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Everything posted by Rosewind

  1. Internal server error 500. Getting a lot of these today.
  2. I'd love if Hasbro brought Faust back, put Care Bears in her lap with a heap of money, and told her to go crazy. There's no question that the result would probably be more awesome than what we have currently. It might not become another FiM, but it would be interesting to see if she'd use some of the same principles that made FiM great -- good character redesigns, a rich world, etc. Could lightning really strike twice?
  3. It wasn't, at least to me. The new version is the one that's reviled. I've seen it; it's not that bad, but it's certainly not good either.
  4. I've often wondered what would have happened if Care Bears was what we got instead of FiM. Remember at the original inception, Faust was trying to pitch Galaxy Girls and the Hasbro rep asked her about rebooting MLP instead. That conversation could have easily become Care Bears, or any other property. Yeah, I know Care Bears was recently "redone" and it's horrible.
  5. WOW! You have such a cool name! Welcome to Canterlots!
  6. Hay there High Roller. I really like your mane!
  7. While I understand your frustration, and your thoughts on the matter are hardly irrelevant, I personally think that maybe it would be wise to step back and really think about the best way to handle this. Is demanding a revert of the character going to do anything for the community, or for Derpy? If you think it is, go right on ahead, but I think all that energy and bravado could be put to a much more eloquent and classy use. I do not think Hasbro changed Derpy to hide her, or because she was offensive. It's because they care about their community and want to make sure everyone is happy and comfortable with the content they produce. I suggest you read the response by the writer of the episode (posted earlier in this thread) if you haven't already. It should give you some insight into the entire process that took place before they decided to alter Derpy; it was not a knee jerk reaction or an attempt to hide away Derpy. I think that if you really do appreciate the character -- and the community as a whole -- you'll do a better service by showing that you can understand and tolerate things that happen you may not agree with. There's another season in the works, and plenty of opportunities for FiM to reach out to us, to captivate us, surprise us, and inspire us. Don't let the opening minute of a single episode dictate what the cartoon is to you.
  8. Hmm...I think the font needs to be different, at least in my humble opinion.
  9. I see what you're saying that FiM can serve as a basis to improve any cartoon, but I was referring more to the fact that animation designed for girls has always taken second place to cartoons made with an intended male audience, and FiM can serve as a model to unsuck other properties designed for a younger female audience. Maybe not in the same epic way that FiM has, but a quality improvement across the board would be nice. To give a concrete example, two decades ago, Rarity might be portrayed as the token pretty air-headed dress up princess fashionista. Today? She runs her own damn business. She's still pretty and fashionable, but she's also smart and self-supporting, two images I think young women need to associate with themselves more than ever. You wouldn't have seen that back then, and the content made today needs to be relevant to the sociological changes that have happened since then.
  10. It wasn't just the reboot of FiM that made it hugely popular, it was also the synergy brought along by net culture. I think a lot of stars and planets will need to align again if we'll see another cartoon that nails everything just right enough to become another FiM. There are numerous elements at play here that all combined in just the right way to make it all work. Attempting to emulate them will not a series make, as the variables are countless. What I will say is that FiM might serve as the benchmark for animation, story, and character quality, especially for a series with an intended audience of young girls for future developments.
  11. That response from Amy Keating Rogers really helped bury this situation, at least for me. She described everything that happened and the reasoning behind it. So then, the grey mare shall continue on, just with less derp to her name. I'm totally okay with this.
  12. You really nailed that frame from the episode! Nicely done.
  13. That looks 20% cooler than other hats. You have quite a talent there!
  14. Hay, welcome to Canterlot! Do you have any images of the stuff you're making? I'd love to see it!
  15. Based on what Coder said, I think this response is the one we can expect from all sources; Gawker probably got it and shared it first due to their good timing and nothing more.
  16. This. We can look back on Last Roundup as a "Remember that time when..."
  17. Probably something about doubling fun. Her cutie mark is always a sound choice too.
  18. Let me tap into my hidden webcam at Coder's house, let's see here... Ah, here's the feed!
  19. If what Coder says is true, the response was probably fabricated to begin with, and Gawker just happened to gain access to it first due to the timing of their article. Any news is good news, though -- and the way it is worded is subtle defusing if I ever saw it.
  20. That is interesting. I'm sure we're not the only ones to think about this. She could be an international contact, which would make her harder to contact. I don't see why this writer would cook up info like that, but the validity of the news source is in question.
  21. Yeah that was confusing...OH LOOK CAKE!
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