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Status Updates posted by Lux

  1. Almost all my characters are at the Gala. How about yours?

    1. Mellorious


      My character (Singular, not plural) is at the Gala, yes. :P

  2. Aargh! Captain Lux here of the Sea Tamer! Today be International Talk like a Pirate Day. So raise the anchor, breathe in the sea air, hoist the main sail, and let's find some adventure and treasure!

    1. Pinstripe


      Arr, ye be right. But can ye sing the sea shanties?

    2. Paaaad


      Oh... I completely missed that... I do know Drunken Sailor and Shiver My Timbers though.

  3. So my area went from 90 to 60 in about two days! Make up your mind weather!

    1. Rosewind


      It's supposed to be hot again next week. Keep your swim fins out.

    2. NeoExlucky


      If they'd let us keep them on...

  4. So Princess Celestia decided to pay me a visit. (an Admin Bot from the look of things) Luckily I have my tinfoil hat for such occasions.

  5. Uh oh! Four of my characters have no threads. Should I create a thread for them even with the between season slowdown?

  6. It's September and yet it's 90+ degrees here in the northeast of USA. What is the deal? I think the pegasus ponies here are on a perpetual holiday.

    1. NeoExlucky


      Indiana's at like 98 degrees. I know your pain.

    2. Quillhart


      Silly 'murican degrees. Water boils by a little higher than that temperature :P

    3. Halide


      Global warming!? NAAAAAAIIIIIIL!

  7. Need to update that avatar of mine. To the sketch pad!

  8. Cleaned up some dead threads. Seems like there's only a few that are active these days.

  9. An exciting time in Canterlot, three lucky users will be playing Princess Celestis, Luna, and Cadence. Who will win? Guess we'll all have to see!

  10. Uh oh! I think I broke reality... again.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. NeoExlucky


      I told you not to divide by 0 Lux. Remember the last time?

    3. Lux


      It wasn't that. I tried to go through the fourth wall like Pinkie Pie, but I broke it.

    4. NeoExlucky



  11. Thinking about my next earth pony OC. All I really know is that he will be a dappled grey pony. That's about it until I can add more about him.

    1. tacobob


      You must call him Doctor Pringles, The Fancy Prancy Pony.

  12. So Canterlot Chronicles is up. Hm... Maybe I can apply for a villain there...

    1. NeoExlucky


      That's not a bad idea. TO THE PONY GENERA-you probably don't use that...

  13. Thinking about trying my hand (or is it hoof?) at drawing MLP comics. Let's see what happens.

    1. kinkamina


      No DONT!The consequences could be DIRE!

    2. kinkamina


      Just kidding. Go for it

  14. Just noticed that I have the Element of Laughter Award! Thanks all for that!

    1. kinkamina
    2. kinkamina


      *reads award section* ... mumble mumble fun place on the site... *Slams book close* Congrats!~

  15. Thinking of a couple of projects to do here. I definitely want to create a few new threads, including one for my new pony Diamond Cut.

  16. so... Creative Spirit in my Member Title. I like it!

  17. Celebrating my (belated) one year anniversary as a Helpstaffer. It's been awesome helping to make Canterlot.com the best that it can be! Rest assured, the best is yet to come!

    1. Davroth


      I still vividly remember the time we were asked by Manestream to take care of some applications as sort of a tryout. Fun times. ^.^

  18. That's odd. I can't seem to change my background art for my Profile page. It kkeeps reverting to the current one no matter which art I try.

    1. Rosewind


      Did you try refreshing your cache? Ctrl+F5.

    2. Lux


      It's fixed now. I'll try that refresh trick if it ever happens again. Thanks!

  19. Sweet Surprise plays Candy Crush Saga!

  20. Hmm... This 4th wall says Fragile. It must be Italian!

  21. With the new changes to the site, everyone keep calm and pony on!

  22. Due to being busy, I will only be able to effectively respond to 2 or 3 RP threads per day, starting with the oldest ones. Please be patient and I promise that I will get to your thread soon.

  23. I am Twilight Sparkle, and I am here to ask you a question. Is a pony not entitled to the sweat of their brow? 'No,' says Princess Celestia, 'it belongs to the poor.' 'No,' says Princess Luna, 'it belongs to God.' 'No,' says Princess Cadence, 'it belongs to everyone.' I rejected those answers. Instead, I chose something different. I chose the impossible. I chose... Ponyopolis..."

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. NeoExlucky


      Nice to meet you Twilight, my name is Jack. I'm here to ruin your day.

    3. Lux


      Yeah, maybe Luna. And if there was a Jack then would Atlas be Discord?

    4. NeoExlucky


      Yes, yes he would. XD

  24. Any artists out there know of books on how to draw humans that you can recommend?

    1. Rosewind


      Grey's Anatomy. It's important to see where muscle/bones are and how to draw around that.

    2. Lux


      Ok. I'll put that on my Amazon Wish List.

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