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Everything posted by Noedig

  1. Not what I mean, VeggieTales has different shows. Not a TV show. And no, I haven't.
  2. So what the reason of giving this up? No accusations are being told.
  3. Cool voice recordings! I suck at 'em. :l
  4. I dunno how to answer that, so I'll just say Carlyle. What's your favorite show?
  5. I make my own signature sammich, thank you very much... Just wanted to have to sammich to talk to. And then give it back. What's my favorite veggie tales? A character or a show? Character: Larry the Cucumber! Show: Lord of the Beans.
  6. It was either Heidi Or it was Pokemon.
  7. The Fall of Cartoon Network. And then... The Rise of the Hub Channel.
  8. Nope, I like them VeggieTales. It's the reason I've been inspired by drawing. Can I have your talking sammich then, Cathalos?
  9. Just now, yes. Got any grapes yet, Cathalos?
  10. Map Editor for Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory Play the game, will you?
  11. Even Lake Worth? Used to live there, I loved my neighborhood.
  12. Nope, I'm pretty sure he's just playing along! Can you tell me a very good ironic joke, Mr. Bill-Bob-Bert?
  13. How was your vacation? I've been to Florida as well for my vacation this year. And it was mostly rainy, at least I got to feel the beach sand again.
  14. Mr. Bill-Bob-Bet is anyone. Why? Because its cool.
  15. Summon me, and you'll like the way you look. I... Garen-tee it.
  16. Whenever I come on here late at night, I say, "Hey guys, sorry I'm late!" Does this count?
  17. Like sign language? Use to. Can you play a piano, Mr. Bill-Bob-Bert?
  18. Never. I should try it, though. Got any grapes, Cathalos?
  19. Yup. Got a better question, Mr. Bill-Bob-Bert?
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