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Status Updates posted by weesh

  1. I have room for another big map in my apartment. I already have the world, Alaska, and topographical maps of my favorite river trips, but what should the last one be?

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. weesh


      Alaska is very sensitive about his size.

    3. Hippo


      How about something fictional. Like Middle Earth, Tamriel, or... I don't know... Equestria?

    4. Tenkan


      A fictional map would only do good if you're a fan of that fictional world.

      Map of the U.S.A would make sense. I mean, Alaska is a part of it, right?

  2. I invented the placebo camera. It doesn't actually take pictures but it's a hell of a lot cheaper and you still feel like you were there.

    1. Tenkan


      Haha, nice. That's the spirit.

  3. I just bought a creeper (the kind for auto maintenance), which made me feel a little weird. Why do they call it that?

    1. Hippo


      Because its an excuse to look up girls skirts? I don't know... XD

  4. I just got my second nielsen survey! By saying that I watch MLP, I represent thousands of MLP viewers in my area!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Hippo
    3. weesh


      I'm not sure if it is really "thousands", as the pollster said, as my entire region only has 80,000 people in it. But it sounds great to me.

    4. Tenkan


      Woot! That's the spirit. ^^

  5. I just noticed that the "EVERY TOPIC I POST IN DIES" thread got locked! I was just about to bring it back... http://www.canterlot.com/topic/5410-every-topic-i-post-in-dies/page__st__120

    1. MyLittlePonyTales
    2. weesh


      Strange huh? I wonder why such a silly topic was considered bad?

    3. MyLittlePonyTales


      To prevent things like Last Post Wins again, methinks.

  6. I just received the worst resume I have ever seen. It was formatted terribly, the work experience was mostly cooking and construction and included both first and third person references to the applicant. It was for a job posting for a choreographer. Sooooooooooo Confused.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. tacobob


      I had one come in the other day while the gallery was very busy. I was working with a client and they pushed themselves PAST the customer (Nearly knocking her over in the process)and asked for a job application. -_-

    3. weesh
    4. tacobob


      And they were the type who weren't into bathing. D: Double AAAAGH.

  7. I just used an online dating site for the first time. Feels weird.

    1. MyLittlePonyTales


      I've been considering it recently. Any recommendations?

    2. weesh


      Well, eHarmony was recommended. No idea what the best one is.

    3. MyLittlePonyTales


      eHarmony is certainly the most famous.

  8. I saw a quote on another forum: "you fail at trolling". Ouch.

  9. I saw lotus bloom in the supermarket today, and almost bought my first pony for me. But fluttershy and rainbow dash need to come first.

  10. I was asked to step out of the band I was in. It was the right decision, but I am still sad. I hope to develop one of the other creative outlets that I have lined up.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. weesh


      Because the band was pretty bad, and I was the weakest member by far. I got in because they had zero people to play the guitar, and I wanted to learn how to play with others. Now they have two guitarists who are much better than me, and I can no longer add anything of value with my current skill level. It was a good experience, but I really need to get better before any more serious endeavors.

    3. StarStorm


      How fun! I've been in a couple of bands before myself :3 They were metal bands, too!! The first one was called Endless Beginnings, and I got to play the drums because nobody else knew how to xD Then, the most recent was called Bullets for Breakfast. I played the bass guitar, just because nobody else wanted to. Cx Hehe good times.. I'm glad to hear that you're still learning though, scamp!! It's a LOT of fun ^^

    4. weesh


      Thanks, I have some solo and duo stuff that I can still do, so it will all work out fine.

  11. I was explaining "cognitive dissonance" to someone, and came up with two far-fetched sentences that were contradictory as an illustration. Someone who was listening to us started to argue that the sentences weren't contradictory. It soon became clear to everyone else that cognitive dissonance fit them to a tee. Things got awkward.

  12. I was hanging out with some Americans and Russians and as we were getting ready to leave, the cultures clashed hardcore. I was the only American present who noticed. It was the perfect opportunity to affirm their culture, and to inform the Americans. We will be doing things differently next week.

  13. I was just contacted by a middle school friend who confessed that she had a crush on me. Things started getting awkward. Then they got really awkward.

  14. I went fishing last week. But it wasn't just for the halibut, it was to spend time with my sister.

  15. I'm a conundrum wrapped in an enigma, wrapped in pastry, wrapped in a lie

    1. Tenkan


      You got me at pastry...

    2. Rosewind


      I think you're pretty tasty!

  16. I'm cold. I might be living in the wrong state.

    1. Tenkan


      How long have you been in this state, anyway?

    2. weesh


      I've been in Alaska for almost four years.

  17. I'm going to vote in a couple of hours, but I resent feeling pressured to do so.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. weesh
    3. MyLittlePonyTales


      I have been feeling pressure to vote as well. Unfortunately, I didn't register, so kinda of moot.

    4. weesh


      Ah, I auto-registered when I got or renewed my driver's license.

      I think some small amount of pressure is fine, and maybe an indicator of a healthy society...but what we have been getting this year is ridiculous.

  18. I've been playing guitar for a year. I was really frustrated to discover that I have been strumming wrong, and it is proving difficult to break the muscle memory of the bad habit.

  19. I've got a friend who has asked for years "all quiet on the western front?" as a way to find out things are alright. Today I explained what the phrase really means. It will be interesting to see if he continues to use it ironically.

  20. I've got some duck kidneys sitting on my desk...trying to work of the courage to try them...

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. weesh


      Because I took them. I took them because I have illusions about being adventurous.

    3. MyLittlePonyTales
    4. weesh


      Ah, too lazy for that : )

  21. I've not been temped to start RPing...but wow do I weesh the other half of the site were as active sometimes...

    1. Tenkan


      Ba dum tss!

      I Weesh you hadn't said that.

    2. weesh


      : )

      Since my name has, from the very first day, been a morphed version of "wish", it makes sense to play it up a bit more when appropriate. Hence the signature...

  22. If you are a Rarity fan, you MUST buy the new Rarity micro series comic.

    1. tacobob


      Got mine from Hot Topic (along with the latest issue from the ongoing) and yeah, it's awesome. ●‿●

  23. If you can't fly, run. If you can't run, walk. If you can't walk, crawl. But by all means, keep moving.

  24. If you can't hunt with the big dogs, get back on the porch. With the puppies.

    1. Tenkan
    2. weesh


      Or maybe I just think that silly West Texas quotes are worth repeating because they don't make any sense.

  25. In theory, there is no difference between theory and practice. But there is a difference in Practice.

    1. StarStorm


      Woah.. That's intense :D

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