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Status Updates posted by Lux

  1. (Sigh) So, I heard two MLP conventions are celebrating their final cons: EQLA and Nightmare Night: Dallas. Shame when the conventions start to go away. Hopefully this isn't a continuing trend. 

    1. tacobob


      Hopefully new cons will arise from the ashes of the old ones.

  2. I unfollowed some threads that have been inactive for a while. If there are any I'm in that have restarted, please let me know! In addition, I'll be responding to the few that it's my turn soon. 

    1. tacobob


      Probably this one...


  3. (Sigh) Looks like Duo Cartoonist (one of my favorite video creators of the fandom) has decided not to continue with making pony videos, even going as far as to stop production of their current pony video. The reason for this is that fanart is stiffing their need to grow. Sad time, but I understand. 

    1. Rudan


      Seeing this saddens me, a lot. I was very eager to watch their finished animations, it had so much potential. Oh well, can't blame them since they have good reasons for it. I hope for the best for them.

  4. Watched Logan last night. A fitting end for Hugh Jackman's career as The Wolverine! 

    1. PyroBlaze


      I'm gonna see it today. Looking forward to it!

  5. This December marks my 5th anniversary as a fan of MLP! While I'm not as interested in the show as I was the first year, I still enjoy watching the episodes, drawing, and of course roleplaying here! So here's to five years, and here's to hopefully more years to come!

    1. tacobob


      Wow..And then on February 9, I will have been here for 4 years myself.

  6. Happy Birthday!

    1. Pretzelparty


      *Hugs* Thanks, Lux!

  7. Now that the Book 1 draft is done, I'm giving it some time to rest before editing.

  8. And we're back! Yay!

  9. Danger: Imagination at Work!

  10. Saw Equestria Girls today. Not wanting to spoil things all I can say is that it's awesome!

  11. Back from my vacation in Virginia!

  12. Finishing my vacation. Will be back to RPing in two days!

  13. Starting Book 2 of Trilogy.

  14. Pondering poliferation of peculiar pony pertaining plots.

  15. Reached page 200 of my novel!

  16. Wishing every pony a happy Family Appreciation Day (Mother's Day)!

  17. Today I learned that you can open multiple pictures up with GIMP. This will help greatly with selecting the correct colours for my characters.

  18. First warm day I could open my windows and air things out!

  19. I don't write fantasy. I write Alternative Reality.

  20. Happy Hearts and Hooves Day everypony!

  21. Wishing everypony a happy New Year!

  22. Wishing everypony a safe and happy holidays and a happy New Year!

  23. My response to not having the start date of Season 3 yet:

  24. The more I know, the more I realize how much I don't know.

  25. I'm so excited being a Helpstaff member. Fear not, I'll still be RPing too.

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