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Status Updates posted by weesh

  1. On valentines day I got a very special note. The kids that I watch MLP with got me an MLP "be my valentine" card!

  2. In theory, there is no difference between theory and practice. But there is a difference in Practice.

    1. StarStorm


      Woah.. That's intense :D

  3. If you are a Rarity fan, you MUST buy the new Rarity micro series comic.

    1. tacobob


      Got mine from Hot Topic (along with the latest issue from the ongoing) and yeah, it's awesome. ●‿●

  4. eHarmony: total bust. talking to friends about using eHarmony: getting me dates?!

    1. MyLittlePonyTales


      eHarmony was a bust for me too. I dunno, maybe it's just letting people you know IRL that you are available and looking.

  5. You don't have to brush ALL of your teeth. Just the ones you want to keep.

  6. yay! a local brony group has been found!

  7. My guitar teacher invited me to join her singing group. Either my singing is decent, or she is desperate for male singers. It was nice to hear her ask though.

    1. MyLittlePonyTales


      So are you gonna do it?

  8. I had a date today. It was mediocre. But she knew what bronies were, and was unphased.

    1. MyLittlePonyTales


      So I take it it went well? Or at least, not awful?

  9. After getting most of the way through the archive of "Abstruse Goose", I noticed that there were jokes hidden in the alt-text of some comics. I made a second pass. While keeping up with the regular comic, I realized there are bonus joke panels hidden on some of the comics if you click on them. I am making a third pass now, and I am 400/500 through. Just now I discovered that there are jokes in the titles of the images. AAAAAAAARRRRRRGGGGGGGG!

    1. MyLittlePonyTales


      Yo dawg, I heard you like jokes.

  10. Saw Skijoring and dog sled races today, then went snowmachineing and soaked in hot springs. I love it when people come to visit me in Alaska

    1. Tenkan


      Dude. I love how you're just in the opposite spectrum living the life of an Alaskan. xD

  11. Baby polar bear named luna: http://bcove.me/79jai5uu

    1. tacobob


      Luna is now best polar bear.

  12. Hey people with car insurance: did you opt into coverage for medical bills in case you are injured? I'm trying to figure out if I should add it to my policy...

    1. tacobob


      Yeah, if you can afford it, I recommend it.

  13. Dessa just contacted me on the World of Tanks forum : )

  14. Captain Underpants: not the best graphic novel I have ever read, but it includes some refreshingly sophisticated humor that went right over the heads of the 4th graders that I was reading it to.

    1. Frost137


      I remember that series! When I was little every guy wanted that book from the school book fair! Good times....

  15. Intentionally Left Blank

    1. MyLittlePonyTales


      Intentionally Didn't Comment.

  16. I cannot believe my eyes / Is the world finally growing wise? / ‘Cause it seems to me / Some kind of harmony / is on the rise.

  17. A red letter day for cinema: The movie "zero dark thirty" showed a view through binoculars that had just one circle, rather than two partially overlapping circles. Way to go guys!

  18. Boss: I've got a new project for you, it is a renovation of the ML&P building, or you can call it "MLP". Me: I'll call it "MLP"

  19. Good news on my grandma, she doesn't actually need bypass surgery. Nothing is wrong with her heart or lungs, but they still don't know why she has been fainting.

  20. They say that a sharp knife is safer than a dull knife. My kitchen knives are so dull, that they have become safe again.

  21. Why don't we do something that has a higher chance of success? Like buying a lottery ticket? From last year?

  22. I went fishing last week. But it wasn't just for the halibut, it was to spend time with my sister.

  23. Yankee Doodle came to town // Riding on a Pony // Stuck a feather in his cap // And called it Macaroni

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