crescent, "I know...Just shows ya where determination and the right connections can take ya...Anyway, this present is really too much Fleet so...If there's anything you want, or want done, let me know...I mean these aren't just some stock pair these are Wonderbolts goggles...I just feel like I'm getting something for nothing." He remarked eagerly.
  4. Now that would be awesome! 'Blades and 'Bolts all in one place And there's no way out of it now, Nova. Huh...I rarely use the crazy Pinkie emoticon
  5. I could use a Wonderbolt The idea is essentially like something I'm doing with CrimsonNova with Fleetfoot. My OC's part of a flier group similar to the Wonderbolts, the Aeroblades. And since they're both a team of elite fliers, doesn't seem impossible that they could arrange a get together or meet up and just talk about the other's group, right? Just a thought.
  6. Ahhhh... Well that was an annoying little hiccup there Thanks for the help there Meep and Hinata...massive derp there
  7. Then...I dunno Right click and copy the URL and put it in your address bar....maybe? D:
  8. What? D: It's working for me... Uh...maybe a different resolution. Better?
  9. It used to be the stock one I got a few days ago, but this thread reminded me to change it... So I did Also, dawww's are in order for the pair of wallpapers up there ^^
  10. Heal: Twilight +2 Psycho Twilight +2 Mr. Cake +1 Hurt: Discord -1
  11. Seems fitting Also, awww Woona on a cloud
  12. This was the first thing I watched this morning... Worth it
  13. 0.o But... With the hands...and she's so small... Nope....Just...just nope I agree, all kinds of weird.
  14. O.O ....I know it's late over here so I'm just gonna check if I'm asleep... *Headdesk* Nope...awake... OH MY CELESTIA! YES! YES! ALL OF MY WANT!
  15. Oh sweet Celestia a flurry of awesome arts and video game references just flooded the gallery... And I love it! Also *Dragon forced to the ground right next to me surrounded by blue light* It worked
  16. Oh, so you and Kaze? Awwwwwwwwwwwww Now that's just adorable :3 Enjoy your stay, both of you
  17. Y'know...that avatar reminds me of something... I think it was canned Twilight ...I dare not think about that but, all the welcomes!
  18. Update Okay...Just putting it out there that this is NOT a dead project...Even though I have been putting it off for...two months... But I'm here to tell you that Chapter 8 is coming! And it is coming soon! I have neglected this for too long and for those of you who have been waiting, I apologize and promise I will work my tail off to get this project back on track! And...you probably guessed the submitting to Equestria Daily did not prove successful But! That isn't going to deter me...anymore! So I promise to have Chapter 8 out by the end of this weekend or early Monday! And for those of you who have bared with me (...Which I'm guessing is not a lot ) Thank you
  19. New movies? Hmm... Well...possibly The Pact...mostly due to excessive Youtube advertisement... And...now, Prometheus
  20. New computer...Newly empty house...hmmm...

  21. Digital artist = Awesome Gamer who likes TF2 = Awesomer In favor of BLU spy = Awesomes- I'll just stop myself there, that could go on forever Welcome to Canterlot
  22. Colton chuckled along with Fleet's giggling as she flew into a conveniently or rather, inconveniently chunk of cloud. He followed closely behind her back to her place, still with Sparks resting in his mane; Colton making sure that he didn't hit any chunks of cloud either. Colton stood next to Fleet as he rooted through some of her boxes, chuckling at her sneeze and not long after, Sparks let out a similar, all be it cute and chirpy sneeze. He smirked at Fleet's reason for having so many miscellaneous boxes, "How unfortunate for you." He stated sarcastically as he continued to wonder what Fleet had planned to give him...What she was about to do, Colton couldn't have prepared for in the slightest. When the mare presented a pair of goggles, Colton wondered at first what significance they had. However as Fleet began to explain more and more, Colton's expression grew more and more astounded. He shook himself and had to get Sparks to peck him to make sure this was real...The bird did it without Colton's consent but the effort was there none the less. He took the goggles carefully into his hooves, then looked up to Fleet, speechless...for about a few seconds anyway, "Fleet I...I don't know what to say...Wonderbolts...goggles..." The Pegasus once again shook his head but this time afterwards he tried to eye wear on. He didn't put them fully over his eyes, just around his ears and resting in his mane, he cleaned off the dust and looked through them, they were surprisingly clear. "Wow Fleet...thank you...I don't actually have a pair of goggles myself but...these are amazing. Thank you soo much." He exclaimed happily as he returned the goggles to a lifted position in his mane. Sparks couldn't help himself, he dashed forward and hugged Fleet...though given his size it was more of a splat on her neck with outstretched wings rather than an actual hug.
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