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Everything posted by PIJIN

  1. ..Thank you for your time and possibly your art. =D ..PS.. I LOVE Folarin. He's freakin' adorable xD I died laughing when I saw that she could be a total flirt Hah! A flirty fortune teller.Of course I can do your OC, I have no reason to tell you no and besides, she seems like a really awesome character to draw. Of course, I'll probably add a closed tag to the end of my post if the demand becomes to great or something. You'd know if I wasn't accepting anymore request. About your request, I've never drawn a Hippogriff, so Vivid would be a small challenge. Starless would be a piece of cake, even with a coat and hat. (Now I sound like I'm bragging Sorry! ) Anyway, I'll do you one better and do both of them! Description only is fine, don't sweat it.
  2. Well hello there, pony that has a striking resemblance to Alex Mercy. I'm Lovin' (Laveen) Moonlight, it's a pleasure.
  3. Never spend 4 1/2 straight hours vectoring a single picture... O.O

    1. frenzyhero


      Exhaustion lowers quality.

  4. Really cute! I must learn her style! Edit: Her
  5. You dare feed the parasprite a blender? Are you mad?! Welcome to Canterlot! I'm Lovin' (Laveen) Moonlight, it's a pleasure.
  6. What the horse-apples is an 'Admin Robot' :I

  7. Haven't lived long enough (yet) to experience life, love, and a lot of things... I guess the greatest moment in my life would have to be the day I got my cutie m-....err, the day I realized I wanted to be an artist. Not just one that focused on one particular style but was adept in all types of styles. It was also the day I vowed to become to the greatest artist to out-art them all.
  8. Twilight looks so gosh darn cute!!
  9. Welcome to Canterlot! I'm Lovin' (Laveen) Moonlight, nice to meet'cha! Its cool that there are more people joining who liked the old MLP, not many do...sadly enough. So you're a photography, huh? Have you ever tried MLP in real life photo's? I don't RP much(or at all , even though I have a lot of characters)I just usually hang around the Gallery section of the site, that's my forte. If you ever need anything just drop me a few lines in that chat thingy below or PM me. I'll be happy to help!
  10. Hah! Photo Finsh you so funneh!

  11. Welcome to Canterlot! I'm Lovin' (Laveen) Moonlight, it's a pleasure. Its nice to meet somepony who enjoys the original makes of MLP, not many do...I can't see why though. I hope you enjoy your stay here. I usually hang around the Gallery section of the site. If you ever need anything just drop me a few lines in that chat thingy below or PM me. I'll be happy to help!
  12. False compliments with, uh, French accents....yeah.

  13. Sorry everypony, that your request are taking longer than I stated in the guidelines. Just haven't had such of a artist drive, primarily because I'm trying to find a job and college is going to soon start for me. (Also, I procrastinate) A little ETA for those waiting, give it about a week three days tops from Sept. 6th. After Sept 9th, please feel free to bug the horse-apples out of me!

  15. I'm not sure I want anybody's face watching me from the inside of my pocket. :I
  16. Very true, it's really up to the community as I'm sure that there are many features people would want in such an app. Hypothetically, it would probably have the same features as the mobile website, with a different UI. Ability to view galleries, the usual posts, create new topics, PMing., etc. I'm not sure what what else would needed to be added. Even so, I just want a Cantrell app! Even if it does pretty much what the tapatalk version does with a few differences.
  17. Just like the title, I want to know some of the random things you guys think about through your day. Could be anything! Just drop a few lines and maybe get a few laughs in the process. I've always wondered why my address number was 4042, but the house RIGHT NEXT TO ME has the number 4057. Government, Y U NO COUNT RIGHT?!
  18. PIJIN


    Awesome vector. You should definitely bring her to Canterlot. I would love to read her app!
  19. Wait....that last part wasn't there the first time I looked XD of course, I can do two versions if you want. One with a helmet and one without. Your call.
  20. Yay! Finally got y new laptop running Windows 7 this time around. I doubt I'll be chucking my clunky Vista desktop any time soon though.

  21. Welcome to Canterlot! My name is Lovin' (Laveen) Moonlight. I haven't been around long, but I do know my way around. I usually lurk around the Spam Stables section of the forums and the community Gallery. If you need anything just drop me a few lines in the chat bar or PM me. I'll be happy to help. For the sake of argument....Twilight Sparkle is best pony.
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