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Everything posted by weesh

  1. Not at all, considering he has no interest in it. I don't have any interest in RPing either. The only reason I was responding was because I act as an anti-RP evangelist when I hear people are interested but haven't tried it yet. I was curious how my standard arguments would be responded to by actual RPers. I learned a few things though... The element of the unknown certainly has appeal, and it was part of the reason I liked it. I did not consider it as a primary strength of the it before though. Also, it seems that having a lower standard might have helped. I was always thinking 5 minutes after that fact "why did I say that? I should have..." I have never tried that. It just never occurred to me. You guys gave me a new perspective. Even if I still dislike it from the new view. To conclude, I am GLAD that I didn't have a better experience. I might have wasted MORE than a year of my life to it. Even if it had been an enjoyable experience from start to finish, I am still philosophically opposed to it, and would want to stop.
  2. I sold all but 4 of my go book library when I quit. I donated the money to compassion international. Firstly I knew that I would not read them again. Secondly, I do not at this time have shelf space for them. Finally, I donated the money to charity. How much regret could there possibly be? I should have sold them all. I also put out a message to the local go clubs that I had equipment to unload, and a club president came to my door to pick it up. There was about 50 pounds of it that I am glad would be put to good use.
  3. There are two possibilities that I tried. Immersing myself completely in the character and being my character was one of them. In that mode, I was escaping from and denying myself. The anguish and joy that my character felt, I also felt. It was easy to get "high" on that emotion and for it to replace the need to live a real life. Since stopping, I go out and get it, rather than waiting until the next session. The other was the impartial third person observer. I directed the character as a writer would. It wasn't escapism. It was boring. So much slower than my normal writing, and I could never justify the time spent on it. In addition, every part of it was a rough draft. When you write on a subject for the first time it is 95% crap minimum. But you liked 5% so you start over with that and if you are lucky, you like 15% of the second itteration. So you go again. But in a group, you never get a second iteration. You just move on. So pretty much the whole thing is of low quality.
  4. Ok. Wow. I never noticed that they used "everybody". I wonder if that was habit and they just missed it, or on purpose. Wait a second... THAT IS THE POINT! : ) Communication is important. The individual words are not. If the words are distracting from the message you are doing it wrong! Full Disclosure: I was thiiiiiiiiisssssssss close (if you could see me you would know my thumb and forefinger are almost touching) to putting a pony pun into my intro thread.
  5. About what percentage of the time do you finish a session and think "well that wasn't great, I hope the next one is better"? The number I would give is non-trivial.
  6. I have always found clever portmanteaus to be interesting. It is so catchy and simple that it rises above the lameness it might otherwise have. "Everypony" is just weird. We don't say "everyman" except in literary analysis, or "everyhuman" ever. "everybody" would not be weird or out of place in the show because it is not species specific. When a cartoon pony says it, it takes me right out of the show. It is not so natural that it flows.
  7. Greyfriar. Now a days, it is the testimony of RPers that most drives me from every trying again. I still ask a friend who does it all the time how it is going, and thus get a weekly reminder to stay away. As far as purposefully using it for an escape goes, I am sorry you feel like you need that. The escapist nature of RPing is one of my beefs with it.
  8. I love how the sign is longer than the building.
  9. Bwa, jffff, erfff. STOP! You're making it worse!
  10. "Shun the non-believer!" "SSSSSHHHHHHHUUUUUUUNNNNNN!" -The friends of everyone's favorite unicorn Or not. Seems pretty normal to me. I go through that for EVERY. SINGLE. HOBBY that I have ever undertaken. Usually my hobbies last a few years then I move on, but they are sometimes shorter than that. Stay honest though. That is good. The advice to "give it a break" should possibly be amended with "replace it with something for a break". Find something else enjoyable. Do you suffer from Seasonal Affective Disorder? It is that time of the winter. It almost works in-universe. It is ridiculous for us to be using it. I'm a brony, not a pony.
  11. My understanding is that it is a great deal of effort that occasionally results in epic creations that blow your minds. The more effort and time, the more satisfying the eventual payoff is. Or sad. A story that I invested 3 months in concluded in the most beautiful way possible and was satisfying, and had all participants charged up. Then I invested 6 months into a story that was endlessly frustrating. I could see the end coming and was so stoked that we might just persevere through everything. The end looked sweet. There had been hurt feelings, and reconciliations and rebuilt trust. The end came without warning. 1000 miles in one sentence (literally and figuratively). I was in shock. I was indescribably angry. We had skipped the climax and proceeded straight to a one sentence denouement?! My fury was so great, that 6 months later, I finally let it go. Like I said, sad. I don't get it either Spiderman.
  12. For those of you still grasping at the old theme, you are missing out on a color change, and a heading picture change. I like the new picture a lot, but I am also glad that it doesn't include compression artifacts anymore.
  13. Regret? Why? The regret I felt was because one of the episodes that made me feel all warm and squishy inside was relatively low on the list, and I couldn't justify pushing it about any of the episodes above it. I
  14. I'm surprised to be the first to mention the theme song.
  15. As satisfying as that is, I would argue that the talent you are describing is not insulting people, it is in understanding people. Now that I think about it, my suggestion was unsatisfying. The cutie marks are much broader than that.
  16. This was an interesting and challenging question. It has been a long time since I was a little girl. For the first one, I was at a complete loss. I think I picked TS because she is cute, ties them together, and is quite relate-able. After seeing the poll, and reading the comments, I am doubting myself further. Yeah, my arguments feel pretty flat comparatively. The only thing to say in response is: if I think she is annoying, I she might be annoying to little girls too". The second one though, I felt pretty confidant on: FS And then I saw the poll and am second guessing myself again. Really guys? Pink on Pink tops pink on yellow with wings and butterflies? Maybe it does, but it surprises me. I Rainbows are cool and all, but the blue body makes me suspect FS would top RD as well. Sooooo out of my league here.
  17. Wow, it is going to take an awful amount of rationalization to get a set of those. I should start working on it. Just out of curiosity, how can you tell if a product is officially licensed?
  18. Derpy was on the train too, before she waved to the crowd. The derpy wave was was valuable because is spiced up the scene setting shot where you become aware of the audience. I do like the idea of her waving to us though. And remember, Celestia addressed Luna directly by "Princess Luna" in front of the mane 6 at the end of the second episode of season one.
  19. weesh

    Everypony's Job!

    I love the words that have a specific meaning to most people, and something different to a small subset of them. I suspect that when most people hear the word "penthouse" they picture the luxury apartment at the top of a high rise. I picture the enclosures on the tops of commercial buildings that have lots of cool mechanical equipment inside. What words did you relearn in your jobs?
  20. Other examples from the show include the fulfillment without a romantic relationship, and a generous character who is not also footstool. As disgusting as Daimond Tiara and Silver Spoon acted, I love the idea of the cuteceañera. The gifts of everyone should be celebrated.
  21. weesh

    Everypony's Job!

    12-0 is certainly crazy no matter who is playing. Even if you compare it to the insane. 42-0 would have been painful though.
  22. weesh

    Everypony's Job!

    What is the craziest score you have ever seen? I attended a game in which the home team won 42-3. That would have been a high scoring for a football game... When the away team scored their first goal, the entire stadium erupted into a standing ovation for them.
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