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Status Updates posted by weesh

  1. Two of my friends and coworkers were laid off today. I suffer a confusing mix of relief and some sort of survivor-guilt.

  2. Kiva year one: 4 loans, Kiva year two: 5 loans, Kiva year three: 7 loans, Kiva year four: 15 loans, Kiva year five: on pace for 24+ loans. I like where this is going. www.kiva.org

  3. After getting most of the way through the archive of "Abstruse Goose", I noticed that there were jokes hidden in the alt-text of some comics. I made a second pass. While keeping up with the regular comic, I realized there are bonus joke panels hidden on some of the comics if you click on them. I am making a third pass now, and I am 400/500 through. Just now I discovered that there are jokes in the titles of the images. AAAAAAAARRRRRRGGGGGGGG!

    1. MyLittlePonyTales


      Yo dawg, I heard you like jokes.

  4. Just noticed: Tara Strong -> T.S. and Twilight Sparkle -> T.S.

    1. weesh


      Mind = Blown. Sorry to all those of you who figured that out 2 years ago.

    2. tacobob


      And I missed my chance to see her at the local con last weekend. Waaaagh! D: (Money issues and doggy issues)

    3. MyLittlePonyTales


      I guess you've already covered the 'late to the party' comment yourself.

  5. Thank you Rosewind for the new avi!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. tacobob


      mmmm. mcnuggets.

    3. weesh


      mcweeshies? weeshnuggets? actually "weeshnuggests" sounds like something else...

    4. tacobob


      Remove an E and you'd be my local news.

  6. A guy on another forum that I thought was a brony admitted that he has never seen the show, but uses a derpy avatar to detect closed minded people. Interesting.

    1. MyLittlePonyTales
    2. weesh


      He isn't a brony, but has a derpy avatar. He ignored anyone who is closed minded enough to criticize him for it.

    3. MyLittlePonyTales
  7. For the poetry buffs, listen to "Please don't take my Air Jordans" performed by Lemon Anderson: http://youtu.be/WT7VMrxTPPA

  8. Nothing in my life prepared me for the magical feel of a starlit dogsled ride.

    1. MyLittlePonyTales


      Dude, that sounds awesome.

    2. weesh


      It was...I must go again soon

  9. Saw Skijoring and dog sled races today, then went snowmachineing and soaked in hot springs. I love it when people come to visit me in Alaska

    1. Tenkan


      Dude. I love how you're just in the opposite spectrum living the life of an Alaskan. xD

  10. I had fried pickles with lunch. yum.

    1. Tenkan


      Sorry, but...pickles?! D:

    2. weesh


      not pickles...FRIED pickles. Huge difference. Great appetizer.

    3. tacobob


      Mmm. Fried pickles with fried Spam. Gimmie!

  11. frost fauna and I met for lunch today...brohoof fail. Fauna got it right, but I made it awkward by offering to shake hands...

    1. tacobob
    2. abc


      LOL i remember my friend was gonna brofist me (hes not a brony :P) but he went for the fist, but i thought it was a high five, so i slapped his knuckle...

  12. Baby polar bear named luna: http://bcove.me/79jai5uu

    1. tacobob


      Luna is now best polar bear.

  13. This is my guitar: http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v234/andy4an/General/DSCN2900.jpg It is a Luna. How would it look with a purple strap instead of burgundy?

    1. Tenkan


      YEAH BOUY!

      I like it like this. :)

    2. MyLittlePonyTales
  14. No new episodes for 7-8 months? Thank goodness for the comics...

  15. At a meeting, I noted a guy with the same blue nalgene water bottle as myself...down to the markings and equivalent scratches. Since he was sitting across from me, I kept mine a mirror image to his, taking drinks when he did so (to keep the water level constant) and orienting the lid and markings to see if anyone would notice. It seems that my efforts were for naught.

    1. weesh


      We just had another meeting, and the same guy was there again. I repeated my performance, it it was noticed : )

    2. DreamySunday
    3. MyLittlePonyTales
  16. Hey people with car insurance: did you opt into coverage for medical bills in case you are injured? I'm trying to figure out if I should add it to my policy...

    1. tacobob


      Yeah, if you can afford it, I recommend it.

  17. Duck Kidneys are STILL sitting on my desk. Haven't worked up the courage to try them yet. They are only a month past the expiration date...

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. tacobob


      You could always return them to the duck!

    3. weesh


      That sounds awkward. How would I explain why I didn't return them 6 months ago?

    4. MyLittlePonyTales


      Say that you had trouble finding the right duck?

  18. I saw lotus bloom in the supermarket today, and almost bought my first pony for me. But fluttershy and rainbow dash need to come first.

  19. Dessa just contacted me on the World of Tanks forum : )

  20. I was explaining "cognitive dissonance" to someone, and came up with two far-fetched sentences that were contradictory as an illustration. Someone who was listening to us started to argue that the sentences weren't contradictory. It soon became clear to everyone else that cognitive dissonance fit them to a tee. Things got awkward.

  21. I just noticed that the "EVERY TOPIC I POST IN DIES" thread got locked! I was just about to bring it back... http://www.canterlot.com/topic/5410-every-topic-i-post-in-dies/page__st__120

    1. MyLittlePonyTales
    2. weesh


      Strange huh? I wonder why such a silly topic was considered bad?

    3. MyLittlePonyTales


      To prevent things like Last Post Wins again, methinks.

  22. On valentines day I got a very special note. The kids that I watch MLP with got me an MLP "be my valentine" card!

  23. A shout out to all my friends here who are comfortable with their singleness.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. MyLittlePonyTales


      I meant for those who aren't comfortable with their singleness. :P

    3. weesh


      O_O oh yeah. It is sad that our culture treats us as incomplete until we are in a romantic relationship. That is not at all the case.

    4. abc


      I was complete when i found ponies, LOL!

      Our culture also treats us as if we are some sort of "outcast" for lack of a better word for never being in a relationship.....

      But heck, i'd rather find that one special somepony, as my first gf, than have had thousands of girlfriends, and die sad and alone.

      God that got dark fast ^-^

  24. Today is the 68th anniversary of the Dresden Firebombing. The thought makes me feel mellow.

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